The News Interpreted CHANGES 7z the CALENDAR Herbert Photos, Inc. Professor Albert Einstein (with his wife) who gave the theory of relativity to the world of science, and now announces new discoveries in electro-gravity the Bible prophecy of nineteen centuries ago that this power of the papacy would be “wounded to death,” and that the “deadly wound,” would be ‘‘healed.” Nor were they aware that the same divine prediction said that ‘all the world wondered.” Well, all the world did wonder, and was amazed — and blessed. We will go more deeply into the interpretation of these problems and their fulfillment, in future numbers of THE WATCHMAN. See Revelation 13:3. THE ‘WANDERING SABBATH’ Changes are being proposed in the calendar now used by all civilized peoples. These proposals, if carried into effect, will work for good or ill to business, government, international rela- tionship, even religion. While the whole matter has not yet received wide publicity and general understanding, it is sure to be a paramount issue before the world ere long. At the present time the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States House of Representatives is considering a Joint Resolution that embodies these changes, and that advocates our sending a commission from this country to Furope to join an APRIL, 1929 international conference on the ques- tion. The League of Nations, we under- stand, is sponsoring united action for some sort of calendar simplification. In short, the plan provides for thirteen months in the year, the extra one to be named Sol and to come between June and July, with four seven-day weeks in each month. This would make 364 days. But as there are 36514 days in the year, the extra full day would be a “blank day’ each year, not counted in the regular calendar, but made a holiday. And the extra one-fourth day would be taken care of by adding another ‘‘blank day’ every four years. Every first day of the month would come on Sunday, and every last day on Saturday. The thirteenth would always come on Friday. And it is hoped that all holidays could be made to occur on Mondays, to make long week-ends. The world’s method and order of reckoning time has often been changed by governments. The Julian calendar of Roman times was a great improve- ment over what preceded it; and the Gregorian calendar, which we now have, materially improved on that of Julius Cesar. There can be no question but that the proposed changes now before the world would greatly facilitate com- merce, and social and governmental affairs, and would mean a great con- venience and saving in banking and busi- ness circles. Heretofore there has been more serious consideration given them in Europe than in America. They are backed by such great organizations as the International Chamber of Com- merce and the In- ternational Astro- nomical Union. Mr. Eastman, of “Ko- dak” fame, and many prominent business men, are using their influence to urge the reform. Tug WATCHMAN takes a firm stand against this change. We are in full ac- cord with calendar simplification, but this is the first time in history that a general calendar has been proposed that would do away Herbert Photos, Inc. A congested corner in New York ¥City. traffic problem is increasingly difficult in our cities with the regular weekly cycle of days that has existed uninterrupted, we believe, since creation. The God-given Sabbath that we keep, Saturday the seventh day, is based on the week. God com- manded a particular day, the seventh day, exactly every seventh day reckoned from creation; but the present reform would make such a Sabbath come on a different day of the week every year, because of the ‘““blank day,” and thus make a ‘‘wandering Sabbath,” which is not according to God's command at all. Regardless of whether or not our calendar reforming friends agree with us in this, we, In common with all seventh- day keepers, including millions of orthodox Jews, have a right to our conscientious convictions and religious practices in the matter. And to make the Sabbath come on a different day of the week each year would very evidently work cruelty and hardship on Sabbatarians who are working for em- ployers who have adopted the reform, and on Sabbath-keeping children who attend the public schools. We could not conform, because our very faith is based on the fundamental idea that “we ought to obey God rather than men.’ ‘The seventh-day Sabbath is a sign between God and His people (Ezekiel 20: 12, 20), and every modern tendency, under the instigation of Satan, the enemy of God, is to obliterate this sign. It has been done in the institution of Sundayas a day (Continued on page 28) The PAGE SEVENTEEN