THE GOSPEL BY JOHN. 15 SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS, 1. Way are people destroyed? Compare Hos. 4: 6; Isa. 5: 13; Jer. 8:7, and John 4:22. What, then, is our mission? 2. Do you also glorify God in the earth? How? See John 15: 8. 3. To what did Jesus refer in verse 5, when He prayed the Father to glorify Him with the glory which He (Christ) had with Him before the world was? Compare also with verse 22 in the next lesson. 4. How does the Father respond to the request in verse 11? See Zech. 2:8. LESSON VI.—Tlay 8, 1897. THE PRAYER OF CHRIST — Continued. (Chapter 17, verses 14-26.) QUESTIONS. 1. WHAT did Christ say that He had given to His disciples? 2. What feeling had the world displayed toward them? Why? . What experience did Christ not ask for His disciples? . What did He desire for them? . What did He say of them? . What petition did He offer in their behalf? . How did He identify their experience with His own? . Through what experience had He passed? For what. pur- pose? 9. How many are included in Christ's prayer? ro. What was His desire for all? What kind of unity did He have in mind? What effect would this have upon the world? 11. What had He given to His disciples? For what purpose? ON Sven BW FOR MISSION WORK IN JAPAN.