Pine Hills Gets New Principal Robert Gladden, his wife Sue the scholastic program, Mr. and their two children have Gladden plans to initiate intra- moved to Auburn from Dinuba mural sports program involv- where he served for seven years ing students, staff, and even as teacher and principal at Di- parents. Interested students may also enroll in the auto me- chanics program. On the spiritual side, students will be involved in planning and participating in chapel pro- grams, choir trips, youth wit- nuba Junior Academy. Mr. Gladden is the new principal of Pine Hills Junior Academy. Plans are under way for an excellent school year. Other staff members are El- sie Williams, Vicki Hamilton, nessing teams, Week of Prayer, Jerry Zappia. Chris Johnsen, and similar activities. and Ron Ritterscamp. Home Parents of prospective stu- and School leader is Diana dents may contact Mr. Glad- den for further information by calling the school, (916) &885- 9447, or by writing directly to the school, PHJA, 202 Dairy Road, Auburn, CA 95603. Registration is set for Sep- tember 2, with school starting September 7. Auburn is located 30 miles northeast of Sacra- mento. Blackburn. Dale Deane is school hoard chairman. To supplement and enhance Send SIGNS to 28 IN Remaining Unentered J Countries Hayfork youth painting dormitory walls at La Vida Mission, Farm- ington, New Mexico. Hayfork-Weaverville News ® Youth Mission Service Six Hayfork teenagers accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tomlin traveled to the Indian missions at Monument Valley, Utah, and Farmington, New Mexico, recently to gain mission work ex- perience. At La Vida Mission, which has 45 resident students, they painted dormitory walls, built cabinets and assisted with auto mechanic work and office detail. On the return trip, they visited the Grand Canyon and Mesa Verde national parks. ® Baptisms Eight Hayfork and Weaverville young people were baptized during June and July. Conference President Helmuth C. Retzer and Manteca-Escalon Pastor Francis Ruddle baptized seven in the Redding church. Redding Pastor Charles Mellor baptized one teenager in a mountain creek near Hayfork. ® Five-Day Plan A county supervisor, two realtors and a school administrator were among enrollees in a recent Weaverville Five-Day Plan. Doc- tors Earl Mercill and John Kizziar of Hayfork joined Pastor L. Ray Hixson in this outreach program. Church members prepared an attractive buffet supper as part of the follow-up program. ® Cooking School Conference Health Services Director Charles Edwards con- ducted a cooking school the week following the Five-Day Plan, assisted by members of the Weaverville Church. ® Gift Bible Visitation About 35 families are studying the Gift Bible lessons in Hay- fork. Marianne Mercill, Linda Kizziar and Joy Krischen are mem- bers of a team conducting house-to-house visitation. One couple who retired in Hayfork two years ago are now church members as a result of studies with Dr. Mercill, who devotes several nights a week to Bible studies. ® Vacation Bible School One hundred children-—-mostly non-Adventist—enrolled in Hay- fork’s recent VBS directed by Linda Kizziar. The church was filled with many parents for the closing program and reception afterward. ® Church School Hayfork members have just completed construction of a two- room school about two miles from the church, under the super- vision of Ernie Krischen, school board chairman. Grades one to eight have been taught in one of the Sabbath school rooms by Teacher Al Lindquist and Aide Bev Strawn. Three students were graduated from the eighth grade in June. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1976 Oo=TH-HE=RN Cloverdale Program Discusses Weight Problems each person to lose one to two pounds a week and to have a The 44 persons who regis- tered for the Wa-Rite Program begun recently at the Clover- dale church weighed in at a total of 8,626'2 pounds. The film “Melinda” was shown on opening night, fol- lowed by registration and test- ing. Dr. Ken Ridgley of Ukiah conducted the physician's inter- view for each Wa-Riter. Six registered nurses of the Clover- dale congregation helped record height and weight, blood pres- sure, resting pulse and skinfold. Guest speakers were sched- uled on successive evenings. Do- rothy Toppenberg from Willits was Interviewed regarding her welght loss and maintenance program. Leonard Wheeler of Rio Lindo Academy talked on Northern California Conference Helmuth C. Retzer, president; Rich- ard W. Simons, secretary; Richard H. Roderick, treasurer; (Box 23165) 2300 Norse Drive, Pleasant Hill, California 94523. Phone (415) 687- 1300. Wills, trust agreements and an- nuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more informa- tion, write to Henry Bergh, direc- tor, at the above address. Pleasant Hill VBS Held About 75 children attended the Pleasant Hill VBS June 14-24 directed by Nancy Muth. Two-thirds were from non-Ad- ventist homes in the surround- ing neighborhood. Notwithstanding the very hot weather, the many capable helpers created a happy and profitable time for the children making crafts, learning Bible stories and singing. Many of the children partic- ipated in the commencement program June 24, each child receiving a certificate of com- pletion. Pastor Arthur Escobar spoke on “Building for the Lord.” After the program re- freshments were served on the church patio where crafts were displayed. “We trust the many lessons learned by the children will be an Influence for good through- out the entire community,” said Mrs. Muth. “There is no better way to reach the parents than through their children.” Tom Abston, Com. Secy. Pleasant Hill Navajo preschoolers at La Vida Mission. the importance of proper and consistent exercise, and Myrna Plumlee of Pacific Union Col- lege gave a nutrition talk Wil- lard Clark, MD, of Healdsburg emphasized the physiological aspects of dieting. Each Monday evening, lay members supported the profes- sionals as cooking demonstra- tors, exercise leaders and com- mitment group counselors. All aspects of the Wa-Rite Pro- gram were geared to encourage healthy attitude toward their diet. While losing inches, each per- son gained insights into why he or she puts on weight and how the very serious possibility of heart disease, infections and other illnesses that plague the obese can be prevented. Jeanne Eproson, Com. Secy. Cloverdale Eight Are Baptized in Petaluma Eight persons were baptized into Petaluma Church member- ship Sabbath, June 26, after months of study and prepara- tion. Former Pastor A. E. Ander- son began studies with Judith White and George and Toni Holt. These continued in the subsequent Pastor's Class with Elder E. D. Sorensen. Judith influenced Mel Bliss to begin attending services at the church by bringing him first to prayer meeting a few months ago. Leiland Kinard and Michelle Rogers are students at Red- wood Junior Academy where a baptismal class has been con- ducted by Santa Rosa Associate Pastor Ted Allen. Brenda I.emos, although not able to attend church school, has given her heart to Jesus, but she prayed for her older brother Adam “so we can be baptized together.” They were! Answering the phone recent- ly, the pastor was greeted with “My wife and I want to become Seventh-day Adventists and join your church.” A literature evangelist recently contacted a lady who 1s a former member of the Walla Walla, Washing- ton, Church. She desires to re- turn to the Lord and church fellowship. Back row, from left: Mel Bliss, Judith White. George and Toni Holt, Pastor E. D. Sorensen; front: Leland Kinard, Shelley Rogers, Adam Lemos, Brenda Lemos new pastor at Cloverdale. Central. in Northern. tor of the Covelo Church. after 32 years’ service, What's Happening... ELDER KENNETH GRYTE, formerly of Trinidad, is the ELDER MARK WILLIAMS will transfer from Citrus Heights to become pastor of the Rio Lindo Adventist Academy Church. MILTON PERRY, assistant pastor at Stockton Central, will become pastor of the Alturas/Surprise Valley District. LARRY SMEDLEY will serve as assistant pastor at Stockton ELDER A. C. WOODS will transfer from Grass Valley to become pastor of the Shingle Springs Church. ELDER CLARENCE KOHLER, a recently retired pastor (Healdsburg), will give full-time service as pastor for the deaf ELDER JOSEPH PHILLIPS, a retired worker who has been serving as interim pastor at Crescent City, has accepted the Conference Committee's invitation to become full-time pas- ELDER ROBERT GREEN ‘Alturas-Surprise Valley accept- ed medical sustentation June ‘Mt. Shasta-Yreka! retired in August after 41 years’ service. MAXINE PHELPS, Chico Bible instructor, retired August 1 ELDER T. R. WATERHOUSE