Pacific Union Tithe and Mission Report Tithe June June To Date Per Capita To Date % Increase 1984 1983 6/30/84 1984 6/30/83 Decrease™ Arizona 291,456.35 207,643.24 1,627,238.77 212.88 1,486,577.41 9.462 Central California 933,949.03 786,567.38 5,426,916.89 223.13 5,335,739.44 1.709 Hawaii 208,666.13 163,338.84 1,113,909.30 262.53 1,018,653.33 9.351 Nevada-Utah 148,001.11 118,757.72 800,396.77 230.07 769,527.21 4.011 Northern California 1,350,686.45 1,191,091.59 7,795,226.55 250.67 7,467,677.65 4.386 Southeastern California 1,836,807.15 1,433,906.71 9,353,401.61 229.38 8,907,149.14 5.010 Southern California 1,822,547.35 1,286,010.10 8,420,859.92 217.86 7,762,355.87 8.483 Totals 6,592,113.57 5,187,315.58 34,537,949.81 229.92 32,747,680.05 5.467 Missions June June To Date Member To Date % Increase 1984 1983 6/30/84 Per Week 6/30/83 Decrease” Arizona 20,923.40 17,890.07 113,361.34 57 105,376.92 7.577 Central California 67,354.54 66,309.61 363,657.47 57 375,130.88 3.059" Hawaii 17,200.25 17,319.05 89,217.11 .80 92,552.65 3.604" Nevada-Utah 12,214.51 9,319.69 53,846.65 59 52,335.55 2.887 Northern California 117,500.91 102,325.31 621,745.93 76 581,860.41 6.855 Southeastern California 118,872.73 98,474.32 575,986.05 54 571,957.56 0.704 Southern California 120,672.26 92,271.56 516,901.18 51 499 280.81 3.529 Totals 474,738.60 403,909.61 2,334,715.73 59 2,278,494.78 2.467 Pacific Union Representatives Attend Philanthropy Meetings Institutional development of- ficers from across North America met June 17-21 at Southern Col- lege in Collegedale, Tennessee, for the Third Conference on Philan- thropy. Attendance at the trien- nial conference almost tripled from the: first session held at Union College in 1978—from 37 to 101 registrants. Thirteen of these registered from the Pacific Union, representing Loma Linda University, Pacific Union College, Glendale Adventist and Loma Linda University medical centers, Ukiah Adventist Hospital, and Adventist Health System/West. Never before had so many denominational development and public relations professionals Goming in the Adventist Review These days the Adventist lifestyle is making news, both in the scientific literature and popular journals. In fact, some non-Ad- ventists are more excited about our health principles than many Adventists! Don’t miss the Adventist Review for September 20 for a special section on cancer research, cardiovascular disease, vegetarian diet, weight-control programs, and how to spot a “quack.” All these articles have been written for the Review by scientists from Loma Linda University. REERoce) offices. Box 5005, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359. The Pacitic Union Recorder (ISSN 0744-6381) is the official newspaper of the Pacific Union Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists and is pub- lished biweekly, 26 issues a year. Editorial office is at 2686 Townsgate Road, Westlake Village, California 91361. Second-class postage paid at Thousand Oaks, California, and additional mailing POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pacitic Union Recorder, Circulation Department, Subscription Rate: No charge to Adventist members of Pacific Union Conference churches; $7.75 per year to others; foreign subscriptions cost $12.75; single copy, 50 cents. Westlake Village, California 91361. All stories, advertisements, obituaries, inquiries, etc., go to local conference “Recorder coordinator.” All other questions should be sent to 2686 Townsgate Road, EDITOR ................ Shirley Burton ASSISTANTEDITOR . ...... Larry Becker CONFERENCE COORDINATORS RonRussell................... Arizona Richard Lee Fenn ..... Central California Sharonden .................... Hawaii Reba Christensen ......... Nevada-Utah Aithea Roderick ..... Northern California S. A. Yakush ....Southeastern California EDITORIAL BOARD . .S. Arakaki, G. Atiga, S. Bietz, W. Blehm, E. Canson, C. Cook, P. Follett, R. Martin, T. Mostert, F. Sherrill, M. Vasquez, R. Watts, M. White COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS JoLynndelaTorre.LLU La Sierra Campus Gina Devine. ...... Pacific Union College Please Note: The Pacific Union Recorder does not accept responsibility for cate- Marilyn Thomsen . . . . Southern California gorical or typographical errors. come together to discuss the con- cept of philanthropy and how they could advance the work of the Church by increasing voluntary support for Adventist colleges and hospitals in their respective com- munities. Winton Beaven, the confer- ence’s keynote speaker, challenged the audience to renew the caring mission of the Church and to ““finish the work in our lifetime.”’ Early in his career, Dr. Beaven, who is now assistant to the presi- dent of Kettering Medical Center, worked in public relations at Union College. He was the first Adventist institutional worker of- ficially recognized by national organizations as a professional in this field. The conference banquet cli- maxed several months of anticipa- tion as the General Conference presented the triennial Trailblazer in Philanthropy Award in recogni- tion of an individual who lends creativity, initiative and consistent professional leadership in behalf of Adventist communication and philanthropy. The honor is espe- cially meaningful because recipi- ents are nominated by their peers. Presented with this year’s award was Sheree Parris Nudd, director of development and public relations for the past five years at Huguley Memorial Hospi- tal in Fort Worth, Texas. Last year the hospital reached a $3 million milestone in funding for a health fitness center, meeting $500,000 and $250,000 challenge grants along the way. This achievement was recognized when she was honored as the ‘1983 Outstanding Fund Raising Ex- ecutive’ by the Fort Worth Chapter of the National Society for Fund Raising Executives. Guy Welsh, W6ZTY, will be honored by the West Coast Amateur Radio Bible Study Group in a special silver anniversary celebration in Visalia September 15. Mr. Welsh is shown here by his ham station, where he serves as net control for the group every morning at 6 o’clock. Radio Bible Study Group Will Celebrate Silver Anniversary Next Month in Visalia Marking twenty-five years of continuous operation, the Amateur Radio Bible Study Group will meet for a special service September 15 in the Visalia S.D.A. Church. The group will honor net con- trol Guy Welsh, W6ZTY, of Visalia, commemorating his long- time leadership of the group. Seven days a week at 6 a.m., Guy leads an average of 30 participants through the morning Bible study, utilizing Bible Readings for the Adventist Singles Ministry LABOR DAY RETREAT August 31-September 3 Camp Yavapines Prescott, Arizona Information and Reservations contact Lorene Soderstrom 5261 Sonora Way Carmichael, CA 95608 Home as a guide. The frequency used for the studies is 147.75-.15. H. M. S. Richards, Jr., WD6- BDZ, a member of the Group, will be the featured speaker for the service. All hams and their friends are invited. For more information on the Amateur Bible Study Group and this silver anniversary celebration, contact Rodney Benson, WB6-- QDN, 4356 N. College Ave., Fresno, CA 93704. ““ “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, . . . I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them’ (Heb. 10:16). ‘Obedience—the service and allegiance of love—is the true sign of discipleship.’ ’—Steps to Christ, p. 60.” Let Me Tell You About My God, p. 78. PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / AUGUST 20, 1984