Page Forty-five Every Man's Club The chief function of the “Every Man's Club” is to teach the voung men of Maple Hall the art of Christian living and to assist them in solving their problems. The 1933-34 slogan, “Ethics Makes Culture,” reveals the spirit of this organization, directed by Dean Burman. John Shull President Myrl Manley Lewis George Vice-President John Marsh Sheldon Ritter Secretary Harold Moll Gordon Balharrie Asst. Sec. Percy Marsa Forum As a place of popular assembly the public square of ancient Rome has its counterpart in the Girls’ Forum of E. M. C. Here the girls of 3irch Hall, under the guidance of Dean Lamson, gather every other Monday night to develop the cultural as well as the intellectual side of their education. Ava Covington President [Lorna Lindsay Thelma Herrmann Vice-President Verna Wegner Carey Gartly Secretary Dorothy Sheddan Violet Erickson Asst. Sec. Elizabeth Hilbert