Four SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD $ 9 COLPORTEUR’S WEEKLY REPORT { North Texas Conf. Southwestern Union Conf. i Office, ares Texas Name Address Book Hrs, Ords. Val. Helps Total Del. {Present . Eider David Von | oUTH TEXAS, June 90 & ——amans o C. L. Bainer, San Marcos DR 48 59 228.50 228.50 Artie Taylor, Austin DR 28 23 103.00 1.00 104.00 6.50: Mrs. Bainer, San Marcos BR 48 21 8L75 3.75 85.50 3.75. “SANCTIFY A FAST" E. L. Martin, San Marcos DR 30 16 69.50 6950 A. A. Prewitt, Nordheim GC 26 19 67.50 .85 68.35 .85 The above words are found record- C. A. Forste, Orange DR 30 14 50.50 2.20 52.70 33.70 ed in Joel 1:14 and 2:15. When I C. H. Chenault, Bryan DR 35 13 42.50 2.25 44.75 2.25 read these words the question arose C. W. Pennock, Beaumont GC 7 7 27.00 27.00 33.50 in my mind, to whom is the Lord M. J. Flood, Houston BFL 12 15 27.00 27.00 speaking here? 1 read verse 15 in E. McKenzie, Houston BFL 17 14 24.50 24.50 the first chapter and there I found C. W. Lynn, San Marcos DR 23 6 22.00 22.00 these words: “Alas for the day! for Wm. McKenzie, Houston DR 13 4 16.00 1.00 17.00 1.006 the day of the Lord is at hand, and A. Ww. Kreuger, Victoria PG 26 3 10.50 10.50 as- a destruction from the Almighty S. E. Johnson, Houston BFL 16 6 9.00 9.00 shall it come.” Again I read chapter _— 2 and the first verse: “Blow ye the Agents 14 359 220_ 779.25 11.05 790.30 81.55 trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm TEXICO, June 23 ny ho et oe qe EE Blackwelder, Las Vegas GC 30 20 90.00 90.00 day of the Lord cometh. for it is nigh E T. Chuquiyure, Las Cruces PG 47 26 91.00 91.00 at hand.” To Walter Coberly, Childress BR 40 5 20.50 20.50 After reading these solemn words Zoral Coberly, Childress BR 54 8 30.00 ~ 1.35 31.35 1.35 : . . H. H. Cowan, Sidney DR 51 13 46.00 1.65 47.65 1.65 in such close connection with the call T. J. H Clvd BR 21 23 91.50 91.50 of the.Lord to His people, “Sanectify - ©. Zooper, LIy N . ’ ie a fast” it seemed very plain to me A. C. Wade, Memphis DR 49 18 68.00 4.20 72.20 4.20 , . re Mrs. A. C. Wade, Memphis BF 22 2 3.50 2.715 6.25 2.75 that the Lord is talking to His people =p "yoo Lo) ptancia PG 48 14 52.00 52.00 ey a He a. J. whitfield, Clyde BR 41 32 117.00 60 117.60 60 In h ith th - d a C. C. Wilcox, Estancia GC 25 13 47.50 47.50 n armony wi ese words, a ay Bibles 2 9.10 9.10 of fasting and prayer has been ap ) pointed, and I earnestly hope and pray Agents 11 428 176 666.10 1055 676.65 10.55 that all who believe in prayer and in fasting will observe this day, Sabbath, NORTH TEXAS, June 30 . July 14. W. T. Tucker, Martin Mill BR 34 7 25.50 1.50 © 27.00 1.50 We read of a number of instances J, W. Mundell, Keene BR 21 -11 42.50 2.25 44.75 2.25 in the. Bible where God's children A. Prewitt, Purdon BR 33 23 85.00 3.55 86.55 3.55 fasted and prayed and the Lord won- Dp, D. Clark, Trinity DR 9 23 98.50 98.00 derfully delivered them. Do we need W. B. Parkins, Jacksonville DR 50 28 107.00 107.00 help and deliverance at this present FH. H. O’Harrow, Roanoke GC 15 2 8.00 1.25 9.25 1.25 time? Are we not surrounded by FE. L. Taylor, Sherman DR 47 12 45.50 7.15 52.65 7.15 dangers and trials as perhaps never J B. Carter, Clarksville GC 31 32 113.50 : 113.50 before in the history of God's people? Reuben Anderson, Cooper PG 26 23 83.50 83.50 3.50 If ever we needed help from on high Era Harper, Purdon PG 45 18 73.00 2.50 75.50 2.50 it is now. It seems to me I can al- Annie Bradley, Purdon PG 37 24 107.00 2.80 109.80 2.80 most hear our boys, who are of mili- WwW, R. Hixon, Keene PG 30 14 49.50 49.50 taray age, from all over this land (. L: Collison, Keene PG 17 10 37.00 1.50 3850 send this message to God's people, R, R, Sweany, Alto HM 46 31 86.50 8.10 94.60 10.60 “Fast ye and pray for us and we al- N., J. Liebman, Dallas PPF 10 . 2.00 2.00 2.00 so will fast.” - H. D. Leavelle, Jefferson © PPF 4 8§ 18.00 18.00 - Then, brethren and sisters, while Miscellaneous 50.00 50.00 . 50.00 we are fasting and praying for our (, A. Graves, Jefferson WW 5.00 5.00 5.00 dear boys, don’t most of us need to z § Arey, Cleburne Mise 39 1 3.50 10.00 13.50 10.00 fast and pray for ourselves also? pt Worth Church WW 14775 14775 147.75 Ths should be a day of victory in the Keene Church WwW 100.00 100.00 100.00 camp of Israel. The time has come Jgglated individuals WwW 150.00 150.00 150.00 when we must have the victory over Bibles 27.60 27.60 every sin, We must live a clean, : — —— pure, and victorious life. Jesus is Agents 17 455 266 1011.10 495.35 1506.45 439.85