Herbert Photos, Inc. Tearing down a mosque to build a dance pavilion in Turkey. The Turk is modernizing in more than one way Storms ID WATCHMAN readers ever hear of so many and so disastrous storms, floods, explosions, and accidents in any given period in the history of this country as have occurred within the past few months? Nature itself acts like an angry giant, taking vengeance on the world’s inhabitants. The innocent and the help- less suffer alike with those whom we might think were more deserving of punishment, if punishment it may be called. Scores of little children are killed and injured as a twister demolishes a schoolhouse. Over a hundred patients, doctors, and nurses have their lives snuffed out by gas in a hospital. Floods destroy many lives and millions of dollars worth of property. What a picture of the attitude of many today is given by the teacher of the school children above referred to. She saw the storm coming, but said nothing to the children for fear she would unduly scare them. We receive many letters denouncing us for scaring people by telling them that Christ is coming soon. But we prefer the scare to the unpre- paredness and death... We have yet to be convinced that safety first is pessimism, By some these calamities are looked upon as judgments from God; by others as proofs that God is not love; and by still others that life is a mere matter of chance and luck. But there is no better nor more satisfactory explanation of them than is contained in God’s own word. They are sent or allowed by Him to teach men the lessons they need to PAGE SIXTEEN learn at this time. And the most im- portant lesson is that they point to the near end of this age and the coming of Christ. They are warnings rather than penalties. The ‘‘stormy wind fulfilling His word” (Psalm 148: 8) is an instru- ment in the Creator’s hand to save men from greater peril. Wise indeed are those who heed. Stop Crime HE Outlook and Independent com- ments editorially on the increasing horrible and unique crimes of today, and says: “Such crimes, declares the public, banging its fist, must be stopped. But how? Echo answers, ‘How?’ Round up all available gangsters? Little ever comes of it. Set detectives to work? Jailing a criminal does not prevent crime. Declare a world war on lawless- ness? One is predicted by former Police Commissioner Enright of New York as the probable outcome of an international police conference this fall. He prophesies a civilization mobilized against crime. The police, equipped with airplanes, wireless, and television, will pluck criminals like so many cherries. “A pleasing prospect; but so far, in use of modern inventions, gangsters have kept in step with the police, if not a step ahead of them. “There is force in the suggestion of a firearms expert that departments of criminal science be established at uni- versities to remove crime detection from politics to scientific laboratories. This, at least, represents an effort to deal with the problem in fresh and realistic terms.” We ask, Are the crime doctors actually getting back to the schools to find the cause of crime? Would that they were, but their move is but to teach students to better defect crime. But we do not need more and better detectives. We need to get at the sources and prevent crime being committed at all. And the schools and churches and motion pictures and homes are the places to go to find the causes and apply the remedies. It is because in these springs of social action the word and law of God are more and more neglected and despised that the fabric of our society is going to pieces today. Universities that are content to teach criminal law, criminal ‘detection, and criminal history, and at the same time teach Modernism, atheism, the “animal origin of man, and the abolition of the Ten Commandments, are making crimi- nals and the criminal-minded by the thousands. Let us get back for the pre- vention of crime to man’s moral obliga- tion to God. This Just Suits the Devil A METHODIST publishing house has issued a book entitled, ‘The Beliefs of 700 Ministers.” It is made up of the answers to a questionnaire on the subject of religious beliefs sent out to 500 ministers in charge of churches, and 200 students in five representative theological schools who are preparing for the ministry. Among other interesting, though dis- tressing, conclusions drawn from the answers is that 33 per cent of the minis- ters and 82 per cent of the students do not believe that the devil exists as an actual being. And about the same per- © centages do not believe that hell exists. (We quite agree that there is no hell fire now consuming the wicked. But the Bible plainly teaches that there will be.) It is evident from this cross-section of ministerial belief that the whole trend is toward entire disbelief in these two es- sential Bible doctrines, as shown by the much larger proportion of ministers-to-be sharing the doubt than of preachers al- ready in charge of churches. And why is the doubt of the literal existence of the devil and hell distress- ing? Simply because these shepherds of the flock have already reached, or are only a consistent step from, the related conclusions that the Bible contains falsehoods, that the only devil, or the only God, there is is in ourselves, and that there is no future punishment for the incorrigibly wicked. This sort of thing just suits the devil. Like the thief and the murderer, he can carry out his nefarious plans much better THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE