F HE GREATEST struggle ever waged in this world is the battle between good and evil. The great- est victory that man can ever win is the triumph over sin. The most important thing for man to know is what is at stake for him and the world in this conflict be- tween right and wrong, and to know how the victory over sin will be obtained. In the battle against wrong man is fighting against the most powerful, the most cunning, and the most malevolent forces this world has ever known. This is a struggle which he cannot win alone. Left to himself, he can but ill understand the issues involved in the controversy. It is a war that started before this world was created, a struggle which will not end until this present world has passed away. In this conflict every man has a part. His allegiance is on either the one side or the other. He is either working for the building of a new and better world in which sin and all its evil fruitage will have no place, or he is aiding and abetting those forces of evil which have long held the world in the grip of lust, corruption, and greed, and have flooded the whole earth with hatred and blood, The VICTORY THAT SAVED THE WORLD When Jesus uttered the words “It is done,” and expired on the cross, He sounded the death knell of the devil, and made sure the ultimate triumph of right over wrong. useless imagery were it not for that crowning event of ancient his- tory—thesupremesac- rifice made by Jesus for the sins of men. Paul would have died a Jewish zealot but for the vision of the cross which trans- formed his life and did so much to bring about a change in the entire course of hu- man history. Peter would have passed in- to the insignificance of Galillean rusticity but for the cross on which his Master died. Abra- ham would have been only another forgotten It Was Achieved at Infinite Cost for You bitterness and tears, disaster and woe. That force which is doing more than any other in this world in the battle against evil is the church. The outstand- ing symbol of the church is the cross. Take away the cross and all for which it stands, and you take away the heart of the religion of Jesus Christ. Christ would not have been the Saviour but for the cross on which He died. Christianity would not be the true religion but for the cross which symbolizes the supreme event in the history of mankind. The Gospels would be meaningless but for the climactic scenes witnessed on the hill of Golgotha. The most solemn rites of the church—baptism and the holy com- munion—would be without significance but for the death of Jesus on Calvary. All the typical ceremonies of ancient Judaism would be but empty form and PAGE 4 inhabitant of ancient Canaan had not the altars he reared envisioned the cross upon which the Master of men was to make the supreme sacrifice. Isaiah would have remained in eternal obscurity had he not foreseen Him who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities, who was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and who, as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so opened not His mouth. (Isaiah 53: 5,7.) The sanctuary of Moses in the wilderness, and the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, would have meant nothing to the ancient Hebrews but for the cross of Jesus Christ prefigured by their elaborate ceremonies. The cross of Christ marked a climactic point in. the great controversy between good and evil. It is there that the forces of evil received their defeat and the ulti- mate triumph of the forces of righteous- By Edwin R. Thiele ness was eternally assured. It was in the streets of old Jerusalem, midst the olive groves of ancient Gethsemane, and on the old hill of Golgotha, where the hosts of evil gathered their mightiest array, where they put forth their most desperate efforts, and where they suffered their most complete and ignominious defeat. It was Christ and His kingdom of right- eousness that came out victorious from that memorable combat. It was Satan and his stygian hosts that there received: wounds from which there will be no recovery. Since the death of Jesus on the cross Satan knows that his doom is sealed. (Revelation 12: 12.) Since that hour he knows that, try as he may, there is no way THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE