GATS LUCE ON ing the rainy season is alimest suicudnad to new comers about the HJambesi res sions. We havea mighly probicm to carry the qqurckly to henthan JASE lands. Mav our schools equip and send out thousands to this task, Fray torus and the heathen. Woe always appreciate from friends at Union With family, and heaving REY College. gindest wishes to your fo the sohood, Your brother io the work, Co Roce, Jory Gedo, Whodosoa, Alhissron Niadon, Serra edi Apel 240 1007 MASSIONARY VOLUNTHR READING COURSL THE From the cradle tothe grave, whethos Tife broken course of education, we Tecegnize itor nol, T= oe ane Li oes on not alene in scheo's and colleges, but in every combination of place, company, and circumstance tn which an iwdi- vidual may veluotarily station his + or into which he may be casually throat The trite seving that “Prom every buon: road to Lon that let in Foeland there is a don, tis ne more true than from carnest craving soul theve san Eat cvery avenue to intelleciual atimmment, we must egin where we are and work up step by step “The heights by greal nen reached and kept, Were not attained by sudden flight; But they, while herr stept upward un the night” IPT JERR Wore toring Time and again we sce vouny people of equal oppoertuaities: one asing his spare moment for sel-iwmprovement, through the moments in idleness and =clfinduivence, putting self VIZOrous course of discipline, ather wasting his with no special thought of lugh devel These voung people T [8] dear reader? opment. TEA as they sow. which class do you be- long, PSS EING 1i "Reading maketh a nib aan a prin ciple which Paul rocccuized wien bi admcnshed Tonoihr bo sive ello ce { The hock we rend Sines a SE i hpi ul ik vo hinrac tore 1 : ' Prim ns EO Woe I 1 ui Tg ETERS ES SL ROE PERSE SE 1 15 15 Powers aon tho iniiuen or ot thie dives of Yoollinpion ard ITT priv pnranl the forigivady boys fe cuter Lhe aes Gai avy, «0 the vowdiv ee of nassionnry 11d CUAL Rue i LE A vy 1] HERE LW iii bending rien and wornon Te bodes ise STOTT Thos ds cnpedndtby tire of the Brteratare wloch porlvays copsocrated ives and shows arsent noods and an saving oppeertunatees of the feeld The eed or oth Meili WW [4 LORE press Geos an Salon Carey vr and bead By reads looks Veg ave Kowud the Word IBRSUTCE IE Pore dd thee arnt sicpary Wher he read Gudriaits and And wh : iv the Chiavclies of Brian peal to Fobraif wi Chon Thebes reading A surinon sn which America oh tosis was nadie 10 the oxaypie od Maile To sor, arad tere ive fhe Pocawedi he pression thal has ite was fo be Q oLlihEioanary The [lee Course has been olunteer IK i ¢ started tor the nary V Of ONY VO Uu0E Poop, Jacted hy the Yonne ciice Mission bor Live purpose oF Bialping our SEES SEI FS SE EEE UE SO SSR CNY Y) reading ard Lo Crt Cae dn ee el abi arti La anata Dino Her roan So a definic end. 1 +b Ive wii rae Tas § 9 three hooks te Be mained. Charly Woortin White, A cut thie Prasck wo weld kooow in ihrow he denomansinen, gecds no imnieo- duction. It sv especially adapled to our youug people, and covers the whale