@ LESSON 16 =--- LE3305 FRO ‘MZ RECORD 0F THE FLOOD I. Te utter impossibility of any theory of Evolution, if there ever was a Flood. II. The bad science in going backward into the past and trying to arrange the fossils in a supposed chronological order, --- if the Flood has intervened. III. Correct llethods of Studying this Subject: l., Interior Basing, -- Relic Lakes 2+ River Tergaces 3. (Collapse of the World's antediluvian climate ¥hy this profound change in the earth? IV. Logical connection between various fundamental ideas: l, The Flood and Creation 2. The Creation and the Sabbath 3+. The Flood and our llessage for Today. Cady 984, 1368, 1383, 1135, 1346.