BIBLE FOR TODAY Part I A Workbook for Students of Bible in Secondary Schools Frederick E» J. Harder Andrews University Copyright 1963 Atd light* tiQAzAvzd bij AndnewA UyUveA^iti/ HERITAGE ROOM james White Library ftN0MWSUNVE WITH DRAWN JAMES WHITE LIBRARY ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH. i To my academy Bible. te.ach.eA, uikoAe. Akill In the. claAbtioom and In&pvumtion on the campuA ive/ie. e.xceZle.d only by kli> gcniuA In the. homc9 I know, Ion. he. my belov&d fiatkeA* appreciation for my colleagues? Earle Hilgert, Sakae Kubo, and William G0 C9 Murdoch, whose read- ing of the manuscript and subsequent suggestions were essential; Shahin liter, whose efficiency, dedication, and creativity were indispensible to the production of these materials• ANDREWS UNIVERSITY BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN School of Graduate Studies Department of Education Vear Students A thzat/iical director noted faor his big "spectaculars" once said to a friend, " Vou may pick any thirdly pages ofi the Bible you wisli, and I can base a ^irst-rate dramatic production on it0" The Bible is an exciting book• The reason some people don"t realize this ii> that they do not know hou) to read or -study it» you have an imprest*ion that the Bible is uninteresting9 understood only by preachers, and read only by old peoplep I think you will change your mind within the next fiew weekse You will be -studying this most thriZling oft all books in a way that you probably have not tried before0 I believe you will have a good time doing it0 Ves, a good time--and it will take time, but so does a baseball game! Ifi you wilt fiolZow the suggestions in this workbook, fiulfiill the as- signments asked by your teacher each day, and participate energe- tically in the class discussions 9 you should fiind this the most re- warding o^ alt the courses you take this year0 The enthusiasm you experience as you see God dealing with individuals of the past9 should become an eagerness lor a personal relationship with Him yourself in the present. You can have it! God bless you as you seek ita Best wishes Processor o& Education Andrews University FEJH/shi LESSON lo FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT During the past summer many of you spent some time in or near water® There are di ferent ways to enjoy water0 Some people just like to look at it0 Perhaps they find it beauti nl or they may enjoy watching the swimmers have a good time0 Every beach and swimming pool has its quota of LOOKERSo You probably saw others who may have come just to look, but when they got there they wanted to get closer—at least to put a hand in the watero In order to get close enough they may have taken their shoes and stockings off0 Instead of putting just their hands in they also got their feet wet? enjoyed the sensation and walked along the beach for a while ankle-deep in water0 They were the WADERS0 However9 the people who were having the most fun9 who were doing the hardest playing^ who were shouting, laughing—perhaps even screaming with delight„ were those who came prepared with their bathing suits and got all the way into the water0 These were the SWIMMERS„ People who have the Bible in their homes as an ornament to be dusted with the furniture9 and who go to church to marvel at what the preacher gets: rom the Bible are just LOOKERS in Bible study0 There are others who may read a morning watch text occasionally,, and even study the Sabbath school lesson a few minutes each weeko They are just WADERS. The person who really has a good time with his Bible, who gets real spiritual and mental exercise from it, who is refreshed and strengthened by it, is the one who gets all the way in and learns to "SWIM" on his ownc Just as the swimmer learns to cope with and enjoy the problems of water sport so you can learn to master the difficulties and be thrilled by the discoveries of Bible study® This year we will be studying the relationship between God and indivi- duals o We will try to find answers to such questions as theses Where must we seek to find our true origin? Why are we in the world? What is God like? What lessons did God teach to people described in the Bible? How many of these lessons does He want us to learn today? How can we learn these lessons and apply them to our lives? Of how much value is the Bible in solving our personal problems? What kind of people does God want us to be? How can we become what God wants us to be? We will seek answers to these questions by studying what God has revealed concerning Himself and His will in selected portions of the Bible® - 2 - UNIT lo THE GIFT OF GOD LESSON 20 VACANT WORLD BEFORE YOU START Have your Bible, a dictionary^ this workbook, a pencil or pen, and writ- ing paper at hand0 Clear everything else off the desk or table where you are working0 With each lesson you will find a worksheet on which to record your find- ings 0 Fill these in neatly and correctly and have them ready to hand in at the next class meetings Do your work as quickly as you can, but not superficially or carelessly. Always invite God to help you study0 Frequently you will find suggested prayers in your workbooks0 You may find these helpful0 Whether you use these or not is not important0 However, a few moments spent in sincere prayer before beginning your study are perhaps the most important ones in your entire preparation VeaA VatkaH. in Heavens A* in the beginning thou did6t bAing tight to the easith by thy vooxd, So noLV enlighten my mind a& I study they Mid0 In J&6U6 name, Amen0 Assignment 10 Read rapidly Genesis 1:1—1% 3 The purpose of this is to get a quick view of the account of creation0 Read as rapidly as you can9 2o Look up these words in a dictionary and write the explanations in your workbooko For each word underline the meanings that you think fit best in this passage® aa create bc void c8 firmament da image Be sure to look up any other words whose meanings are not clear to you0 You cannot understand sentences and paragraphs if you don*t know the meanings of the words used in them. 3e Read Genesis Is 1—2$3 twice without a breako The more familiar you become with the passage the easier it will be to fulfill the assignments of the next few days. Did looking up the definitions of a few words add anything to your second reading? - 3 - Lesson 60 Evening and Morning Write two or three sentences summarizing the story of the passagec Of course0 you cannot include all the factsi Select those most emphasized in the story so that your sentences will state the theme0 Make your statements as clear as possible,, Do assignments 2 and 4 on the following worksheet0 Only the worksheet is to be turned in0 Always follow directions carefully0 PART 20 WriteAyour definitions here? . j ^ ^ j^/u- Ja^w- - * ' 1 ' J it My V ' FIRMAMENT? - ^ , / Tyrf'/y I L i . ' /3 ^ ^ IMAGE fAftAM* <4 UuJs - f^ Write your sentences here0 ^ J> / ^ j^jL^^y^O ^^L tf ^iUU. CM* ^v-udl o f * {aJJ- J^fi- )^^ ^-ou+lfL /Co /JlMyU^^Jt^ ^JJUU. -Jh^tSj ^ J^sL^yU j fact - 4 - LESSON 3o GOD OF ACTION Before You Start Clear your desk for action! Get your toolss Bible9 Dictionary9 Workbook, Pen, Call for help! No one can really understand the Bible without its Author's help0 You might learn about God without praying, but you can't get acquainted with Him unless you actually visit and study with Him0 Ok God ofi Citations I u)ant to get better acquainted with Thee., Please reveal to me Thy cu I Atudy Tky creative acUa said9 sawjj etc0)o In the first column of the chart write all these verbs0 In the second column indicate the number of times each is usedo The third column is for the next part of the assignment0 3c We learn to know persons mostly by observing their actions and words0 What do the verbs you have listed tell about God? Suppose that a neighbor who grows flowers told you that while he was working in his garden a salesman drove up, stepped out of his card2 carried his briefcase with him as he approached«, and called out a cheerful greetingo If the neighbor added that the visitor named several kinds of flowers which he particularly liked and recalled that his mother used to grow them, you could know a number of things about that salesman just from the verbs your neighbor used0 You would know that he could drive a car8 that he could walk, that he had hands and strength to carry things, that his purpose included getting acquainted8 that he was friendly, that he had some knowledge about flowers, that he had discernment to tell one from another, that he had a sense of appreciation and enjoyment, that he had a memorys etc. Genesis 1:1—2:3 uses a number of verbs describing God"s actions. What do these tell you concerning what God is like? In the third column of the worksheet write what each verb tells you about God0 Do not expect to have the same answers that your classmates have® It is In Je6u6' name, Amen0 LESSON ^ A WEEK'S WORK Before You Start In this lesson you will learn a new way of finding out what a text says0 It may seem a little strange to study the Bible by measuring it with a ruler! However, you will not find it difficult0 and it will be helpful0 You will need your Bible, a ruler9 and a pen0 Eliminate distractions as far as possibles Invite the Creator to help you study the work of creation® Vtcui Loid; A4 Thou dicUt cAe,ate. the. {{-Out man in Thy image., So now sie.-cAe.ato. me. in Thy image., A6 1 Atudy the. demon&tsiation o{ Thy poioe/L in making the. uionJLd0 In the. name, oi JeAiu, Ame.n0 Assignment 10 With a ruler measure the column inches used to describe each day of creation week0 Which day has the most space devoted to it? What fraction of the creation story is used in describing what happened on that day? What does this indicate regarding the author9s purpose? In figuring this do not include the first two introductory verses of Genesis 19 Measure each day's space to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. Divide the number of inches used for the longest description of a dayss work into the total to get the fraction asked for0 2e Complete the analytical chart which was started in class0 Group the verses of Genesis 1 s 1—2s3 into the following paragraphs? 1-2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-13; 14-19; 20-23; 24-31; 2sl-3. You may not be able to complete the chart for the whole passage in the time you have to study today0 Work at least thirty minutes on it8 and do as much as you can0 - 8 - Lesson A Week's Work PART 1® How much space is devoted to each day of Creation Week? No. of column inches First I Second 1 J* Third Fourth a A * Fifth 0 Sixth ri * Seventh it- 36' 1 y, 'x. / To which day is the most space devoted? What fraction of the total is it? Jo does this indicate regarding the author's pi fa fjUrts"' / ^ - ^ J / C ^ - o.„ i U / * i ft 1» '/V5 y/Jt^ f ' • ' - S h*- „ — (/ L QLAjZ'^S - 9 - Lesson 60 Evening and Morning GznoJ>il> 1 THE BEGINNING fiomlaAA vacant da/ik Jul 8 ft, 0 jU^l joUrO J,J JxfU^ j&tl c*M^ 1 - 2 God. cAo.cU.zd EaJith u)a& God moved [SpVuX o{) ko.ave.yu> O.CL/ltk without iohm void dank OVOA U)ate/u use*-* bit ZBjlU- UyU LjM A -Zs^lUtlJL-a jjixl J a JdcA //yiuM- v- JijM^tJxJ- Jjoj c J ^ CJLU^ G - * IsshASfcx- tL fjjLCl^AA^- - 10 - Lesson 60 Evening and Morning _______ UCk Jj^A 1 - •• ^ • ( <' 9- / 3 iW /wX ft M^t. JhsA Jc^ 4e J y JofXt - ^ ^ r X r & A^t ^ A tAjLO-^M'^' Jsut, olup Jju^ O jLCt/^JL - If /Uyrs- ^Lu-t^^C} — • Am JJ The Beginning ofa Ea/ith THE CREATION Lrr 1-2 The. Beginning Uoct (Mated heaven* & ecuuth, which wcu iosimle&A, vacant9 dank. 3" 5 6>- P c?—J JUJhz-*^ 1-/J l ^ J cl0 OUUlXXj JUff&~ oLvu ^ jUy/r-tf & ) lis, Sf^-t LUAtEX yCS^t.jtLAAs*' ^ ^ Mc^c/ (yuudju-/ a—t ^t* f j, J^J • r / J, /UlLi-Js) i 7 %: / - 3 i^wcJU 1 ^ - 14 LESSON 60 EVENING AND MORNING Before You Start I11 your study today you wills try to discover a structural design in the creation narrative determine the actual length of creation week days discover how hard God had to work to make the world find God's standard for workmanship try to discover how you fit into the picture0 Check your tools-—do you have everything you need? You®re not ready to study the Book unless you have talked with the Author first0 Vea/i father o& creations Work Thy plan In my LL&e as &ully and as perfectly As Thou cLLdst hulhWL Thy plan ior the. mild In the beginning. In Jesus' Names, Amen, Assignment lfl From the materials in your analytical charts for Genesis 1:1—2:3 compare the first day of Creation Week with the fourth day, the second with the fifth9 and the third with the sixth„ Then compare the first two introductory verses with the three concluding verses. Do you see any relationships between these paragraphs? 20 The following expressions are repeated for each day of Creation Week: "God said," "It was so9" "It was good," "There was evening and there was morning 0 0 0" Write a sentence or two about each, telling what you think it means0 Does such constant repetition indicate anything as to what the author regarded as important? 3® "God created man in his own image/8 Write a short paragraph tell- ing what this statement means to yous How is it significant to your life? In what respects could man be an image of the God revealed in Genesis 1:1—2s 3? * & °k * * * * - 15 - Lesson 60 Evening and Morning PART 1„ To help you discover the relationships between different parts of the Creation account answer the following questions„ What do you see in common between: Days One and Four? The. Ivut day tight wa& cAzatzd, It would 6Q.pan.at2. tight ilom daAkneJ>6( The. louAth day tight* weAe. The.y would AzpaAote. day iiom night e Days Two and Five? Qw Xum> ^ ^ ~ ^ /£ j J^Jkxt /UjLfC^^to^L tAJU'^t^- JL pjJh^X&x _ ti^ iJL f lu^ntaJL^c J J Av. ' f ) J D Jt -A^CO /W/^^ Days Three and Six^J^'^AW QpSW ^ My ^ l^J OJLCUM/ Ic/U^ ^ ^u^cU^J What are the contrasts between these same groups? Days One and Four? Bn th6Se "" %TOZS) Jj -d UoJL^ Jl d*u . , r /) ^ cU Au^ l^iU cjLt^L ' p/luM^ ^ ^ ".A / &' ' ' j /fjj^J cJ^j is CAa^j c^ jUl^h^ & ^AM^U v " / Days Two and Five? A- cbj X*^ llb^v^&h? Days Three and Six? A <*H ^ ^ ^ oa. < icj /JL^ .-aM' ' ' O——x— M How are the first two verses of Genesis 1 related to the first three verses of Geneais 2? ^ & J, „ ^ /IM cfj ^ U l s ^ J - e S ^ - 16 - Lesson 6» Evening and Morning PART 20 What do these expressions tell concerning God*s work in Creation? "God said" He Is so powerful that merely speaking brings a world into existence* He is also a personal being who expresses Himsel&„ He is personalty engaged in His creative work„ " ^ /)r\ r' -/-J />/)*,.. »' aU^S tT iSlvJiewU^ "It was so" ^ " ^ ftjLL^/v*^ e^S c J JtUM syuxuJL. y ** ^' y "There was evening and there was morning" ^h ^ J /. ft FAI t) .-JX f^jPtAUlAUa c<-i PART 30 What does, "God created man in His own image," mean to you and your life? Write your paragraph here?ji^ujj y < ^ ^ ^ / r* x ' /i - ^uc^jl - 17 - LESSON 70 MAGNIFICENT WORLD Before You Start During the past week you have seen God in action creating a worlds Now you will watch as He makes a man8 plants a garden, performs a wedding„ and does a little teaching,, And now, invite your study Guest— 0 Gods Breathe. Into me Thy bficath oh tiiz. Teach me the. knowledge. o{ good, but shield me facm e.vil0 I Vnay in Jeaaa* name* Amen* Assignment 10 Read Genesis 2i4—3:24 twice at one sitting, 20 Look up the following words in a dictionary and record in your workbook the meanings which apply to their use in this passages Generation - 'W ^ y ^ - ^ Z ^ y Eden - ^ c k k ^ U - ^ J ^ u ^ Subtle - W ^ ^ y G 0 0 d. - f - c ^ r ^ ^ ^ Evil - - 18 - LESSON 80 SHADOW OVER EDEN Before You Start The charts you make from lesson to lesson are valuable materials for any future study of the same passage0 Do them as carefully and neatly as you can0 On a summary chart such as the one you make today you have at a glance what the passage really says0 This is a device that works just as well for other courses too* Try a few paragraphs from your history booko You will be surprised how much more you remember of what you study* Don* t forget to pray before you studys 0 Fa£ke.i above,, ke.e.p me fiom the. de.ce,ption& of tke. &eApe.n£* Help me. to &e.ek wi&dom only Atom Thee, And to be.come. godlike, through, icuth In Thy wnd> Von. JeAtu9 6ake.« Assignment 1, Complete the summary chart for the first three chapters of Genesis, Make titles and summary sentences for the paragraphs in Genesis 2i4—3:24« Try to compose titles related to "Man" or the "Garden*" Treat the following groups of verses as paragraphs: 214-9 » 10-149 15-178 18-24; 3s1-7, 8-19, 20-21, 22-24, * * * * * * * The Beginning of Earth The Beginning of Man THE FALL / UrtTAflMCt J 5/A/ / 1-2 The Beginning 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 3-5 6-8 9-13 14-19 20-23 24-31 The Finish 2=3 7th Day J 4-9 Man placzd in tlie, gandzn Man m)a& cA&at&d fifiom duMt and bieath ofi tiic, and placed In Edcna ^jJUjh^ i Etrtz - 7 T m\ /)/)/ c/)<>f cot •/ s&ztf - f^TJ^ tr* n> OS CO o 00 CO p* p cu I o 3 vo I » 20 - LESSON 9o MAN IN THE GARDEN Before You Start Today you will learn what the first man was like when he was created and what he did to himself shortly thereafter,. Watch for anything of value to your own life0 Don't be like Eve! Pray before you answer questions0 Vea/i Huavznly Vathz/ii Forgive the tmoA I have. yielded to the tmpteA* Restore me to the ection fiiom which Adam and Eve fiell, That I may have lifie through Je&uA ChAist0 Amen. Assignment 14 On the chart provided list all the facts that are given in Genesis 2:4—3s24 concerning the character and nature of man. Group these facts under five headings? physical being, spiritual being, in- tellectual beings moral being8 and social beingo f* (D W w o 3 Nature and Character of raan9 Genesis 1-3 PHYSICAL SPIRITUAL INTELLECTUAL MORAL SOCIAL 2 § 3 rt sr n> o 0) CL a> P 4/T/F J I to n!' y Made oi du6t /n.cp jui LJ i ""A > Capacity fao*. know- ledge.*, ^ioMiy t fa^ ^jul pJy- J^J _ i^-fy Can at>6oclate with animate but needs a helpeA lit Ion. hime 0 ! r r 2 § 3 rt sr n> o 0) CL a> P 4/T/F J I to n!' y LESSON 10a TRAGEDY IN THE GARDEN Before You Start The third chapter of Genesis and the twenty-sixth chapter of Matthew tell the two saddest stories of all human history0 In a way the story of the first sin is even more tragic than the act of the crucifixion of Jesus, for had it not been^ for the first sin it would not have been necessary for Christ to die* However^ as you study this sordid story remember that for you the sins of Adam and Eve are not nearly as deadly as your own® Pray not only for understanding but also for forgiveness« 0 Holy God, Though I have, not heafid tho, *ound oh Thee I knou) Thou cuvt In thl& Koom, forgive my bin &o that I may &peak to Thee And heat thee Apeak to me and not be aftatdo Amen0 Assignment 19 On the analytical chart diagram the temptation narrative of Genesis 3 s1-70 Organize the material in three divisionss verses 1-59 6„ 70 In the narrow left-hand column give a title to each of these sec- tions which will indicate the progression from one step to the next in the temptation and fall. In the broad right-hand column allow about 1/3 of the space for the principal subject and verb and 2/3 for the clauses and phrases which follow0 * * * * * * * - 23 - Lesson 10. Tragedy in the Garden Genesis 3:1-7 1-5 ,lo <2 C^ 'I Vid God say But God said you shaJUL not eat oi any txee oi the garden? We may eat oi the inxxit \ o\ the VieeJS J oi the gojidenJ But God said , d / w S' A — /WW r J* 7 fY^Axzl ^JUamJ^ - 24 - LESSON llo REVIEW OF UNIT ONE Before You Start This lesson will be different from the ones you have had thus far0 It will serve two primary purposes? It will furnish a review of what you have studied0 It will help to clarify some of the things you have learned* Remember to pray0 () Lord, by who*e word the heaven* were made9 Who laid the houndation* oh the earth9 By who*e breath man became a living *outs Guide my mind into a comprehendion oh divine thing* And bring me into harmony with Thy will, Amen0 jnment Read Patriarchs and Prophets pages 44-51, (The first reference gives the location in editions that coincide with the Index paging0 The second gives the same in the Christian Home Library Edition^ 27-35), 20 Prepare a brief outline of.this chapter by writing a theme sentence for each paragrapho Particularly note any information given here that you did not find in the first three chapters of Genesis, Be prepared for a quiz® ife ^ Theme Sentences and Notes U God created the ho*t oh heaven and the earth by Hi* spoken word* 2o The earth wa* created completely beautihul9 iruit{ui.9 and health- hut without ugline** or hazard* oh any kind„ Mountain*9 hill*, plain*, river*, lake*, luxuriant growth, tree*, *hrub*9 h^ow&u o No rugged *teep*9 frigfithul cha*m*, de*ert*9 *wamp*, houl air„ Lesson 11. Review of Unit One Theme Sentences and Notes ^ f^ayji tf JjJ^s— * * cJU^- cdi^ MUJUU^ A^y^ //a^y^y -5- ^o cpUj> J ^ / - •-WW Pj^jJ t //A/ / X ^, sdzxsty /) f ^ ~ fa ^ ^ fr^'^^A A ^ JJU Mti^ //rr-ji c^ ^ ^ oL^m^y ' aJo^ -t.^r - 26 - UNIT 2, THE WAGES OF SIN LESSON 12. CORRUPT WORLD In unit 1 you saw that God created all things good and beautiful, and He warned man that things could not remain so if he disobeyed. The serpent contradicted this warning by assuring Eve that disobedience would not result in death. In the unit which you are beginning today you will see the world immediately following the entrance of sin when the tragic proof came as to who was right—God or the serpent. Forget not your Lord. Ve.a/1 Lotid: My wild kcu> hofiQottdn Thao, even a* did the, people, Noah'* mild. me oi Thy salvation a6 I Atudy, Lest, I, too, ioiget Thee. Amen. Assignment 1. Read Genesis 6:9—9:17 twice at one sitting• 2. Look up the following words in the dictionary and record the de- finitions which apply to their use in this passage: Corrupt - MJLa* ^ , u^JLl J JUAA> Cubit - /){ (A Covenant J - 27 - LESSON 13o NOAH FOUND FAVOR You need help0 Get it now! Vea*. He.av2.nly EatheAt Because I live In a wicked woild, My thoughts and imaginations a/12, sometimes eviJL, Help me, I play, to seek and to fiind Eavon in Thy sight and salvation by Thy poweA, Even as Noah did in his coAAupt woild0 In Jesus' name, Amen• Assignment 18 Begin a new summary chart0 Make titles and summary sentences for Genesis 6s9—7;24a Also identify each chapter by a title® The author contrasts Noah with the wicked, and the faith of Noah with their unbelief0 Try to compose titles that indicate this* Follow each title with a summary sentence that states the main thought of the paragraph0 Group the verses as follows; 6s9-10; 11-12; 13-22; 7;l-5; 6-10; 11-16; 17-24. * * * * * * * - 28 - Lesson 13. Noah Found Favor w . Corrupt Earth Noah Finds Grace Destruction & Sal 10 11 9-10 Righteous Noah Noah um su.ghte.ouA, blamele&A, and walked with God. 11-22 rtUntd JL^th ^ - y ^L a. Jc iX ^ jjJ - 29 - LESSON GOD REMEMBERED NOAH Do you need help with your problems? Savior o\ Noah and his family s Sometimes we axe flooded with problems and troubles. Save me and my family firom those things which threaten to engulf us, Bring us safely to Theep through Jesus9 our Lord. Amen. Assignment Complete the summary chart for the Flood narrative in Genesis 8s1—9217, Remember? chapters need titlest and paragraphs need titles and sum- mary or theme sentences0 * & * * * * * 8 A W ^ / ^ J (L Salvation 19 20 Promise & Contract 17 r* f ' iz ^ff I 7-5 Ararat As the waters subsided the ark came to rest on Ararat the 17th day oi the 7th montho 6-12 C/t/yJO J* ^Zzjt) c&jj-uy -/^k \ pJU * ^ ' - - T 1 7 J * /VthCtA - 30 - LESSON 15. THE RAINBOW COVENANT Make your own covenant with Goda 0 God oi the covenant: May the clouds that cast shadows, The stohms that threaten, and the lainbom that beautiiy my tifie, All be timindens oi Thy saving gtiace Made possible through Jesus Cfuust, Amen. Assignment 1. Construct an analytical chart for the paragraph 9s8-17 (follow the procedure that was demonstrated in class for the paragraph 6:11-22). In these paragraphs the word "covenant" is used seven times, ob- viously this paragraph is about the covenant0 Therefore, "The Co- venant" would be an appropriate title for the entire chart. The following titles are suggested for the narrow left-hand column: 8 Introduction, 9-10 Principles, 11 Subject, 12-16 Sign, 17 Conclusion. * * * * * * * Cn^J- y f " j > ^/^JLyJU—^ /VUyJL^ ofaM/Uy Jls/tc^^ yv^t- I y^w TJuJ- I X. at/. - 31 Lesson 150 The Rainbow Covenant / - 32 - LESSON 16. ONE MAN AGAINST THE WORLD Are you in the minority? So was Noah, Are you afraid to stand against the "crowd"? You needn't do so alone« Almighty God: Stand with. me a* Thou. did*t *tand with Noah. Strengthen me. against the. evil oh the, world. Help me. to realize. That again* t Thee no power* can prevail, and that together we are alway* A majority again*t any and all oppo*ition9 Amen. 1. Read Patriarchs and Prophets chapter 8, "The Flood9" pages 90-104 (CHL 87-102)0 2® List the characteristics of Noah as indicated on page 96 (92,93) paragraphs 2 and 3, 3. List the phrases or sentences that describe the reaction of in- telligent beings to the flood, contained on page 99 paragraph 4 to page 100 paragrah 1 (95,96). 4. Make a list of the characteristics of men before the flood which you find on pages 90-96 (87-93). List them under the following headings; Physical, spiritual intellectual, morale and social. (These are the same as those you used in Lesson 90 Assignment * * * * * * * PART It Firmness in the face of ridicule and persecution. J^/svsdLM- PART 3, Terror of man (and beast) was beyond description. PHYSICAL SPIRITUAL INTELLECTUAL MORAL SOCIAL Retained much of kti eaA. it/ vigor. U6ed God*4 jjo^ glorification* f^ojJ ^ fVo Had rare power* to plan and canny oat. Gave full rein to iniquity—propor- tionate to their 4 kill and ability» ifij^^H * fly* Competed with one ano- ther for excellence in beautifying their dwelling. fiuJL * - 34 - UNIT 3o FAITH AND OBEDIENCE LESSON 17. ABRAM AND ABRAHAM Today we begin a new unit entitled, "Faith and Obedience." During the next ten lessons we will be studying the Abraham narrative. We will see the beginning of the solution to the problem of rebellion in God's dealing with this man0 Check up your study habits. Are you forming good ones? Are you: Getting everything ready before you start? Timing yourself? Praying before you start? My Vathen, I pnay that Thou wilt help me To fallow Thee by icuuth Into that betten. land which Thou dictit P/Lomiie to Abraham and to those who, a6 he, Fosuake all else, In Jesui' name. Amen. Assignment 1. Read Genesis 12—18 2. Assign appropriate titles t:o the chapters * * * * * * * PART 2. Write your chapter titles here: Chapter 12 Abiam and Phanaoh Chapter 17 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 18 LESSON 180 ISAAC, SON OF PROMISE J tack me, 0 Lord, to truu&t Thy hand To lead me In all thing* 0 In Je*u*' name0 Amen0 Assignment • 1» Read Genesis 21—240 2e Assign appropriate titles to these chapters® 30 Begin the summary chart0 Assign titles and make summary sentences for the paragraphs in Genesis 12j 1—13:10 Don't forget the chapter titles® Divide the chapters into paragraphs as follows: 12:1-3; 4-9; 10-16; 17—13:1 * * * * * * * PART 2» Write your chapter titles here: Chapter 21 I*hmael *acAi6iced Chapter 22 (j/l^U1-^ c^L tCo Jglt^/r*-^- Chapter 23 tjM U<. / _//Cl('<• Chapter 24 / MJlcJ. . PART 30 Begin the summary chart on the form on the following page* - 36 - Lesson 18e Isaacs Son of Promise Abram and Pharaoh 12 13 GOD AND ABRAM 1-3 Cormand £ Vnomine God called Abtiam fistom hl6 home- land and psionttied to make a gieat nation of him—a blei^lng to aJU. eanth. H - 1 L^M ^ A o wealthy there waAnet room ior both oh thm in the territory oh Bethel and Mo -— tilj.J^Li'yJLA^ jJtbJ^^ v 6 J JJL^JUL d J-i 1-6 fjta- JU* - > - // ^ ' / TL / v QJU oly / JL^jZy JL V o^^^ zl* /i"' - 39 - LESSON 20, ABRAHAM'S WRONG SOLUTION Ttach me paXlenct my TatheA, that I may 6e wilting To wait ion. 77iee„ May I not aeefe to do thing4 In mf/ willful way but in Thy way. In JeNamtt Amen. Assignment — — • ••••••••B MHWiU 1. Continue the summary chart for chapters 16-18^ Divide the para- graphs as follows: 16:1-6; 7-14; 15-16; 17:1-8; 7-14; 15-21; 22-27; 18:1-8; 9-15; 16-21; 22-32a 16 (/ (I ^iiAu. /j^JLUU 17 (Msl God and Abraham 1-6 SaAai and HagaA WUi Abtiam [at SaAal'A Aug- geAtion) took HagaA OA a con- cubtm, A he. became in*u.bor- dinate. to hex mlAtsieAA and fated ivkrn Ae.veA.eZij puniAke.d* Qm.. y*. ^J Ac t ^ I vft f j* f ^ ^ r : \ . yaJUu 18 / God and Abraham Cf - a ^^ri t tr* (D CO 01 o K> O cr * &> P* s: H o p 09 m o h-4 c If H- O P o 1 J ^ j j ^ /6 - 41 - LESSON 21o TRIUMPH OF FAITH 0 Lord, help me to realize that all thing4 work Together for Good to tho&e who love and thriut Thee0 In Je6iu' name, Amen0 Assignment It Continue the summary chart for chapters 21-23. Divide the para- graphs as follows: 21:1-7; 8-14; 15-21; 25-34; 22:1-8; 9-14; 15-19; 20-24; 23:1-16; 17-20* * * * * * * * 21 riJ/U^' r 22 21. GOD AND ABRAHAM 1-7 jfofotfi Ojj Isaac Whew, AWakam um 100 yea/u old IA CMC u) v: jL/i/f-'&U'* ) y ] yuc jl^ltu I - 'fjb* ^ ~ jyf ^ 3 Hr 3 />;/> c U f L ^ ' Jk v- c a ot?_ IPUI (Pl 1^3 - 3J - 46 - LESSON 2*f0 ABRAHAM GOD Giant me, My lofid, a cteoJi vision oi Thy love, and ca/ie ion. me In spitz oi my anwonxhlnessc As J see Thee moie cteajity, Help me to become tike Thee mon.e iully0 Amen0 Assignment lo Make a list of the characteristics of God described or assumed in chapters 12—18® After each place the references where it is found, Characteristics of God References Genesis 12<-~18 Speaks to man Loyalty Accepts worship tQijj^eL to**' CLCXMfJ* - 12°, 1-3, 1; 15s 1, 4, 5,7, 9, 13-16, 18-20; 16s7-12;17s1-21; 18s20, 26, 28-3 3; 20c 3P 6P 70 ?2i3; /5s? J2«7, 13:4 ft:9? / * - 48 - LESSON 26, FAILURES AND SUCCESS I know that tests oi fiaith will come., 0 Lord, uphold me That I may never waver in my willingness to serve Thee. Amen0 Assignment ls Read Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 13s "The Test of Faith," pages 145-155 (CHL 142-152). 2« List the ways in which Abraham had failed tests of faith as in- dicated on pages 145-147 (142-145)0 30 On page 154, paragraph 4 (151s3), three groups are mentioned as pro- fiting from Abraham's fulfillment of the great test in which God required him to sacrifice his son. Indicate from the materials on pages 147-155 (142-152) how each of these groups did or could benefito * * * * * * * - 49 - Lesson 26s Failures and Success PART 20 Ways in which Abraham failed tests of faiths PART 30 Three groups and how they benefiteds Abraham 1 /^L-jUSeJldL. Character growth reached the highest standard0 Strengthened his souZ0 ft**/ foX^ ^ ^ Q JI^CAAJU^^- "^^^Z/ ^ / d S cJL^l/^jjh - 50 Lesson 26« Failures and Success PART 3 (Cont'd) - 51 - UNIT A CHANGE OF HEART LESSON 27a JACOB AND ESAU This is the beginning of a new unit and a good time to check up on your study habits0 As you become more familiar with these methods you may have a tendency to let things slide® Resist the temptation® Are yous Collecting all needed materials before you begin to study? Reading the assignment carefully and following directions specifically? Remembering to pray? Help me, 0 God, to develop a sense oft t/iue valuer 0 Help me to leann patience and not lose that u)kick is o^ etennal mutk While grasping fafi {ulfiillmeyit ofa an bmediate define * A men® A bowl of a fortune to lentiles be inherited NOW LATER Which would you have chosen? Which are you choosing? Assignment 1. Read Genesis 25il9—29:30o 26 Assign titles to the chapters8 3. Construct a summary chart for chapter 25sl9-340 Divide the paragraphs as follows? 25:19-26; 27-28; 29-34, - 52 Lesson 27« Jacob and Esau PART 3, Summary chart for chapter 25:19-34, .25:19 Jacob tkc OuuioX 34 -< j ^j > ________ r ^ KCftfTAa^^Mgrft i » Jemw Whtt* Utor»rf triOREWS UNIVERSITY \i i - 53 LESSON 28c JACOB THE DECEIVER VatheA, give. me. strength to be. honest utndeA all circumstances 0 Teach me to seek Thy will nathen than my personal inclinations. Amen Assignment 19 Read Genesis 30s25—31:550 20 Assign appropriate titles to chapters 30 and 31® 3S Construct a summary chart for chapter 27s1-450 Divide the para- graphs as followss 27:1-4j 5-17; 18-29; 30-38; 39-40; 41-450 * * * * * * * PART 2o Chapter titles? Chapter 30 L&as^-^ ^Mvkd 6 Chapter 31 > T Y (j/V^t-^ / - 54 - Lesson 28« Jacob the Deceiver PART 3« Summary chart for Genesis 27:1-45, uL h cAr 1 ' T - 55 - LESSON 29<. JACOB THE EXILE In a sense we are all exiled because of sin until we accept Christ0 Still, God loves us and cares for us in spite of our condition,, Pray that God will help you to realize His love for you personally, and that this understanding will help you draw closer to Him0 0 Father, Thou who did&t &e.e.k me before. I knew Thee, Give, me a deeper appreciation oh Thy lovei0 Help me to understand the. meaning of salvation through JeJ>u60 Amen0 1. Read Genesis 32, 33D and 35sl-210 2a Assign appropriate titles to the chapters0 3e Construct a summary chart for Genesis 27s46~-28: 18. Divide the paragraphs as follows: 27:46-™»28s5; 6-9; 10-17; 18-220 Assignment PART 2« Chapter titles: Chapter 33 Chapter 32 Chapter - 56 - Lesson 29• Jacob the Exile PART 30 Construct the summarychart below: Jacob in Exile 27:46 28? 22 27 s 46-28g 5 >J /LoWu^x Jk> sjJl C f ^ ^ / /; n LABAN INCIDENT - C 'JL % _ ^ /Jjl /W ^ /V^A+My^ l/W/ CUstS^Ly y^^t- y - 58 - LESSON 31. FLIGHT FROM LABAN 0 Lord, kelp me to t/iubt Tftee and not depend on myt> elk . Without Tkee I can do nothing; wt&tfi Thee I caw do all thing A , Amene Assignment le Make a list of the characteristics and attitudes of Jacob which are stated or implied in Gen0 25s19-->31:55® Give references0 2e Write a paragraph of three or four sentences summarizing chapter 31® PART 10 Characteristics and Attitudes of Jacob Characteristic or Attitude References Quiet VweZleA in tents (Uu^ic 25.° 7 25:27 > s> / i / 50. r>; - ^ ^ - 3 / JtxtoSU^ - 3/; /Ls-aJI . - 60 - Lesson 32a Jacob in Despair PART 1 (Cont'd) 32 (J- (L>t 33 "7 / RETURN TO CANAAN ^ ^JU^ JUs'uuJ / i i « . > 'csv-Ci / PART 20 What attitude did Jacob indicate in his prayer? In his prayer; Q D J tJ-yOL^ J&S - 61 - LESSON 33o JACOB AND GOD I jotaXae T/iee, 0 Lo/td, ^ot moAcy and long-AuhiesUng, Make me wofctky ofa Thy pA.oml6e6 to me0 In Je&iu" nmea Amen*, Assignment 1. Review the promises God made to Abraham as given in Genesis 12§ 1—3; 13s14-17; 15:5; 17sl-80 20 On the chart provided you will find references in column 1 for the occasions on which any part of these promises were repeated to Jacob* Fill in the rest of the chart as follows: In column 2 describe the occasion In column 3 note the promises made In column 4 indicate Jacob5s response or consequent action in each case In column 5 note any indication of the fulfillment of any of these promises to Jacobo * * * * * * PART 1« List the things that God promised Abraham. J J / /& - ^ ^ r rtuJ^ f ^ . y. J^ JtW * i _ / ^ Reference Occasion Promises Response or Consequent Action Indication of Fulfillment 27:28,29 1*aac'* ble**ing on Jacob —k 1 i 4r bhatenlal wealth People 6 nation* would. *enve him Be lofid oven, hi* bnothen* phntontJnv) F£ecf fj^om /iom &ean-- the*e pnonvtie* had been given undeA de- ception Jacob wa* nick He had been protected inom Laban (But he wasn't lond oven hi* bnothen*!) D I . / A 28:1-4 hfJlM t t H* ^ fcfijM" /PAZ^ jlcMd- J/uU-u-^ /i ^ / ^ / ^ ^^ 28:13-15 ^JfTu^ - ^ r ^aa JU,d**>>. 31:3 F^tuu^- & V A®^ // The above occasions came before the night of wrestling, the following occasions came after the wrestling* 35:9-12 FE^YO ^ut^- y^^ f tD CO CO O 3 OJ co u o o cr o> 3 a. a o ON ro - 63 - LESSON 3 50 J15 L ec jLiJcy/ 41—45 50s16-21 / - 71 - LESSON 39. JOSEPH'S GOD Have you remembered to pray? Assignment lo On the chart provided record the references to Godr expressed or implied, in chapters 37; 39—46J7* List the situation, the characteristics of God indicated in each caseg and indicate how each situation might have been different without Gods Imagine yourself in Joseph's place in each case* The textual references are given in the first columns * it * 5fe & * & PART 10 Significance of God to Joseph in his crises. REFERENCES SITUATION CHARACTER OF GOD DIFFERENCE WITHOUT GOD 37s 5-11 im- plied 41:9 39:2-6 39:9 1Q • 91 "To • Josephs dreams ofa supremacyo Prosperity ofa Joseph In Potipharfs houAe0 Sees and plans aheade Guides In human avoirs Loyal to servants, given ofa prosperity, rewarded Joseph might not have kept up his couragee Just another slave without hope• ju^f+J J} Jy« zI,zJ a Ja^ 4U:oil 41:16 £1« 0 iQO-CJ^r— - ft CMJL ^ /Liy^ . „ y A 1 . Q7 "i Q ^ ttUX-4* HiiJ/,JO "42118 A fcJit* U^ 5 HO » £ H ' / -f /l^JU Cy t 48s 9 : JDVIt /ye (Jjul^ HO ell h^i -*»—^ i Cs*^>y 48s15-21 fiJjUU^* " / 49 s 23-25 Q+ufJL ^ J- 50s17219 & / i- JL / ^-yu^tA., - 73 - LESSON 40. GOD'S JOSEPH Begin u)itk a piayeA0 Assignment 1* List the characteristics and attitudes of Joseph indicated in Genesis 379 39sl—40g36o 2a How did these characteristics qualify him for his career as prime minister of Egypt, as summarized in 41s37-47? PART 1. Characteristics and attitudes of Joseph0 37s 2 He would infiom his fiathen ofi his brothers ® misconduct 37s3,4;39s4,21 A Likeable personality 37 s 5-11 Not always tact&ul in his youth 37s 13 37s14;39s6,22923j40s4 37s15-17 39 s 2 39s2,3,22,23 39s5,21,23;40s8,12;41s16 39 s 6 39s6,7 39 s 8 - 74 - Lesson 40„ God's Joseph PART 1 (Cont'd) 39 s 9;41s33-36 39:9 39:10 39:10,11 40:7,8 40:9,16 40:14; 41:14 40:18,19 40:8,12,18;41:16,25,28,32 41:33-36 PART 2® Qualifications for his governmental career. - 75 - LESSON 41. JOSEPH'S BROTHERS Invito, the. Lond to join you a* you Atudy„ Assignment 1. List the characteristics of Joseph's brothers as indicated in chapter 37. 2. Make another list of their characteristics as indicated in chapters 42—44. 3. In a short paragraph state what a comparison of these lists in- dicates as to their character development during the intervening twenty years? * * * * * * * PART 1. Characteristics of the brothers as Joseph knew them, UnAdUablz - 2 ContAoiZzd by katAzd - 4, 5, S Ca.nta.nkz/L0uA - 4 Lesson 41. Joseph's Brothers PART 1 (Cont'd) PART 2. The brothers 20 years later. Obe.ctie.nt to the, fatheA - 42 s 2, 3 Re*pe.ctful - 42:6; 43:26, 28 PART 30 Character development indicated. - 77 - LESSON 42, TESTING CHARACTER you u)itt ne.e.d kdlp with this assignment* Who can give, it better than God? Assignment 1* Read Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 224-231 (CHL 225-233)„ 2. List the tests that Joseph made to determine the characteristics of his brothers, 3. Why was Simeon selected as the brother to be kept in prison until the others had returned bringing Benjamin? * * * * * * * PART 2« Tests of the brothers® characters® (1) (2) (3) (4) PART 3o Why Simeon was selected for imprisonment? ~ 78 - LESSON 43. THE MOVE TO EGYPT Ask God to speak to you while you study. Assignment mmmmmmmmm ——mm lo Read Patriarchs and Prophets pages 231-240 (CHL 233-244)0 2* What part did the migration of Jacob and his tribe into Egypt play in the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham? 3« List the things which brought special happiness to Jacob during his last years8 ******* PART 20 The migration and the Covenant® PART 3® Happiness for the aging Jacob0 » 79 - LESSON THE CHOSEN PEOPLE Request divine strength to respond to God's woxd0 Assignment 1» Read Genesis 47s27—48s22; 50s 2. List all references to the Abrahamic promise in chapters 46—488 3t In a few sentences summarize the evidence in Gen0 50 that Joseph believed the covenant promises• * * * * * * * PART 20 References to the Promise® 46:2-4 This is the appeal and promise oA God to Jacob as he was on his way to meet Joseph in Egypt« » 80 - Lesson 44 9 The Chosen People PART 2 (Cont'd) PART 3® Joseph's faith in the covenant promises0 » 81 - UNIT 6o THE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM LESSON 45, FROM SLAVERY TO FREEDOM Play! PKayl Pnayl Assignment 1® Read Exodus 1—3* 20 Construct a summary chart for these chapters assigning titles to the chapters and paragraphs0 Summary sentences for the paragraphs need not be made for chapter 2—only for 1 and 3. The paragraphs are as follows? 1; 1-7j,8"14c 15-22; 2:1-10,11-15, 15-22,23-25; 3sl-607-12,13-220 NEED FOR A LEADER EDUCATION OF THE LEADER 1-7 Sons o£ Israel Tkeij are named, and the 70 direct descendants Increased to fill the land» » 83 - LESSON 46. THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD Von't study alone! Ask God to join you. Assignment 1. Read Exodus 19 and 20 twice at one sitting, 2. Construct a summary chart. The paragraph divisions are indicated. * * * * * * * PART 2. / / /20 OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S LAW 1-6 Ifi you will obey from Sinai God stated to Moses that Israel, could become a holy, priestly nation ifi they kept His covenant. 7-9 1-2 3-17 18-20 10-15 21-26 16-25 » 84 - LESSON if7. FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN Paay now--Study latex! Assignment lo Make three lists in which you enumerate the si fits, sounds, and commands contained in chapter 190 20 How did the people react to these sights„ sounds, and commands as indicated in chapters 19 and 20i18-21? 3i What do you think was the purpose of this majestic display in con- nection with speaking the law? * * * * * * * PART l6 Three lists SIGHTS The ivildexness., 2 M-t. Sinai* 2 Thick cloudo 9P 16 » 85 - Lesson 47 9 Fire on the Mountain PART 1 (Cont'd) SOUNDS Lord called to Moses o 3 MoseA called the. elders0 7 People answered, 8 COMMANDS Tell people If they keep my covenant they will be a holy nation. 3-6 Go consecrate the people0 10 Let the people wash their garments and be ready0 10, 11 » 86 - Lesson 47* Fire on the Mountain PART 2<> The Peoples" Reaction Pn.omh>ed to obey all that the. Loid Apokee S People, wefie coviAecAated. 14 They washed thein. go/went*, 14 PART 3» Purpose of the majestic display0 87 - LESSON WHY OBEY? The Lord is speaking—are you listening? Assignment 1» What motives for keeping the law are suggested in chapters 19—20? Make a list of as many as you can that are either stated or implied* * * * * * * * PART 1« Motives for keeping the law 19:6 - "If you wilt obey my voice » » . you shall be my own possession among all people . . . and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation," The desire for spiritual well-being and for a unique relationship with God. 19:8 - "All that the Lord has spoken we will doThe will to keep a promise. 19:12 v 19:16,18 20:2 Lesson 480 Why Obey? PART 1 (Cont'd) 20:5 ' 20:6 20:7 20:11 20:12 20:20 20:22 LESSON s TEN PRINCIPLES OF REAL LIVING Remember to pray {irstl Assignment lo Rewrite each commandment in one positive statement0 Be sure that each sentence states the basic principle covered by the commandment 0 2, What relationship is governed by each of the last six com- mandments? * * * * * * * PART 1. The commandments positively statedc I* The God who gave the law Is the only one to be worshipped* 2« - 3o .__ 4o _____ 5c — 6 a -— __ 70 8 o — 90 — ______ __ 10 0 — — — _ — _ _ _ _ _ PART 20 Relationships governed by 5 - 100 5e Principle ofi child-parent relationshipse » 90 - LESSON 50, HOW TO LIVE 0 Lord, as Moses met Thee on the mountain to receive Thy law, Help me to meet Thee now as I study its principled „ Amen0 Assignment 1. Read Patriarchs and Prophets, pages 303-310?1 (CHL 309~318sl)e 29 Make a list of the principles involved in each of the ten com- mandments as discussed on pp0 305-309 (CHL 31211-317s2)0 PART 2. Principles involved in each commandment« la Jehovah, the eternal, selfi-existent, uncreated One, source and sustainer ofi all, alone is entitled to supreme reverence and worship. Anything that tends to lessen love &or God or interfere with his service becomes a god0 2. Lesson 50» How to Live PART 2 (Cont'd) Lesson 50» How to Live PART 2 (Cont'd) 7c 8 6 9« 10, » 93 - LESSON 51. I LOVE THY LAW My V other, open my eye& that I may set the wonder of Thy law. Let me not stray from obedience to Thy comnandments 6 In Jesus6 namet Amen. Assignment 10 Read Psalm 1190 2o List all the di ferent words used as synonyms for "law" in Ps0 1190 PART 20 Synonyms for "Law"? » 94 - LESSON 52* THY TESTIMONIES ARE MY DELIGHT Teach me, 0 Lord, the way of Thy statutes and guide me therein always. Give me understanding that I may observe Thy law with my whole being, In Jesus" Namea Amen0 Assignment On the chart list the things found in the first 80 verses of Psalm 119 that the Psalmist said he (or others) did or would do about the law® Note after each the verses where it is found0 PART 19 Try to put yourself in the place of the Psalmist,, Keep in mind the synonyms for "Law" that you found in the previous lesson® WHAT I WILL DO ABOUT THE LAW OF GOD I WILLS WHERE FOUND (Verses 1-80) Walk in Keep Have eyes fixed on K 3 9 » 95 - lesson 52. Thy Testimonies are my Delight PART 1 (Cont'd) WHAT I WILL DO ABOUT THE LAW OF GOD (Cont'd) I WILL: WHERE FOUND (Verses 1-80) - » 96 - LESSON 53* TEACH ME THY STATUTES 0 V other, keep my steps steady according to Tky promise and let no Iniquity have dominion over me. In Jesuse name, Amen. Assignment 19 On the chart note the things that the Psalmist asked God to do for him in regard to the law in Ps0 119s81-176a Note after each the verses where the request is found0 PART 1. Again try to put yourself in the place of the Psalmist, and again keep in mind all the synonyms for law that you found in Lesson 51« WHAT I WILL ASK GOD TO DO FOR ME IN REGARD TO HIS LAW I WILL ASK HIM TOs WHERE FOUND (Verses 81-176) Help me Spare my LL^e to keep 86 88 » 97 - Lesson 53. Teach Me Thy Statutes PART 1 (Cont'd) WHAT I HILL ASK GOD TO DC FOR ME IN REGARD TO KXS : C ontM) I WILL ASK HIM TO: WHERE FOUND (Versos 81-176) » 98 - LESSON 54a SOURCE OF DISOBEDIENCE God oi Love, kelp me to understand Tky wisdom in permitting evil For a time in Tky univeuea Remove alt evil fitiom my li&e, 1 pnay In Je*u60 name^ Amen* Assignment 1* Read Patriarchs and Prophets« pages 331-342 (CHL 341-354), As you read watch for8 and write a brief answer to, each of the following questions0 Be prepared to discuss them more fully in classo PART 10 Questions to answer0 1» When God foreknew the terrible results of sin, why did He place on trial and allow him to transgress His command? 2c Give two reasons why God permitted Israel to go into pagan Egypt Ae B® » 99 - Lesson 54„ Source of Disobedience PART 1 (Cont'd) 3* What did Satan expect would happen to the Israelites for worshipping the golden calf? 4* To what does contempt for parental authority soon lead? 5. Which are the most dangerous falsehoods? 6. Of what future event was the great display of the power of God at Sinai a foreshadowing? 7. What will happen to the law of God after sin has been removed and the. plan of redemption completed? » 100 - UNIT 7o THE MAN WHO ARGUED WITH GOD LESSON 55« THE TIMES OF HABAKKUK The new unit we begin today is about a man who lived about 800 years after the law was given at Sinai0 Your teacher will give you some of the historical highlights of these centuries0 However9 you will be able to learn in your assignment for today much about the conditions under which this most interesting prophet wrote his book0 RmmhoA to pray fvutl 10 Read 2 Kings 21? 1— 24s7* 20 List the sins of kings Manasseh and Amon9 and the people of Judah mentioned in 2 Kings 21„ 30 List the things which the Lord said would come upon Jerusalem and Judah because of the sins of the people2 as stated in the following passages? 21s 1-15; 23226827; 24sl-°4o PART 20 The sins of J dah and its kings » 101 - Lesson 55. The Times of Habakkuk PART 2 (Cont'd) PART 3« Predicted results of Judah's sins* 21:10-15 23:26,27 24:1-4 » 102 - LESSON 56* THE ARGUMENT Ask God far kzip in your study0 Assignment lo Read the book of Habakkuk rapidly0 2» Make titles and theme sentences for the paragraphs in lsl—2:10 Divide the paragraphs as follows? 1 s 1—4g 1j5-°11; 12 12—2? 10 PART 2o Summary chart for Habakkuk lsl—2s10 / The Prophet's Complaint _1 VIOLENCE! 1-4 » 103 - LESSON 57» ROUSING THE CHALDEANS BeiJo/Le you. opavi the. Bib -visit with, its kuAhon.* Assignment 1. Identify the speaker in each of the following paragraphs? 1:2-4; 1:5-11; 1:12—2:1, 2. To whom do the following pronouns refer? I (1:5,6), They (1:9-11), Thou (1:12-14), Them (1:12), He (1:5-17), I (2:1)9 3. List the words and phrases which describe the Chaldeans in 1:5-11. k k k k k it k PART 1. The Speakers 1:2-4 _ _ _ 1:5-11 _ _ _ _ _ 1:12—2:1 PART 2o Antecedents of the pronouns. I They _ Thou Them He I PART 3. Descriptive words and phrases » 104 - LESSON 58. THE VISION Have you rmmboAed to pray? Assignment 1, Make a summary chart for chapter 20 Divide the paragraphs as follows: 2-5; 6-8; 9-11; 12-14; 15-17; 18,19; 20* PART le Summary chart The Lord's Answer WOE! 2-5 » 105 - LESSON 59o FIVE WOES Begin with a pncajen. Assignment 1« Look up the following words in the dictionary and write their meaning into your workbooks Booty, Remnant, Plunder, Sated, Revelation0 20 Try to determine from the context what is meant by the follow- ing figures of speechg "To set his nest on high0" (9) "The stone will cry out from the wall, and the beam from the woodwork respond0" (11) "Who builds a town with blood0" (12) "As the waters cover the sea," (14) "The cup of his wrath," (15) "Let all the earth keep silence0" (20) PART 10 Definitionso Bootys Remnant s » 106 - Lesson 59• Five Woes PART 1 (Cont'd) Plunders Sated: Revelation: PART 2„ Figures of speech0 "TO SET HIS NEST ON HIGH0" This figure denotes the attempts of the Chaldean (or anyone who gets evil gain for his house) to use the wealth he has plundered to make himself, his city9 and his people secure "to be safe from the reach of harm®" Anyone who goes about plundering and taking booty will make many bitter and powerful enemies• This the Chaldean did® His wealth then must be obtained to protect himself against the enemies he has made® "THE STONE WILL CRY OUT FROM THE WALL, AND THE BEAM FROM THE WOODWORK RESPOND," Lesson 59, Five Woes PART 2 (Cont'd) "WHO BUILDS A TOWN WITH BLOOD," "AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA," "THE CUP OF HIS WRATH," "LET ALL THE EARTH KEEP SILENCE. - 108 - LESSON 60, TAUNT OF THE CAPTIVES Invite the Land to join you a* you &tudy, Assignment 1« What is the primary principle involved in each of the five woes of chapter 2? 2e Can you see any relationship between 2s20 and each of the five woes? PART 18 Principles embodied in the woes, 1, The wealth obtained by thefit and plunden i6 not endu/iing, ion thoAe who have been nobbed will take theJji nevenge• 2. 3. 40 - 109 - Lesson 60„ Taunt of the Captives PART 1 (Cont'd) 5 9 PART 20 Relationship of the woes to 2s208 lo Let him who enriches himself with, what is not his own remember: The Lord is in His Holy temple--He is not like the blind wooden idol, but sees, his wickedness„ 2. 3, 40 50 » 110 - LESSON 61. THE PRAYER OF HABAKKUK You'll need kelp wltk this assignment* God will be glad to give It• Assignment 1» Read chapter 3 at least three or four times rapidly. 2. Construct a summary chart dividing the chapter into paragraphs according to the following patterns 1—15; 16; 17-19. 3. Note the progression of the prophet's attitude toward God in 1:2,3; 1:12-17; 3:2. * * * * * * * PART 2. Summary Chart. Prayer of Understanding SALVATION! » 111 Lesson 610 The Prayer of Habakkuk, PART 30 Change in attitude toward God 1s293 — I cAy — you don"t tUtzn I c/iy -« j/ou Is 12-17 » 112 - LESSON 62» WRATH AND MERCY Ask God to speak to you. while you study0 Assignment amuuwim mvteKrmsxxsm&terjam 16 In 3:2 Habakkuk addresses a prayer to God0 He now understands more of the way God's judgments come upon people0 He refers to two phases of God's judgments: wrath and mercy0 In the first column of the chart list the expressions which describe the displays of the glory and of the saving activities of God. In the other column list all references to violent acts of God that are mentioned in 3:3-15. PART 1. Glory and Violence0 GLORY AND SALVATION VIOLENCE AND JUDGMENT Hi& glory covered the heavens Before him went pestilence Plague fallowed close behind » 113 - LESSON 63o I WILL QUIETLY WAIT Request divine strength to respond to God°s word* Assignment 1. What do you find in 3s13 that might explain the change in Ha- bakkuk* s attitude toward God? 2. Compare 3i2 with 3s 16. Note the similarities0 Does verse 16 indicate whether Habakkuk expected the Lord to "in wrath re- member mercy" as he had asked in verse 2? Explain. 3. In the left column of the chart indicate the recipients of God's glory and salvation, and in the right column list the objects of violence and judgments as given in verses 3-160 PART 10 Explain Habakkuk®s change in attitude. » 114 - Lesson 113® I will Quietly Wait PART 2e Similarities between verses 2 and 16 SIMILARITIES 3*2 3:16 Does verse 16 indicate whether Habakkuk expected the Lord to "in wrath remember mercy" as he had asked in verse 2, Explain. PART 3o Objects of salvation and judgments OBJECTS OF GLORY & SALVATION OBJECTS OF VIOLENCE & JUDGMENTS Hmv&nA Ea/itk Nation* » 115 - LESSON I WILL REJOICE IN THE LORD The Lord is speaking—cuii you listening? Assj&rment Is What is the relation between 3:16 and 3s17? 20 Are the conditions which the prophet is anticipating in 3?17 better or worse than those described in Is2-4? In what way? 39 What progression in Habakkuk®s understanding has occurred between 3s13a and 3s18b? 40 Make two lists which indicate Habakkuk's attitude toward God and what he thinks God9s attitude toward him is0 The first list should describe his attitude in Is2-4 and the second his attitude in 3sl8019o PART la Relationship, 3s 16 3s 17 » 116 - Lesson 64, I Will Rejoice in the Lord PART 2. Conditions. PART 3» Progressions PART 4. Attitudeso Is 2-4 3:18,19 » 117 - LESSON 65o SEMESTER REVIEW The following suggestions can help you prepare for your final test and form an outline for a thorough review of this semester5s study0 COULD YOU— la Make a general outline of the main sections of the book of Genesis? 2a Give a specific and detailed account of the setting and the de- velopment of the great problem in the first three chapters of Genesis? 3a Indicate what contributions each of the narratives concerning the patriarchs contributes to a solution of the great problem? 4a Review the situation in which God gave his great principles of life, including in your discussion a statement of each of the principles? 5a List the motives for f«gults of obedience to God®s law as given in Exodus 199 20 and fgalm 119? 6a Recount Habakkuk9s growth in faith and understanding as he sought the principles underlying God°s dealing with mankind? 7a Tell how the principles you have studied are significant to your life? 80 Make a statement concerning your personal response to the word of God studied tfar this year?