Tim and Lynda Culver: adapted Rehabilitation Plus Regeneration -— F'imotiy and Lynda Culver, directors of prison minis- tries, Texas Conference Have a couple representing Timothy and Lynda Culver on the plattorm. Call Mrs. Culver ro the microphone first. Superintendent: When the Lord touched Lyndu Whitford 's hife with Timothy's, she married a new ministry for herselt as well as i husband. Tynda, would you step to the macrophone and share with us? [Superintendent backs way and resunics ATU / [Lynda Culver: That is true! I hope that the Holy Spirit and T will “"hook™ vou on prison ministries as much as the Holy Spirit and Tim “hooked ™™ me. because this Thirteenth Subbath we hope to estab- lish « network of pail ministries. like the one that Tim began mm Texas. all over North America with its 830 prisons and 700.000 prisoners. The first sixomonths of our ministry was a whirl- wind of paperwork that excluded any personal prison ministry for me. However, 1 did manage to study data on incarcerated women and began shar- mg this information in our prison ninistries work- shops, [t wus at one of these workshops that T was approached by a woman who looked me straight in the eve and said. Which jail do vor visit, dear?” That 1s when it hit me that Thad not uncovered anvihing firsthand: [was merely repeating the col- fected data of others. Since | had not gone to the mountain, God brought the mountam to me! God gave this third-generation Adventist who had never even seen the inside of a jail the courage that first week to go and share the miracles He had performed in my lite. Others tell me they teel something happen in the pit of their stomach when they hear the doors lock behind them: 1 have never experienced that sensation or fear. | know this is a ait from God. April 28 After that first service. 1 was hooked. Stories of the women | have met and prayed with are too numerous to relate here. Many are coming down off various drug habits, and most have children they are crying out for. At least 70 percent of the icmale prisoners have children under 18 years old. These children have not committed a crime. but they are serving tune. There is a special need to help them nurture their relationship with the incar- cerated parent whenever advisable. As for mar- rages, studies have shown that 90 percent will end m divorce when a spouse is incarcerated. But those who are able to stay in close contact with their families do significantly better. and of these. 90 percent never return (o prison. As I visit the women. I share, cry. sing. pray. and talk about Jesus” indescribable love for them. Since most of them have never known real love, it Is thrilling to see their faces when they first grasp His love. They are always ~o thirsty for more! When 1first emerge into the bright sunlight after visiting tn the jail. T often feel so out of touch with reality. I ohserve people pursuing their usual activ- ities. and I wonder if they Know —if they cure — about those people in that jail! Now meet my husband. Timothy Culver —pas- tor. full-time student, and director of prison minis- tries for the Texas Conference. But first let him mtroduce himselt as Timmy Culver. 4 vears old —und give us his ecuarliest recollections. [Lvadu backs away and resumes seat. | Pastor Culver: lt is very dark in the hotel room we call home, with only the street lamps outside to give some form to the objects in my recom. I am crying because Tam all alone and hungry. and | can't locate the bathroom. I know that I am domg something wrong, but in desperation I relieve mv- self in w corner. Eventually my parents return, and !