There me two browd phases othe cone manicab tiny ied spread of Phere SIE which 10 orderly procedire are bandied separately, oo) the somal and economies side Af the problem. and A the mare smetly med al «de. I I ETH NE TE EERE EE In piaring the responhiity Cn the apres] of infection we must om the Ler rode is bev with Ure andi geal, rather toe the institution. Je a=, theorenealiv, more fhe fault nf the people than the aon'e a0 then strronndings. beoie the fade of the peop who make the homes, This great plas. fonriches mothe homes af the rovarant, ama i 1 ) vt proverty ond sondors har, ns ros heen wel card, its nat alone the bhutldings which mabe the «lung, hut the people who Boe an then Of rovrse, had hovang conditions nie profound rele tn the vodvmoine oF paar oles sig, but even could we sive covey fannie an A clean STEER EI Fone Hr 1 AE EE RE RCE EE lessness, vlch, disapavon aed alcoho hen existed, we word std have loage, tnfeoied hates ; condininie would be qo Sor stern le drs hatter [ESEEST] ard borer RETIRE ERs REE SRR RAE DUCE and therefore, while (he fen veqnedst os education and apbiting ovens the por and iwnorant themselves, the second, con iary need, whieh [ES Tela [I EE EE PRES. tance, is the imnraos entent of plored 0 Jittans of ER [BERAS iif Beep EIRRERT IR MHI poriinde an he relating conan tine Boao . i 1 1 subrect of condieans on Bavaro occu pad for, aside from tanlte wane of living nd had places to hve oy, there are the many ve General Articles clei Jiesheng ined RCE ERT ISR CAE BI SCIPS 3 SERIE Slien in REA E Parca and condone of ihe, wha reduce the health reomdividual, ~unermifection or softer end render um and his virte Jess and bees Diliely and able to pec tha war ad est pear heathy, robust obhlem of eune noanoial and Coe RN ee Le Leer fo canteud Gel towns doer down on (he deisel aden be ed conditions, vanes ob poeple en not npht Alond se east panes Lo appreciate etnies and fron its Cesodne not Poa se rm adonranly, bur to vaonenediare results dosbonad ber weed in passing, that I Coe Deemer Reg yy apparent, \ cre ethos Paneer pr be dremaved 1 ] 4 . tor — Lr . h Ce ery Ey Vi ut ! Crit [EN Csnuinat, cot Coen ah ire a oi thie Limes, RIEERIE [EERIE RTE HRSIRETEIR laws, fies od abe erfort the Cle to sedure Coan bench Ren psy Los dive EERE LE SE A ERE bed tes prove the vo ie alan ind there anny be eee nin hho sable cae of the r vith, LeCes- i . . \ AN Sa EE RE EASE ES AR DE SE SAT eon nahits Goons anel sta sles guedical EP EE AIT IESE SI STAR SE cI SS BS] coond me potions, martelv, th 01s not