The marching men of World Wars I and II have been disillusioned. Many have discovered except as the individual obtains the abiding peace of Christ within his own heart. Weets, He was laughed to scorn hy the Utopianists ol the 1920'% About ten vears later (193% when the Nazis had already taken over the multiplied. taking the place of man. ual labour. Machines meant wealth. and wealth meant power. Money was invested mm the purchase of more ma- Ta 3 ) [LO BS IPR & 4 Sl, § EA i ' : se at By H. L. Rudy veins of sovernmeene in Germany, he published his “Yohee der Ton scherdune™ Years of Dedisiony on whieh he forewoe a second world war The Nazis immediately banned Spen- cler’s writings tn Germany, the same as they had done with other similar publications. So voice afer ICSIIRE : was silenced. More than half of the world dreamed on. giving vil minds free rein, only to wake up in a fools . paradise when it sas too late to save the situation, In the meantime industry and tech: nology seemed to offer to man the clue to success ane happiness, Mone ev began to flow [reelv, oihines were JUNE, 047 Chines to give nan more power and more leistre, Man said in his hear: “Nol, take thine case.” He had need of nothing, He believed he was master of the sitnation around hon, and if mere power was needed he cold acer that too, What oo hevdav for dictators! The world had never bhofore offered such Cptortin ities to acquire power. With the moral roots of the past dried up. ran had Hide or na power of resis acinst the totalitarian that was sweeping Furope and Large areas of the Fast and Far East For the moment the world seemed to offer everything: Tuxories. comforts, wave lee there is no peace amusernents. licence, even peace. War itso was outlawed by the nas HONS dsm tional policy, Bur man bad failed to consider onc thing: a rue knowledee of hime self and of his relationship wo his feliow creatures and to God. The for- ces of evil were at work in human hems striving for the mastery of the world. Lying, deception. brutality, disregard for human riehis. hatred of cvery moral standurd and precept. herded up in open hostilities to bes come known as World War TI. Tor six vears the holocaust lasted. In Fuarope there were 2070 davs of fight ines between the United States and Japan. 1.546 davs: between China and Japan, 2.946 days, Jeaving a total of 22060000 military and civilian mstrument of nterna- dead, and 31400000 wounded, hee sides conmiless millions left home less and destitute. As the smoke cleared away, the rains of smouldering cities and mil fons of wandering skeletons with all their 101] of moral and spivitual suf feving came into closer perspective, he spectacle stated the spirit of man. The beasthiness of the unre: venerated human hear is into ball view, Whi 1s more, coming the dis- mteoration of civilization and enliure his nor abated. despite the cessation of open hostilities. Power is being matched with power, Weapons of destruction far more devastating - 2