- NEWS - ALL PHOTOS ON THIS SAGE FROM pS TERNAT FCA SA. EWE RAGES PICTURES - 5 I. Licutenant General Sir Thomas Blamey., one of Australia’s most famous soldiers, is shown (second from left) with General Douglas MacArthur, Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations” forees in the Southwestern Pacific. and Prime Minister Cartin (right) of Australia, after a stall meet- ing at General MacArthur's headquarters. The American officer at the left is a MacArthur aid. 2. Launching of the submarine U.S.S, “Runner.” at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, recently. Sponsor for the *Runner™ was Mrs. John H. Newton. wife of Rear Admiral John HL. Newton, United States Navy Submarine Chief of Naval Operations. 3. Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, wife of a former governor of Tevas. was recently inducted as head of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. She is here shown taking the oath of office in Washington. D. C. Present at the ceremony were General George CC. Marshall, United States Army Chief of Staff, and Seeretary of War Henry L. Stimson. Shown left to right: Major General M, C. Cramer. Judge Advocate of the Army. General Marshall, and Mrs, Hobby. 1, Licu- tenant N. Kulier, Commuaader of an anti-aircraft battery in the Soviet Army, is shown beside the remains of a German Messerschmitt 110, which he was successful in bringing to earth. To date he has accounted for cight German raiders. 50 In the first war-time Decoration Day parade since 1918, the Army paraded some of its might for President Roosevelt a ad high Army and Navy officials in Washington, I). €.. Army tanks are here shown passing the Capitol, NES SE