10 RESURRECTION OF THE BODY. mystery of its first organization. Let us not be over-perplexed hecause we cannot tell how its scattered and wasted elements shall be gathered, till we are able to tell how they were originally gathered and organized into a bodily system. If God has done the latter, may he not also be able to do the former ? “Sure the same power That reared the piece at first, and took it down, Can re-assemble the loose, scattercd parts, And put them as they were.” But this objection is absolutely deprived of all force, when we contemplate processes of daily oc- currence, and especially the apparent impossibil- ities science may and has achieved. Take that ingot of gold. First tell its exact purity and weight, and then give it into the hands of the chemist, He files it to powder; and us you look upon it you say, * My gold will never be gathered again.” The chemist gathers that dust and dis- solves it in acids; then you exclaim, “I cannot even see it ; every particle is gone.” Again he takes it, alloys it with other metals; he grinds it again to powder; he throws it into the fire; he mingles it with soot, and ashes, and charcoal ; and at length, when it would seem as though its very clements were utterly destroyed, he brings it forth, the same fine gold, brilliant and pure as it was before it was subjected to the ordeal. * And does the skill of the chemist, transcend the won- der-working power of Jehovah ? Nay, the chern- 1st may mistake; he may fail in his experiment : the precions gold may he lost. But over the gar- nered dust of his saints, God shall watch with * Resurrection of the Dead. By Dr. C. Kingsley. p. 80. OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED. 11 that eye which never sleeps; and at the magic of his word. it shall be gathered together and again start to life. + IV. Iris OBJECTED AGAIN THAT SOME oF THE EreMeNts witch CONSTITUTED A PART oF THE Bopy or oNE Max AT DEATH, MAY ALso ENTER INTO THAT OF ANOTHER MAN AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH, AND HENCE IT WOULD BE IMPOSSI- BLE, IN THE RESURRECTION, To RESTORE THE SAME PARTICLES To BOTH THE BODIES CLAIM- ING THEM. Some have grown facetious over this objection, and presented us with the grotesque picture of two souls contending over a lump of materiality, each claiming it as belonging to himself. This may avail something among those who substitute T Tuk Siwver Cue.—Tur Resurrection TLLUSTRATED.— Dr. Brown, in his Resurrection of Life, cites from Hallet the following beautiful illustration of the resurrection. ‘“A gentleman of the country, upon the occasion of some signal service this man had done him, gave him a curious silver cup. David—for that was the man’s name—was ex- ceedingly fond of the present, and preserved it with the greatest care. But one day, by accident, his cup fell into a vessel of aquafortis; he, taking it to be no other than com- mon water, thought his cup safe enough; and, therefore neglected it till he had dispatched an affair of importance, about which his master had employed him, imagining it would be then time enough to take out his cup. At length a fellow-servant came into the same room, when the cup was near dissolved, and looking into the aquafortis, asked David who had thrown anything into that vessel. David said that his cup accidently fell into the water. Upon this, his . fellow-servant informed him that it was not common water, but aquafortis, and that his cup was almost dissolved in it, When David heard this, and was satisfied of the truth of it with hix own eyes, he heartily evieved for the loss of his cup ; and at the same time, he was astonished to see the liquor as clear as if nothing at all had been dissolved in it, or mixed Cans a = ETRE ST EET I