2 sections of the field, even before the. election, I am confident that his choice will meet with the approval of the field, and that he will have the sup- port of all the conference workers in the field. Brother Smith, we welcome you to the place to which your brethren have called you in the circle of adminis- trative workers. And may the Lord of the harvest give you strength and wisdom to give direction and leader- ship to the work that will prove to be the means of bringing Texas to the position of a great, leading con- ference. R. L. BENTON. ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA H. C. Hartwell, President 0. J. Bell, Secretary 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock © tm mm 1 comme mt nil) With Qur Tent Efforts OUR people will be interested to re- ceive word in regard to our evan- gelistic program now being conducted in various eities throughout our con- ference. At this writing five white efforts are in progress, and three celored. NEW ORLEANS From a personal letter from Sis- ter Hartwell, we quote the following interesting comment in regard to the effort in New Orleans: “The meet- ings here are well attended, and Mr. Hartwell is just as busy as he can be. Sabbath, he preached in two dif- ferent churches and at the tent that night. He speaks tonight again. The movie reels have come, and they are fitting in fine. The audience seems to enjoy the stereopticon pictures as much as the motion pictures. Brother Bushnell has been sick, so it has been a bit difficult about the music, and having a lot of songs on the screen has been a great help. “They believe in having everyone help down here. I run the stereop- ticon and help greet the people before meeting. Sister Neil and Sister Lar- son sit on the platform and look very pretty and professional in their nurses’ uniforms. Sister Bushnell plays the piano and her husband leads the music. The doctor (Dr. Yeatts) con- ducts a question period before the meeting, giving medical instruction at that time. They have an hour a day when the public can have free con- us THE RECORD sultation and attention in the medi- cal tent on the lot just in front of the meeting tent. The attendance is good and growing. The situation looks very promising for New Orleans to have a splendid effort this sum- mer.” FAYETTEVILLE Elder Baker writes that the at- tendance at his effort in Fayetteville has been somewhat disappointing, but some are very much interested and have begun to keep the Sabbath. FORT SMITH The effort at Fort Smith has been conducted by Brother and Sister Cash, assisted by Brother and Sister W. D. Pierce. Brother Cash writes: “Mem- bers of two families have taken their stand and have attended their first Sabbath school. Last night the hus- band of one of the women told me he had already talked with his employer, and was going to arrange it So that he could have his Sabbath off shortly. Another lady said that she had tossed on her bed all night thinking of the Sabbath question. We are studying with her, and feel that she will come out victor in the struggle. Several others have been coming out quite steadily, even though the Sabbath has been thoroughly presented, and that is a good sign. Our meetings are holding up better than I thought since the presentation of the Sabbath truth. So, in all things we feel quite en- couraged over the prospects.” SHREVEPORT Elder Paul E. Scoggins, assisted by H. C. Lambeth, is in charge of the effort in Shreveport. “Well, we are hard at it. and are of the best of courage,” writes Elder Scoggins. “Our attendance is not at all what we want or expected, but we will switch our plans for the coming week and see if we can build up our attendance through the local radio work. We are thinking of broadcasting a health program each Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening, and announcing our Bible subjects at the close for those same evenings. Thus far they have been very fine in giving us free announcements twice each week. We see the same faces each evening, so that even now we are building up an interest from the start. Pray for LAKE, CHARLES The effort in Lake Charles is mov- ing along nicely. Elder M. L. Wilson, assisted by Charles R. Beeler, is in charge, and the latest word from them tells us that the attendance has been between 250 and 300 each night. Forty or fifty people have already requested literature on the subjects presented. In Lake Charles, as is also true wherever our efforts are being conducted, the local church is loyally cooperating. PINE BLUFF Despite the efforts of the devil and the mosquitoes, the meeting at Pine Bluff, being conducted by F. J. Bryant, assisted by J. H. Williams, is moving along nicely. The mayor of the city was out one night. This. as our readers doubtless know, is an effort for the colored people, but Brother Bryant writes that quite a number of white people have been at- tending the meetings. Prospects look encouraging for Pine Bluff. BATON ROUGE Elder J. G. Dasent is in charge of our colored effort in Baton Rouge. Despite recent heavy rains the attend- ance has been good. Fifty persons were present at the first Sabbath ser- vice held under the tent, twenty of whom were adults who have actually begun the observance of the Sabbath. At the close of the subject, “The Change of the Sabbath,” fully a score responded for the first time to the appeal made to observe the true Sab- bath. The prospects for a colored church in Baton Rouge are very en- couraging. Elder Dasent writes that in addition to the large audience of colored people who have been attend- ing, many white people are coming, and one white family is about to accept the truth. “A Baptist minister stood up last night in favor of the truth,” he adds. “Some of the peo- ple coming have been so interested they have often walked six or seven miles in order to attend the meet- ings.” ALEXANDRIA Elder T. H. Coopwood writes that between 250 and 500 people have been crowding into the tent pitched in Alexandria, and have manifested a great interest in the subjects being presented. We expect that a new church will be raised up in that fine city as a monument to the truth. 0. J. BELL. “God has a heaven full of blessings for those who will cooperate with Him.” C. O. L., p. 145.