Student LEs Lead to Baptism Student literature evange- lists worked in Santa Barbara last summer on the college campuses. There they met two young ladies and developed friendships that later led to one's enrolling at Loma Linda University. Studies there, fol- lowed up by Elder Calvin Os- born, led to baptism at the Riv- erside City Parish church May 28. We pray that Kay and Julie have a continued rich experi- paymaster, too. You can help the students by providing lit- erature to give away—$10 for 100 Steps to Christ, and $100 for 1,000. Send checks to Op- eration STEPS, 2686 Towns- gate Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91361. Roy Brasher, Asst. Publishing Director Southern Calif. Conf. cence with Christ. students at Loma Linda--San- dra Watkins and her group for for the summer work with the Com- munity Crusade Against Drugs. part, join us. It's fun to work for the Lord, and He is a good We are thankful too for the Open House. If you would like to play a cent off, including The two bookstores will fea- ture wall-to-wall discounts. Ev- erything will be at least 10 per items not Update... SAN PEDRO SPANISH COMPANY—On Sabbath, July 16, /7 members were organized into a new company, meeting in the rented Methodist church on the corner of Grand and Sixth in the city of San Pedro. Pastor Louny Morales is the shepherd of this flock. We wish for them God's rich blessing. EVANGELISM—Nearly 900 new members have been born into the Adventist family by baptism as candidates for the Kingdom of Heaven, during the first six months of 1977. This summer, evangelistic meetings are being conducted in the following important areas: Evangelism Field School and Seminar at the Hilton Inn in Oxnard conducted by Elder Roy Naden; tent meetings in North Long Beach conducted by Elder Roy Brown; tent meetings at Rosecrans and Bullis in Compton conducted by Elder George Rainey; the Florence- Downey Crusade conducted by Elder Bill Hoffman and Elder Donald Spaulding; the Youth Crusade at the Fifty-fourth Street church, conducted by Guy Nembhard and Michael Morgan, students from Oakwood College, and supervised by Elder Jack Doggette; and Elder Isaac Lara is conducting two evangelistic campaigns, one at the Spanish-American church and one at the El Monte English church. Evangelism is the life blood of the church. Every Seventh- day Adventist is to be a soul winner. The value of one soul is beyond estimate. May God bless you as you witness and share the good news of the kingdom. WE REGRET to inform you that Bill Oliphant is not free to accept our invitation to be director of communication at this time. Further announcement will be made when the Con- ference Committee has made a selection. OSCAR SANTA CRUZ, newly elected manager of the Adventist Book Center, took up his responsibilities August 1 leading out in this million and a half dollar annual supply of Adventist literature going to Southern California. THE GOSPEL TO EVERY MAN'S DOOR—300,000 issues of El Centinela have been ordered from Pacific Press to be taken to every home in the Spanish-speaking areas of our Confer- ence. The church leaders of Southern have pledged to make contact with every home in the Conference twice before the 1980 General Conference. We thank God for this bold step to reach 300,000 homes. FILIPINO MEDICAL-MINISTERIAL FELLOWSHIP met July 20-24 at San Diego for inspiration and fellowship and scien- tific study on the part of doctors, nurses, technicians and min- isters. Nearly 300 people gathered on Sabbath from all parts of the Union, and some from New York and Kentucky. The Spirit of the Lord was present and a deep missionary spirit prevails among these church workers. LA PUENTE BRANCH SABBATH SCHOOL—A new Branch Sabbath School meets at Faith Lutheran Church, 747 La Puente Avenue, La Puente, each Sabbath morning at 9:30 for Sabbath school; 11 o'clock for the church service and a lay- men’s training class at 3 p.m. This Branch Sabbath School is led by Elder Moises Gullon and the Baldwin Park Spanish Church. The increasing number of contacts for Christ in all of our churches is an indication of the blessing of the Holy Spirit and the interest of members and ministers in accom- plishing as quickly as possible the great work the Lord has commissioned us to do. Maranatha! PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1977 Walk-run Association Promotes Conditioning The Adventist Walk/Run As- sociation (AWRA) was estab- lished in 1976 to promote car- diovascular conditioning (heart, lungs, and circulatory system) Annual ABC Open House Slated September 11 is the day set second Annual ABC normally discounted like tape recorders, sermon tapes, and child evangelism materials. There will be one-day specials like 12 Commentary sets at the old price. Thousands of other bargains can be found in both stores. The Nutrition Center will offer free food and drink sam- ples, and special prices on foods also. In the parking lots of both book stores, you will find the Christian Book Exchange that was so popular last year. Just bring all your old or new books, magazines, records, and tapes (Christian subjects only, please) and set these up on your own small table, to sell, trade or barter to your heart’s content. Schools, churches and clubs are welcome to partici- pate for fund-raising purposes. This will be a good time to find that out-of-print book you need! The time is 10 a.m.-4 p.m, Sunday, September 11. The three locations are: Glendale Adventist Book Center, 1525 E. Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale; Lynwood Adventist Book Cen- ter, 4200 Imperial Highway, Lynwood; ABC Nutrition Cen- ter, 325 N. Verdugo Road, Glen- dale (in the Plaza de Verdugo). “Grcle of Love” To Present Program for Lynwood Academy “And a Little Child Shall LL,ead Them’ is the emphasis of The Circle of Love singing group in a presentation set for Saturday night, August 13, at 8, in the Rupp Memorial Audi- torium of Lynwood Academy. The 30-member cast of youth from the 54th Street and White Memorial churches and Pastor David Hughes see this night as a unique approach to strength- ening the church family, fol- lowing several summer evange- listic efforts and the day's Sab- bath school lesson entitled “Building Up the Church.” Written and directed by Sherlie Matthews Spears, the program of spiritual entertain- ment will provide funds for educational equipment and tui- tion scholarship for needy stu- dents of the LLA Union School. Tickets may be purchased from representatives In most Southern churches, Southern and Pacific Union conferences, the Adventist Media Center, or at the door performance night. among the Adventist church members. AWRA also reaches into the communities by the promotion of fitness cvents that involve the local residents. An example of this is the Hidden Valley Marathon in Newbury Park, which is basically a family fun- run. Spin-offs from these cvents are the local church clubs such as the Voice of Prophecy Walk/ Run Club, the Newbury Park Run for Fun Club, the Alham- bra Adventist Walk and Jog Club, the Eagle Rock Adventist Walk/Run Club, the Van Nuys Rolling Hills Church Home- coming on Sabbath, Septem- ber 17, commemorates the 10th anniversary of its or- ganization. All former mem- bers and friends are cordi- ally invited to attend Sab- bath school and church on this special day. Following the Fellowship luncheon there will be a sa- cred concert of inspirational music by outstanding vocal- ists and instrumentalists. 28 Adventist Walk/Run Club, and the Running Association for Adventist Doctors (RASDAD). This is the year for charter memberships. Join up now and begin your personal fitness pro- gram. You do not need to run. Take time for things you like to do. Awards will be given for walking, jogging, swimming, and biking. Membership procedure is as follows: Upon receipt of your application and enrollment fec of $5, the AWRA will promptly send you a letter of acknowl- edgement, a personal log book, membership card, and patch for jacket. Write us for your application blank. Isn't it time that Adventists cot off their seat and on their fcet and out in the street? The demands of daily living in these last days bring one to the re- alization that we must be phys- ically fit, as well as spiritually and mentally sound. For more information about the AWRA, write to: Adventist Walk Run Association, Box 969, Glendale, CA 91209. T. R. Neslund, Director Health, Temperance Dept. E. C. Broadbeck, Auto Mechanics instructor, checks the work of Tom Carson who is enrolled in Automotive Tune-up and Analysis. Mission and Message of Jesus Introductory Composition Basic Photography College Algebra Intro. Chemistry (inorganic) Auto Tune-up and Analysis Furniture Construction | Medical Office Procedures Physical Education and Management Park, CA 91320. studying for college credit. THE LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CENTER at Newbury Park Adventist Academy will start college classes for the Fall quarter on Monday, September 12. At present, arrangements have been made to offer those of the following classes for which there is sufficient demand: Courses in Industrial Supervision These courses are open to qualified seniors for advanced placement credit, to high school graduates, and to interested adults in the community. Tuition for the courses varies with the type of registration. Information can be obtained by writ- ing to: LLU Extension Center, 180 Academy Drive, Newbury This past year, 15 academy seniors and eight high-school graduates earned a total of 450 quarter hours of college credit through the University Extension Division. Most of these students were working in academy industries to earn a large portion of their expenses. Currently, employment opportu- nities exist for a number of students to earn expenses while Rel 104 4 hours Engl 005 4 hours Phto 224 4 hours Math 121 4 hours Chem 101 4 hours Auto 334 4 hours Inds 254 4 hours Certificate > to 1 hour Certificate