394 (6) NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE. WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER §, 1gO2. Name { Place |Ords| val | Hips DESIRE OF AGES, 1 Lottie Wright, Ashland, 6 21.75 4.00 2 Cora A. Spencer, Worcester, PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS. 3 H. T. Cross, Malden, 1 3.00 16.75 OBJECT LESSONS, 4 E, Robinson, Swansea, 11 13.75 3.50 GREAT CONTROVERSY. 5 Mra. JI.F. Austin, 8.Fram’hm, 4 3.75 GOSPEL PRIMER. 6 M. A. Vroman, Melrose, 78 30.00 7 Geo. H. Scott, Melrose, 64 26.60 Totals, 7 Agents, 164 $95.10 $28.00 Time.—No. 1, I8 hrs; 2, 27 hrs; 3, 28 hrs; 4,24 hrs; 6,13 brs; 7,24 hrs. Total, 134 hrs, Deliveries.—No. 1, $25.50; 2, $178.25; 3, $11.75; 4, $48.75. A GOOD TESTIMONY. I am glad to have the privilege of reporting through your pages that I have entered the canvassing work again after having been out of it for some time. I know that this is the Lord’s work, and I am glad to have a part in it. I take up the work now with greater courage than ever before, because I am sure the Lord is with me, and is leading me by his Holy Spirit. I have had some precious ex- periences the past two weeks. Re- cently while canvassing in Wyomis- sing, a suburb of the city of Reading where some of the retired business men live, I stopped at one house where there were three women baking. I went in, and when I introduced my book they said they had no time to look at it; but I talked to them about the book and the precious truths of the Bible, while they went on with their baking, until they became very much interested, and one of them was moved to tears. When I left they asked me to come back soon again and talk to them about the Bible. Then I went on and came to a large mansion, I stopped and looked at it, but my courage failed me, and I passed on. But I felt convicted be- cause I knew that I ought not to pass by any house, and the thought came to me that they could not do more ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER than say no; so I returned and went up to the door, asking the Lord to open the way for me, and I was pleas- antly received and went in and took their order for “Coming King.” They were so much interested in the Bible, and asked so many questions, that they kept me there talking to them from ten o’clock in the morning until half past two in the afternoon, When I went to deliver the book, I could hardly get away from them. They seemed so hungry for the truth that it seemed they could not get enough. I promised that I would come again and hold a Bible reading with them. This experience has given me fresh courage, and I relate it for the en- couragement of others. Let us not fear to go to any house, for we will find some of God’s precious jewels in the mansions of the rich as well as in the hovels of the poor. WirLiaM K. ACHENBACH. ITEMS OF INTEREST VIRGINIA. — Elder R. D. Hottel went to Nor- folk last week to connect with the tent at that place. —FElder A. C. Neff was called to Lynchburg, September 4, on business pertaining to the work at that place. —Elder Purdham, of Lynchburg, writes: “ Qur meetings are excellent, and I am sure we are at the right place again.” —The beautiful little church on Park Avenue, Lynchburg, has been purchased, which will give the church there a permanent place for meetings. — There was donated to the tract society twenty copies of “Christ's Object Lessons.” If any one can use one or more copies, we shall be glad to receive orders for them. The price is $1.25 cash. They will be sent at that price prepaid. —The Israelites had to go back into the wilderness in order to trust God; their experiences were written for us; let us not turn back into the wilderness of sin when we have come so near the promised land. —It is just as important that we fill the place God has for us as it was for Moses to fill the place God had for Zz. ——— ———— en MAINE. —-Elder Bicknell will unite with Elder Dexter in following up the in- terest in Brownfield awakened by the tent effort. —P. F. Bicknell, E. C. Taylor, R. T. Hobbs, C. H. Harmon, Wm. R, McLaughlin, comprise the new confer- ence committee, —Sister M. E. Manson will engage in the canvassing work, and we hope that scores of others will join the band of workers for God in this line of activity. —We hope the orders for “ Christ’s Object Lessons” will flow in freely, and that the blessings promised will be realized by every individual in the conference. —Edith Bicknell has gone to South Lancaster to begin the fall term in the Academy. We think that Maine will be well represented the coming year in the school. —We wonder how many will decide that God is calling them individually to the canvassing field. When thou hearest a voice behind thee saying, ““ This is the way, walk ye in it,” do not hesitate to obey. —Sister Cornelia Snow, from Blaine, was granted a missionary license to do Bible work, She will, however, engage in the canvassing work for a time. In company with Cassie Reed she will make Rumford Falls her field of labor for a few weeks. i E. H. Morton,