SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD HARVEST INGATHERING Study Carefully These Figures Below. OUR GOAL WAS $9,000.00: WE ONLY REACHED $3,675.83 REMEMBER . . "THE GOALS FOR 1922 Conference, $9,000.00: Individual, $10.00: Service,- At least 10 hours. SOME HAVE REACHED IT. HAVE YOU? BETTER HURRY! church elders take this matter upon their hearts, also the workers, and let us do all we can to encourage many of our brethren to enter the ranks. For your encouragement we have some good word to pass on to you. "During the recent Fall Council an ac- tion was taken to reduce the price on some of books as follows: Full leather reduced from $7.50 to $6.00. : : Half leather reduced from $6.00 to $5.00. oo + Cloth to remain the same at $4.50. These reductions apply only to four books as here given: wil think Mem- Ave. No. Ave 1921 1922 ber- per work- per total " Church ship mem. ing solic. ecollec’d 2 Corsicana 15 2.98 10 4.46 $44.75 Cleburne 27 2.92 8 9.97 - 79.78 What Cedar Grove 6 9.25 3 18.40 56.20 Dallas 150 6.01 50 18.03 901.74 will Dalworth 59 4,22 20 12.04 240.80 Decoy 9 .80 2 3.65 7.30 We Denison 34 2.10 18 3.96 71,32 Douglass 31 05 1 1.50 1.50 Do Fort Worth 70 6.21 20 21.75 435,08 Gainesville 15 2.76 3 13.80 41.41 For Halil 5 .35 1 1.75 1.75 Henrietta 12 5.70 10 6.86 68.50 19227 Hillsboro 6 3.33 2 9.50 19.00 "Isolated 200 1.17 50 4.88 235.16 Jefferson 100 1.75 40 4.38 174.61 What Jefferson (Colored) 11 .98 3 3.59 10.78 Are Keene 300 1.54 275 1.67 460.62 You Lone Star 30 1.27 4 9.39 37.55 Doing Mosier Valley 7 1.32 3 3.08 9.25 To New Hope 59 . 8 1.20 9.84 Help Riesel 5 18.24 5 18.24 91.20 Your Salmon 34 1.60 4 13.57 54.30 Church Sherman a1 7.10 10 21.98 219.80 Reach Valley View 45 3.43 10 15.43 154.30 Their Waco : 49 4.56 15 14.91 223.72 Goal? Waco (Colored) 20 1.28 5 5.12 25.59 Total § 3,675.83 carry on their preparation. Let our Great Controversy Bible Readings Daniel and Revelation Practical Guide to Health Thus until further notice the prices on these books will be: Cloth, $4.50 Half leather, $5.00 Full leather, $6.00 This drop in price causes quite a loss to the publishing house and Tract Societies. However the brethren felt best to make this move. It ought to be a BIG INDUCEMENT for a num- ber of our people to take right hold of the book work. We trust that you seriously of this matter. PAGE FIVE and write Brother Van Campen right away for territory. Do not delay, please. DO IT NOW! We have a large number of these books here at the office. You will do a noble deed by helping us place them in the homes of the people and these books CAN BE SOLD. If you don’t believe it try it and be convinced. May the Lord roll the burden for this work upon a large number is my earnest prayer. J. F. WRIGHT. Vv CHANGING THE NAME OF THE TRACT SOCIETY For some time during the past our Tract Societies have had difficulty mak- ing orrselves and the work of the tract society fully understood in our dealings with those not of our faith. In. the cities especially do they get us mixed up with ‘“Traction or Railway compan- ies,”” so it has been recently voted by the several unions, ours included, as well as the conferences, to change the name to read ‘‘Book and Bible Houae’’ in the place of the name ‘‘Tract Soe- iety.”” Hence hereafter, those writing us, will address us ‘‘North Texas Book and Bible House.’’ * After careful coun- sel, this change has been locked upon with great favor, therefore, we have moved forward by vote to adopt the new name. Kindly keep this change in mind when you write us hereafter. J. F. WRIGHT, R. L. ATCHESON. re NORTH TEXAS NEWS ITEMS Thursday morning the 12th, Brother Dunn with his good wife left for Den- ver, Colo., where Brother Dunn is to assume his new duties as secretary of the Y. P. M. V. and educational de- partments. We regret very much their going. We shall miss them, but wish them abundant success. Co The members of the Keene church spent Monday and Tuesday of this week working in Cleburne in behalf of the Harvest Ingathering. Reports will be given later, Elder AcMoody has been on the sick list suffering from an attack of the den- gue fever. We are glad to report that he is better. We also regret to learn that Brother Maloney of Denison has been sick fora few days. Itis hoped that he will have a quick recovery. Elder Wright has just returned from a trip covering Dallas, Dalworth, and Fort Worth. He held meetings in Dal-