THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL 2 S— In the near past when calls were made for the boys at the front and for the Red Cross how many responded with large sums having like all otheryorld- ly enterprizes, not the fullest assurance in the world as to whether the money would be used for the purpose for which it was donated or not. Now we have a far more important work before us. Let us take the matter seriously and see if we can’t doygle well. Let us all give a lift according to our mean@letween now and the first of the year and see what ¢ e done. In giving#us this, the most important truth the world has ever known, the Lord has placed upon us the great burden a&f bearing it to others. ~~ Now the quegiion with each individual is this, Will I prove faithiW@® to the trust the Lord has given me and go through with his people to the Kingdom of God? or will I shrink from the burden and be lost to his cause? The Lord’s blessing will surely be upon all those who use their might and means to forward this mes- sage to the world. M- »bell, Colo. SOME CURIOUS THINGS. I have just read in the October issue of one of the monthlies printed, an article wherein the Editor writes to prove that not all of the writings of Mrs. E. G. White are not divinely inspired. He quotes from a certain book and page where Mrs. White taught a certain thing for twenty-six years and sold many hundreds of the publication and later the publication was changed and a certain paragraph was left out in the new edition, thus showing that the position first taken as all who read knows now it was an error as first taught by her. He thus proves to our mind and every other fair minded person that her writings were not inspired of God. For God makes no mistakes through his chosen prophets. If it were so whauwould know what to believe in the Bible to be true and what not to be true? This Editor then states (which is true that scores of such mistakes exist in Mrs. White’s writings. Now the point with us is this, The writer says her writings are not all inspired. This statement is made several times in the Editor’s article. What shall we understand by the statement, They are not all inspired ? I would conclude the Editor accepts the position that many others hold, that some are inspired and some are not. Further, so far as I know (and I have known the writer of these articles for some years personally), to this time I don’t know what his positions are, or if he has any or what he wishes us to know as to his real position on this subject. Is he afraid to tell it? Is there some policy in not telling it? Is he astride the fence and don’t know which side to fall on? Or is he hoping that some time to be in the denomination again and does not now care to take too strong a posi- tion on the question. He says not all inspired. I like frankness. I will say further this is not the only Editor who keeps this personal idea on this question in the background. I would like for them to speak plainly as to where they stand and no doubt hundreds of others would like the same. Do they, or do they not, believe any are inspired when they say not all? Does God give and use a prophet to give messages to his people who are not reliable? 1 answer, No, emphatically. If God’s word stands on that plat- form then I for one am at sea and do not know what to believe. It is true false prophets say many good things. Baalem did so, Satan himself told the truth in some cases, but a lie was always there too. This position that all of Mrs. White’s writings are not inspired, to my mind is too much like the old woman’s fruit jars. She marked one certain kind ‘“tis,” the other kind she marked ‘“tisent”’ and set them up. When she came to open them she had forgotten which was ‘“’tis” and which was ‘“tisent.” So the one who says they are not all inspired is fixing an escape when caught teaching from the testimonies that which is. wrong. Well, he says, they are not all inspired. But théy will say to fix it up Sister White was a good woman, and the Lord used her as his special agent. Mr. Hastings, a great opposer of infi- delity, answered the infidel when the infidel said Christ was a good man, of course. Mr. Hastings re- plied by asking what the infidel’s standard of goodness was when he said Christ was a good man? Mr. Hast- ings then referred to Christ’s teaching where he claim- ed to be the son of God and that he came down from heaven and so on. Now you say he was not what he claimed, you make Christ the biggest liar we have any record of. Is that your standard of a good man, as you say Christ was. If your claims are true h ewas the biggest fraud the world has known and yet you say he was a good man. So if Mrs. White has taught so many errors as it is easy to see she has taught, can I say or you say in truth that any of her writings were inspired of God? Nay verily. Show me where any of the prophets of the Bible teachers erred, if you can I lose my interest in them. They are God’s witnesses, they are to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is my standard of a prophet. If you have any other please tell it to those whom you teach. Tell it plainly without equivocation. This is no disrespect to her personally or her followers. One thing is evident, her mistakes are many in the teaching of the Bible. As to her personal standing God alone must settle with her the same as when I or you make a mistake. One thing is certain, none of her writings were inspired. She never had a vision from the Lord. Now while speaking on this I wish to ask those who have left the denomination, Do you still hold the two thousand and three hundred days ended in 18447? Do you still believe the S. D. A. position on the three messages of Revelation 14? Is it correct as taught by the S. D. A. people? Do you still hold their position to be true as they teach Daniel 7, 8, and 9 chapters? I notice that most of those who come out from the denomination keep silent on the very vital points that