EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER fled Waltons te heen a rent benoit to ee { [can trnly =os Aeavderny has ones the associa of the students hore vers maeh, and would advise every vats person who descee= go Chast education too attend, Larniaay JonNsTin. Phire-e There 1= ne better phive Tor young people than Willams. dale. It von FEES Wiltiamsdale OC I teave been here in Willnoasbale tse years, and | have recenved many blessings, tends erngim SIAN DANTE want to Code tao This os my second vesee at Wiles baie Aeateno, andl 1 cine =a tao meh Tor one ~c hood, The ne uence has beer niovabieable to vee, wd banda =e all vonng people in the Maritime Conference who wountd Ike to be better Dited tor service so Christ's works 1 cote to Williaa le, — Arrinr a INEERSTE sD, Mesa be Catt hoa ob se ans Ha aU ve, i renhies th Arvadenmey boas done teri hy Uae [BST Tied | Veal to thank God tor opening the win Toe me Grace 1. Dray, Tor atticrd. Wl Fohorosw that 1 hove dered so grent bien Frhaoh God foe the Tina 1 Loe aS FRR Vianschig)e, | Ltierw from the teachin 1 have received, [raeten ven, perience That pt val he the came help to others THOS FoVANS. Willenmsdale Neadenoy os Uae bast place | hve ever been, | have rococved noony essings hee, | boaveanso gned more eddoeation an thes Ball seat ln Powanda to cowhole ven an pabbie sehoodl, Toads ise all of or young people bo canine do Willvsdale Gly SATE. Wonds cannot express my thankfulness for haerng at MWalhmro=dale this Perssinigs, sand DAT PHINEE. Williun=dale warn any edie toon, SEI I have vecomvesd morn Ligipue Lor Tae daisies nrgesd RHEE Coals isan escellent ploee me wlhoelo to persons Iv, Teove received meng, Williarn=dale 10 [aids r= any one Diberastngs so Gar This vear, Pie 1s be host place on cart who diate good Chostmn education to attend, Waren KiEn- =TE AND Willtamsdale va lovely place, aol 00 has done Ths as omy thavd ves, ad | NELLIE Coton, eo lot of good, Lope to bie here mwnin nest ver, Ioread that the thee bo bove spent at Witla. date Academy has been very benelicil to me, nod only mm an educational Hine, bot spivitaad as well, | have yreceivind many blessings since being heeo—- LILLIAN NTERLE. I aan whad of the privileace 1 have of attending Wilhintsdale Academy. to be, and | Pts uw coed place tn whieh like to see the tilled with earnest young people. —Wa, YOUNG. would schon pod - I can say that the dovs= sind seeks that I have spent at dese old Walleomsidide buove not been spent, inosvain. have vecerved moony benefits during my sty hive Lath educations div and