THE EDUCATIONAL iiss NG ER IE Basis of truce moral science, ITN crstood toomenn thai be iw . . ros R oo a re 1 Science of immorality, “t | CE i J Lov rik ASH fron noth ut Character of popular fest ) . “ - Pe Popresa viathey ther the Uropfoos thong te ow hooks on maral scivpoe. Crceeed nthe crest RE TOT FOES Human nature as 1d rs, versas Tors wen Lh ht BF NEES ERTRT RN EP whit it should be Bavinan Bosorg as the Creator oo } 1, pet an oa numer of andividuoal os The trae moral nature oxean- . R i» ) Co TEL aed Tope Thier, OTD as Na Tiny plified mn Christ, Doers od one organ, wash Je pengio This revealed in the gospel and cach suapperanmg the oihors Is i HEE PP 4 Wr Why such a revelation was CHEST Ish De lier word NECeSSary Bovamans dor and cranes on Lh LT pe ’ — ) Stings ad . 1a Ihe pertection of the sian EARERALEASANE LEELA LE ' » dard of morals. Bara governing consires ion Object or oitioe of the uw, CTR "gs Ne TH Cb! Chapter 15, pages 147-151 ve Fh MT a . Unt bse foe rire lar Torti boven The study of physical soicace . . ’ ’ Chie reales at Daan, Dan sb Eats obo thie considers The Bible not a complete treatise on Sud onde sont ond alerny end reveals won imperin physical science, {EN ER plotort Examples of physical seience prio. ciples taught 1n the Bible Funcoons of the skeleton sid or - He I. FN Tismlie ova IN [a SE Why these principics were ned quisite auabiiies Tor fhe 1 Perteot adaplion or cao ped known tor so nay hundreds of thy function. years. The Bible's mghtful place in the ee study of physical science. Why. The Bible as the text book and basis of all Ines of study. Explain Why so diificult to accept and understand. Chapter 16, pages 152-175. Sapyple- Important principles sn ploy Axial part of shelton and natin! potnt of stady, The hidden artist. Tire mnuscaiar sysian, How beeio and how cont study. mentary reading, Education. paves The mervoms systom, 195 201.) Its tnnctions how =iady Coprueirples beans in The study of physical science anat. Muy these atl =tudy of phyvaoolosy on omy. Anatomy. physiology, and hvgiene pene! Chapter 17, pages 176 Lon the most important of physical sciences. Why? The study of physical science neat Importance of right methods of study. In what respect modern tea t-buooks rig. The foundation of Christina healing Sin oand discase inscparanio, fonts and teachers fal ol physicians, Their method illustrated. The rigei method of study the doctors. Faith winch works, Creator's thought The divine prescription, A7:19-20 Prov, 420.220 Fox, 4A) Recognition aud umicrstand Tn, Fii2-15, ing of function to be performed. Floaltn ard Bodyness tnsoparabie, iB} Devise structural appliances h to perform the function. Notrk.--The term “Creator” as applied to the student in this chapter should Give toys, What “savang health’ embraces Temperance and bhealthin! ving