502 (6) words of encouragement and counsel ‘to the graduating class of eight. Af ter conferring diplomas, a pleasant lit- tle reception was given Miss Dr. Beckner, who leaves soon to take up work in another part of the field. Many of the patients seemed to take as deep an interest in the program as any, and it was indeed one of interest. I was pleased to find the sanitarium so full that I had to sleep in Dr. Nicola’s office. Elder Wheeler is getting hold of the work of chaplain there nicely, and his wife is also giving good help to the institution. We had a large attendance at Bos- ton, and Elder Russell reports a good interest and attendance at Malden. Brother Utchmann also reported a good interest in his Sunday night meetings at Cambridge. A. E. Prace. NEW YORK CITY CHURCH TWO. NUMBER We ask our brethren of the GLEANER family to rejoice once more with us. Some of the brethren of this church have gone out in accordance with the command of the Master in Matt. 28:19, 20, and the Lord has been faithful to his promise contained therein. Brother E. M. Kirby, who is a native of Walker Valley, Ulster County, New York, and who is very anxious that his friends and relatives there should hear the last message to the world, purchased and fitted out, at his own expense, a thirty-by-sixty- foot tent, which was taken charge of by Brother Henry Tonjes as tentmas- ter. Brother J. J. Kennedy, one of the elders of our church, during his summer vacation went there to do the preaching for two weeks, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and tak- ing with him the good wishes and prayers of the Lord's people. The Lord blessed the effort to his honor and glory by convincing about thirteen souls of the truth of this message, five ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER of whom were baptized; and a little company was formed who are keeping the true Sabbath of the Lord, and who send encouraging letters to the brethren from time to time, which are gratefully received and answered. These three brethren are well satis- fied with their effort, as they consider those five souls worth much more than the money, time, and energy expended on them, especially Brother Kirby, who had the joy of seeing his wife baptized, which more than repays him for his part in the work. We ask the prayers of our brethren in the Atlantic Union Conference that this little company may prove faithful to the end, and that we shall soon all be gathered home, when Jesus comes to claim his own. Brother Tonjes sold many of our publications, mostly our large books and quite a number of “ His Glorious Appearing,” to the amount of about twenty-five dollars, One wealthy cigar manufacturer of this city, who was spending his summer vacation there, attended the meetings nearly every night, and was so inter- ested that he purchased a whole set of our leading books, and, with many others, gave his name and address to the brethren, asking them to notify him when the meetings commenced in this city. The brethren are also pleased to be able to report that, during the rain and wind storm about the middle of September, when most of the tents in this conference were blown down, and much damage was done to prop- erty in their immediate vicinity, the wind blowing at about sixty miles an hour, the angel of the Lord faithfully watched over their tent, to the extent that not one stake was shaken; al- though to the finite eye it had no pro- tection or shelter on any side. Praise the Lord for all his goodness to the children of men! So the good work is going on; and we are satisfied that every humble ef- fort put forth in the name of the Lord man, a will bear fruit to his honor and glory. We ask the prayers of the Lord’s peo- ple everywhere, that we in this great, wicked city may all prove faithful to his trust, and let his light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven. Co R. H. MARTIN. EDUCATIONAL OUR ACADEMY AND CHURCH-SCHOOLS CASH DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR FURNISHING FUND SOUTH LAN- CASTER ACADEMY. PrEvIOUSLY acknowledged, $29.30 Pittsburg, Pa., church, 3.71 Mrs. A. H. Stoiber, 5.60 $38.51 —_— ————— FURNISHINGS DONATED TO SOUTH LAN- CASTER ACADEMY. CHESTER church, Chester, W, Va,, three comforters and one bedspread ; Washington, D. C., church, three com- forters. ——— mr —— STUDENTS’ DORMITORY. OxE thousand dollars is wanted to light the entire students’ dormitory in our Union Conference academy, The {following has already been contributed for this purpose, and we trust that other contributions may come in soon, that the matter may not be delayed. Previously reported, $556.75 R. C. Andrews, 2.50 Mrs, M, A. Stillman, 1.00 E. W, Stone, 1.00 Slocumville church, 1.00 E. M. Bailey, 1.00 Athol church, 1.00 Brockton church, 2.00 Total, $566.25 Please send all contributions to W. A. Wilcox; Treas. Atlantic Union Conference, South Lancaster, Mass., Vi -%