EDITORIAL ROOMS THE ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS TAKOMA PARK. WASHINGTON, D C Oct. 16, 1927. Mr. Claude Holmes, 307 S. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, Ill. Dear Brother: Just a line to answer a question or two which you ask in your letter postmarked October 10. It was the longer of the two testimonies which I sent you that I received first; the shorter is the one I did not know of until I wrote to W. C. White for a copy of the other, and he sent me both of them. No, I never read it to anybody. I simply considered it wes inspired by J. E. White, and I gave it scant courtesy until within about a year, when I realized that I had turned down a message from the Lord, and, coming to that conclusion, changed my entire attitude toward the spirit of prophecy. Not that I did not believe in it in a general way, but it was entirely too general to be very helpful to me in the Christian life. To Very sincerely yours, C.F Bottrsease P. S. I have no doubt the testimony about whieh you inquire was read to the other workers in the Nashville publishing house. Of course J. E. White must have received a copy of it, #u¥é I have no doubt he communicated it to dhers, though I do not know that such was the case; but I know it was usual in such cases to send one copy to the person to whom the testimony was addressed, and to someone else also, and as J. E. White was at that time head of the publishing house, in Nashville, it would be only natural that he should receive a copy of it. 0f course the company connected with the publishing house was not large at that time, and I think there was no regular chapel