/ <. CHURCH RECORD OF THE Seventh-day Adventist Church OF REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSN, TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—JTOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. I. Chas. J. Miller, 4 Aug. 16, 1873 2. Albert S. Ring, 5 3- Sarah C. Lyon, 6 Sept. 18, 1873. 4- David G. Long, 6 <( (( (( 5- Frank Wilbur, 7 6. Geo. W. White, 10 Oct. 23, 1883. 7- Maria S. Whitey 10 CC CC CC 8. Henry Howard, 10 CC (( CC 9- Ellery Norton, 14 Jan. 23, 1884. 10. Isaac Taber, 15 WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. Sept. 4, 1873. 48 37 July //, 1874. Nov. 29, 1896. Oct. 23, 8873. 42 Feb. 20, 1885. March 7, 188j. Directions to the Church Clerk WHEN our churches were few, their numbers small, and their history brief, it was not a matter of very great account just how the records were kept; but now as our churches are rapidly multiplying all over the land, and some of them are coming to have a large membership, and a history running back through several years, with many additions and losses and trials, it has become a matter of great importance to have the records kept right. But we find on examination that in many cases the clerks have kept their church records for years on loose bits of paper lying around the house, and in this manner they have sometimes been lost. Again, we find church books in which is a record of Systematic Benevolence, the Tract Society, meeting- house expenses, etc. None of these things should come into a church record. Systematic Benevolence is a distinct thing of itself. There is a treasurer appointed to attend to that. It should never be mixed with the church record. So with the Tract and Missionary Society. It is a distinct and sep- arate organization. Nothing should be said about it in a church record. And the Society which is organized to hold church property is another distinct affair, which has a clerk and record of its own. WHAT TO RECORD.— Beginning on the page fol- lowing the Covenant, in the column headed Names, write the name of each individual in the order in which he or she was received into the church. On the left hand of the name put the number of each member. Immediately to the right is a column headed Record Page. Here put the page of the Record on which is recorded the action of the church in admitting the member. In the next three columns, headed by Baptism, By Letter, By Vote, put simply the date when the member was received, in its appropriate column. The heading of the col- umn tells how the member came in. The rest of the page is devoted to dismissals, and is to be used in the same way. Put down the date of the dis- missal in the column which shows how dismissed, and in the Record Page Column, the page which shows the action of the church in the matter. A glance at this page will readily tell when any mem- ber joined, how he joined, when he left, and how he left, and who still belong. (See illustration on preceding page.) No names should ever be erased or crossed off the list. The record must show what has become of them, but let their names stand on the list always. Sometimes a member comes to the church clerk and says, " You may cross my name off from the book." But the clerk has no right to do any such thing. He can no more cross off a name by his own au- thority, or by the request of any individual, than he can take in a member by the same authority. All the clerk has to do is simply to record what the church has done. No member can take his own name off from the list. Each came in by vote of the church ; he must go out in the same manner. In that part of the book devoted to a record of meetings, record all the transactions of the church. This record should state when, where, and by whom the church was organized. It should state who were taken in at the organization, who were elected elder, deacon, and clerk, and what the covenant was which they signed. After this, whenever any member is taken into the church, or is turned out of the church, this fact should be recorded, both in the list of names and in the body of the record. When any one is baptized, when the ordinances are celebrated, when an elder or a deacon is elected or ordained, or any church trial is held, a record of these facts should immediately be made in the body of the book, and the clerk's name signed to it every time. The habit which some clerks have of letting such matters go unrecorded for days and weeks after they have occurred, is very pernicious. Any person who will do this is not fit to be clerk. Much care should be exercised in selecting a proper person for clerk. One of the first qualifications for a good clerk is promptness. A person who is prompt, punc- tual, and particular in his own affairs, will be so in attending to the affairs of the church. But one who is careless, slow, and slack in his own affairs, will be the same in attending to the affairs of the church. Hence such a person should not be put in. The clerk should also be able to write a good fair hand, and have some idea of the business style of recording matters. ... THE ... Church of Seventh-Day Adventists Of- IVas organized_ CHURCH RECORD ffitartft (Emtmni We, the undersigned,, hereby associate ourselves together as a church, taking the name " Seventh-day Adventistsand covenanting to keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—HOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. On. a, „ 3 £ 6 7 k u 1/ n f » If Ik' /b J7 X yi. DJIA cJCLCL; OIA^fiiMAJ (^C/IET a J; ) 7 •/T> (J.CIA>U A] irll Hfl. QjyJ ftfr Oofx'f'/ W /n/ /MX - /rr/ cf-U * B W* Oct /y /tfj T- 10 Ht*f R jrv WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Paga BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. Oit/ trrt /try. t ji // / rr 7 % / tri n >i * .. V /he,A f-///*- -iff / u »•'..- • f > / i/ / /' : Zf-7JL ^ /o-/f!t MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—HOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. fb zo zl (/V/j* hii/6-t. L^I/Ltty^-CL - n ih Ly. Ccu-c^t lb ska CAvt^t- Ca^L 17 OHUA, C/A^ Lf ft WOLL ,, u &(h fc A hU^y /tt/f ^Ow 0} / ff/f .*7 1 not LHJ-JDR JUL3 >i n /4Tj/ms | Ocsfc && jf ^ : WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. (hlM^lxr. /m A >/ 'I >t fact-lb- /?/3 k^^&f'/f// \ MEMBERSHIP. No. NAMES. RECEIVED—HOW AND Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. Sf CR, $. (SAJL^ J ^ (feui „ 3 6 (T^^zt^Z „ fk&Xy /l OJr(L^rx^( // CL^ * ^A^IJC 30 JU(> / > 'I '/ / / AT- it f> /, WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. 5 4 SL vW >) h ltd1) II h I / V " jj-u^ciSj U // A- // n i' >/ ^^y- j ^y/A -2.*-/I/Z // // /I (3 f ! t t * t fy < i <« f f <7 0J-Z6 - /?/«* MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—HOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. f^L $ i \ 11111 ' 3 fi -tu- 4 & fl^uOfU. „ / fret /I/3 If t t /' r r jc^ -lY-SJ/f /f '< c t -7 - \Vf f WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. MEMBERSHIP. NAMES. RECEIVED—JTOW AND BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED MEMBERSHIP. No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. RECEIVED—HOW AND BY LETTER. WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. $ MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—JTOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. No. MEMBERSHIP. NAMES. RECEIVED—JTOW AND BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. No. MEMBERSHIP. NAMES. Record Page RECEIVED—JTOW AND BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. '19 ••M MEMBERSHIP. No. NAMES. T RECEIVED—JTOW AND BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY VOTE. Record Page BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. V - -o I I I •fi 0 Y MEMBERSHIP. RECEIVED—JTOW AND No. NAMES. Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. WHEN. BY VOTE. DISMISSED—HOW AND WHEN. BY LETTER. BY DEATH. DISFELLOWSHIPED. MEMBERSHIP. NAMES. RECEIVED—HOW AND Record Page BY BAPTISM. BY LETTER. RECORD OF MEETINGS / cQc c a ^ A t A h 11 + /fi^^ flh^^l (fiHZ), /f/o. Q/cH^tyc / ^^AYF^i^ // {^fats OSA^t jLOt+t f ^ ^ C^Z^l £ Af r/ si a^^rj yi^—Tf 11 . i^otol o/i A L A - " A f§ / a.j a SJGO.U u 2 /f/d jaofjj/jl QU. n /' • 38- L l L 1-6-e/ F/U^L-L^ 1-C, QJ {7LJ, <£a QYtyiJ- tw a^U ybh^k /ft ft- v cTcf- (^jum^^*-^ dltj q/rv&^j c/a^l*> > oil oh. (Si (bu^p^ J ^i rs Q&^^^d Q/^^cl ./fa ^UL^X^^^L y/fyvl O^tr-i '^tz^ I C /I l-eUA.^-^yf as ^AAicAy-^t^*^' Co ^/ju^ Mr # /// 6 OFZ & ^t/ ^ ^^ c/d Vf/^ yj/ /? Q/ju o-^l, ^a^/t^A J? gf-lsW } 3.6S /f/6 // /Q J, fitted (P. / 0 / J-tf ~ ^ «--— a\j U $' /_A±JJ ^ ^ J ^ I ^ L ^ A / /r/o 4 /fy. /? (fcc^eW * ^^ • ^ /T/ v < y v ^^r- a ty 1 ( ^ &J3 7 2-r OC hu^L^zr^ 3 ? ? 6 ( 3 / .^o a ST" 7nny 63.0 J & ? rji 11 / / // 11 7/3 t.19 S 3. 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Cn dZ&^/r /f/2- t^ytySlrt^y* (Z^Z^Cu-z^y LL/TLF $2. p y /IT/ zlt./' tr/t* f*. 7/ wvg^* 1 JL/o, // isd^c^U ^^^O^ey^ — L J Xxs A^JIaaA-*, ^ sp/io fZct^l j Mb* Ca^L^ , 6 IIAJ? 2 ///J7 £' AXa'oJI. Zy^i^A^UM) ttf^y^cJ^ C^JIjuJ trfijit. £Jol. hi* ? W Jic^i^ _ d l^nyLlr&i. (X^t o{ s^si TAMSLI (yj^JjA., Cf si^j c^ ^j^utsi ]/lo Z- y sZsd ^bsiZiZ j asiAJL yynAA^ ^ 0-o-tyC ^IAA^UIAJ Cfy^riA^ Hi0/UAJUuQ_ , / a.c CJ^JJ- oCfc J (rzr&C sjf-^L ot^yi o( T&t-ciAJJf JL yj cny^y^ # Jyfuusfc iaIAUL (xyQ^iyiAJLO Z^L fe^O^-i evO yLvthTA{_ PU) C^rzAAZst^Jotsuit' 2/r nst^i (L^nAAAiye^i^risl IA^IAI^T CTIAA ^^J^LIALA cj ^ ^^t ch~2AA^ aqj- caiaai c/jlzj • ohjlAJLUyt 2cr ^auul^LMU^O O-TAAAI^ "fcdx^ 7 iixx- ^x^c/ r u. syu,(yi^uvc^. • /yisasistAJLsz SIX cx^t^f-c^i. cx fry TLFAJRL outsi ^ ojiAAAati^ JSfrcJjy/y nswZjlf WcL c^oa >nyi< r CnAST^T TJL cnyvvic^ yLo LAsu3 iamaa^ a TcjPL^L ZS otc/j aJiy O-T/UV^L. zJLj^- (LJLsiX) (VJASl* /J7/s (H^/C ll^aJy iSui tZaJtiCj D V YUJLDR ck. ZjlM 7 cf-j^ ^l (lcriaa j ~tlajui- outa c/[ c^^c^i^^ zjk. 1 ^^lA+JLi^ ^o^/f^C ^-^UJA- , ^ uyiSLsuuZ otfun^ 7HJL.SC. ///5. /^^crty^- crj^ TJLV^L cjL JLLC jAAZso ^U^c^ Oyv^^cJ^L Txr t^LslJe^ , -JsJLsiaM: Jjlufi Ch^to-ls*-^ Iff cud. CTVL -XowA ^ yUsiAjO IMZM lAJ^lsisfrtc^ VvujIq 2 6 irclyLc^c/JLs y^rtLn^LXu^ c^t /'/cf-v^tx) cioiyyA^A. /but/ WV-tjh^ (aa&sJjuo Lyt-ott-^x^cj^ cri -/tyo/ehsisi^ cj 2. . S'.cr) _ if-c . 3 3 / / / f _7«_ /LtjUL^ (AA/JV-f / ' 7 O f Mii t ' CC^l c A. /^ajlu^ l/ty GOQ x^u u il- f. & r i lis otstst. & Q^cvfci-^rK XL 2L- /Is 6. J. i^U? ZL*- lAS-lUc bJ^esL , Yc^A , ?JLS L/LL $ < SVL<^L^^ dlui^icyL TA/LJU^ ^ut^i ^ jyi-^ swcftijcri^ la/cu) swtax/< otc^ta^t^^i cu> ^ctl TLI JTCM /lkjAjJ ^-^C cleJ^y ocl-ca Cjol^x^ si^^t^L^^ -V V > TMcl.so, /f/5. ZT TJLU^^L CL J^iJ- c^lyiy^J^ lAScoo ^u^cyf^ cjststst 01 I , 6Z Si JO O. crzJ pocaA art. Jicw^i Wei S~ ]/{o j/lltAJ) jijtjioo lAj^iyMz^ &G ,, < t V<1/IAjIQ £ 6 f < cm. 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T^trJUv'v, JM-/ CUlJul 4) fcltou Msvt ol ^ £ jf Jsfaro-t^L w^L^ SL* //l - 6 f / Oi^n trfccA- CJL^cL - 4 <04—zt — / f / f ttob^ ^Xy &J0t/.'' /Ssz^t ^fsUof /wtcs* ^JL /jctM'CI d T <1 IAJUV^ SbUt-vL 2L WIsO iH' T ~LER j.: Ct/) i- /2/t CC^ut^C/o -Ji-*^ 1/TZL H J. ^f/lsLSJ oil mM^ CIM CJU ff 2cf d^^i GU£L ^ J^/^Asdtwodi Cat* ilrv^ c^ OL rstu. yi^ ^LoA-a. fl/l/L c/jL^O 'iid. 'lA oCislsl C4 ^O^cn^L^ e^f IA> tL s Cf s^t 7 I l i A cur A 7JUer-l eft 7 A CJbu) SJIt^u^ / / o^lAyc^0 cru t yiJt j/cr-i W ' c/ovist / 7 4 Zr' ^UtSL C-C. W . r , yiu- H*. iX^i cti^vsi^cj^ CL- IAJLAAJ- (L^ L-^A , TfcPtd SJd ctrtl^ crwt/ut_ j/faJl^ SfayCUrZA DUC ZZ- /f/J7 /1/juJsMCI ZoMiol trtdlst cck /' 5° ^ ^Otsiscl - JijUl^M. OC^lt.. ? 1/sc^k — / J^Cl LA. * 1 w isdJtA cnASO cdd> cct^. d^cJrrr'd yi/Us* lAit.«Lf rfc ODD OA^ud- crcn. w 5./, / 0 g , tb f f , otr (0 LT , Ob I 0 fr f /V 6 . ClAAjto 2^f^crt 'ViJU-'ol^ j^o-trt. ^stAjO^A/'asJL^ SsiacIVVJ JpCC — 2 ¥ — 3 1/1$ PL** 0 - / 4, . 1 S\Jt (jLAsO-<- c/i ^fjlAsl 1 dCA^Co cC> O-CislA C^e/ CTL ^ fi <1 JI.&-4 £ , crt 2. .82. //*. 3/ Z. 0( 3, Go .Sf 1 Oi/i objtc. - zr — /?/s yu cx^^^c W 2 3 ,7/ I < " iLJi^bL ti^f _ / * y 7- . ^ Sr , AC, 1VU i^dJ^ 7AM- en oh^l C4S0 syl* '/ffJbjtsd^ ^— y^cnyi ^ IL J M ousted. 0Ls a>0 vZZZeiAV** /LUU^cJi $ <3,7* J_j±nAi T tAAkA^A. cl sjisiAAyj^ (^QJLO . jVt^c^^ it^x. A (yl^-c^L cJyca jftsL* LLAIZ^O^crtd. * CM ^ ^ ^t^-^cL^j JL^* ft) ^ Com. M CsCLw.cyj , a. f, ^s^cl-tf rCO iu CtA^t 0. exA-JU^ flcru^j^tX^ -^yytlsuTAL aJr 6> /L • fti" •tL. Y(ytlA^ llcvjs ^HA-v (A^A^u^AJ^ 1AAL c^t^-x^. JA-^-u-u-t^t.^ n4A cdjbe*^ yJL llw- lb- cJA-O-Z^C lie*- o^S-t i_ •Z^cuLCA > t > ! ; \ ..... . • • : I- u i—CN-X" . » • ) I • ^ —- m v V i RETURN IN FIVE DAYS TO PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BUILDING OMAHA, NEBRASKA i Mr. E.Babcock, Dodge Center,Minn. c rl