+. Bare. religious legislation. THE MINNESOTA WORKER. .- “Legal Sunday,” and “Sunday Laws of the United -Btates,” by Ringold; and “The Civil Sabbath,” are good or the purpose. These are respectively No. 22, 5 aod - 11 of the Religious Liberty Library, price 40, 3 and 114 "gents. each. Any one desiring printed petitions can have them - by . addressing the writer. This wan be made the .oceasion of doing much good, but the time is short, and all must | “act at once. Let ns pray that the blessing of God may - attend every effort made in bisoame. Aud do not for- got ts pray that the Spirit of God may as.ist in the work in the legislature. H. F. PHE! PS. Protec st and Patation, To the Honorable ... - 80ta, Grresting. Co We, the undersigned, citizens of the State of Minne- sota, and County of , would hereby em- brace our rights of protest and petition. Adopting the words of James Madison; we believe “That religion is not in the purview of human govern. ment.” Wo believe that “Religion is essenuially distinet from human government, and exempt from its co Jaz nes.” We balieve thay "A connection between thom in- jurious to both.” Wa bolieve that “There are ¢ insures the parpetuity of religion without law.” Thorefore, we would respectfully, yet de :icedly pro test against the passage of House File No. 183; und Sexate [Mle No. 323, or any other Sunday bill that may be presented to your honorable bedy. We would further suggest, that every act of legisla- tion, tending to exalt one day above another as a day of rest and: cessation from business or pleasure, bo cause of the idea of sacredness attached; and 1s there- And we would mnt earaest ly petition that you have nothing to do with any such legislation; Lut that religion and religious institutions be left with the individual conscience, and that every man be allowed tne oxercise of the inalienable right of spending his tims iy any manper he may desire; pro- vided, that he infringes not the equal right of any other man. of Minne- 8 somes 1n the breast which the aid of 15 Names. The Canvassing Work. The past two weoks I have been busy attending the meetings of the State Agents convention and a number of questions ).ava Leen considered. Agents are present from different parts of the world and all believe in pushing forwa:d the work. Truly the spirit of God has blessed ovr meetings. The canvassers Institute for Mi innesota. will begin _. March. 20th, 1895, and-T hope every canvasseis will be ] "present. I feel that we want to press forward in this ) glorious work. Ard plans are being laid thai will be a - great help to those in our work. . I shall be pleased to hear from all desiring to enter l the work this spring. ‘ Thos~ canvassing are s dong first rate on the small buoks. 'H. E. Nasi and Bro. Whitelock ar e having good success in St. Cloud. Bro. Wing is doing well in Min- neapolis, A.M. Tatton is working hard. at Fag : rather ot hard time. Others engaged on our: "amall work report encouragerngly. Yours with h courage, Union College. The work here is onward. During the past, mouth Eld. A: T. Jones has been here, giving instruction in the Bible school, and during the week prote ceding the weok uf prayer, he gave a few lessons--ta the College students. ‘The meeti igo-were well attended and uch benefit was received from one study of God's work, Dy. \ A 3 the aid of the Ho.y Spiris During the week of prayer meotings wera held every dav, and the Spirit of the Lord ca'ne very near to us as «eo listened to the readings prepared for the occasion, and the mstruction given by his servants. While the Lied throu sh his Word and innisbers rev: ls new light and truth to us, his spirit impresses 1t upo. our hearts. Jesus is more precious to vs day by day, and it is our desire that he may be revealed in us daily and that every one connected with the school may give them- seives tu Christ and glorify in their lives the une who loves tnew so much. T..e iofluen:e of the Holy Spint is felt 1n all departments much more than in former years, The courses of instructions in some departments have been improved and are more thorough than for merly. We feel that all the work is advancing. Tue holiday vacation was quite short, but as a rule the students d» rot like to have lonz vacations here esitise work is more pleasant ti. n idleness. The at- tend ‘nce now isabout four aund ed. There are about thirty fro. Minnesota, all of whom are enjoying good health and prosperity in the work. Not as many stu dents come in at this tino of the year as there did during the first two years of the school, for they see that it pays to come in at or near the beginaing of the school. The College buildings anc church are lighted by electricity now. The electric plant works well, and there is no nisk of fire, us was the case when lamps were used. Tim» and expense are sived to the stu- dent. The electric lights are quite an improvement on the kerosene lamp. The cost of the plant is about $4,000. Work on the Sanitarium here has besn progressing during the past two months, and now it is ready to re- ceive patients. Doctor A. N. Lnoar, of this place, for- merly of the Battle Creek S ....t rium, will have charge of the work. The Doctor has had a large experience and has the full confidence of the people here. The Bible school here has an’ attendance of about one bund ed and thirty. Its sessionsare held in the base- ment rooms of the College. Bible, history and grammar are taught, and the ipstructcrs during the past six weeks have been Elders A. T. Jones, B. E. Nicola and L.A Hoopes. A deep interest pervades the school, as the Holy Spirit reveals to those who study, the character and love of God. manifested in Jesus Christ. L.D. Human, ey