The Oriental Watchman and Herald of Lr IF-Tr � cli-3 A MAGAZINE FOR HEALTH HOME AND HAPPINESS 40th Year of Publication November 1949 .41,1 IN THIS ISSUE: \. What You Should Know About Food Minerals Diphtheria— A Killer of Children * Skin Deep Care for Your Body's Covering There's No Such Thing As a Bad Baby Heart's Appeal You and Your Dentist The Doctor Says Recipes Etc., Etc. Taking Salt to Town. B. Ranganathan cA• "HIGH ALTITUDE" CURE FOR WHOOPING COUGH A series of experiments which has already met with considerable success is being conducted by Dr. H. Stanley Banks and the nursing staff of Park Hospital, London. With the aid of a de- compression chamber, as used by Battle of Britain pilots for training in high altitudes, child pa- tients are given all. the sensations of flying at about 12,000 feet when the atmospheric pressure in the chamber is gradually lowered. The "de- scent" takes another twenty-two minutes. This is the first British hospital to install such a machine for this purpose. Photo shows a nurse entering the compression chamber with two young patients. 13.1.S. ac) WHERE LEPERS LIVE IN COMFORT The leper colony in Malaya, at Sungei Buloh in Selangor State, is a Federal institution, taking lepers from the whole of the Union irrespective of nationality. The colony is self- contained and self-subsisting and conditions of living approximate very much those obtained outside. It has bachelor quarters and homes for married couples and facilities for recrea- tion. The children have every sort of educa- tional facility afforded them. Photo shows a group of happy children on a see-saw, which is part of the playground equipment. 2 ILLS. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 EDITORIAL WORLD PEACE THROUGH these columns from time to time we have pointed out that there is not much basis for hope for permanent peace in the world except there be a universal change of heart among mankind. Some very remarkable statesmanship and truly great pronouncements by the United Nations deserve attention and respect, but they can achieve but little while men in the positions of rulers disregard them. Fine words and the expression of noble senti- ments are good in their place, but are spoken in vain and are worse than useless unless they be imple- mented by action. The Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1948 ranks with great historical docu- ments like the United States' Declara- tion of Independence and the Magna Charta, which documents grew out of man's fight for individual rights and against civil and religious ty- ranny. But this latest declaration dif- fers from others in that it is not the pronouncement of a single nation against oppression, but of most of the nations that make up the world. If all these nations would abide by the principles of this great document with sincerity and determination it would be a potent force to ensure peace and tranquillity on earth. The preamble to this exalted document states that "the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all mem- bers of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world. Then follow thirty articles outlining the various essentials of human freedom, of which we quote a few. Article 1 declares: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They, endowed with reason and conscience, should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood." Article 2, in its first paragraph reads as follows: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind such as race, colour, sex, lan- guage, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status." Article 3: "Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person." Article 4: "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms." Article 5: "No one shall be subjected to tor- ture or to cruel, inhuman, or de- grading treatment or punishment." Article 9: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention, or exile." Article 12: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home, or corre- spondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks." Articles 18 to 20 have to do with religious liberty, and are of the high- est importance. They read as follows: Article 18: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This includes the freedom to change his religion or belief and the freedom either alone or in community with others and in public or private to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and ob- servance." Article 19: "Everyone has the right to free- dom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart informa- tion and ideas through any media and regardless of frontier." Article 20: "1. Everyone has the right to free- dom of peaceful assembly and as- sociation." "2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association." Article 26 has to do with freedom of education, and reads in part as follows : "1. Everyone has the right to edu- cation. "2. Education shall be directed to the full development of human per- sonality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and funda- mental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friend- ship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. "3. Parents have the prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." The great document aims to em- phasize and protect fundamental hu- man rights. In certain nations these rights are grossly violated today and persecution is rife as a consequence. Religious liberty does not there ex- ist and civil rights such as they be, are for certain classes only. Individual religious liberty, and certain civil rights are concepts that are not accepted by certain religious groups and by some national gov- ernments, Religious liberty means freedom for the group or organiza- tion as such to impose its will, not only on those who choose to be un- der its control, but also on indi- viduals who have different ideals. The totalitarian spirit in religion is as evil and diabolical as it is in civil government where it makes naught of the individual except as he al- lows himself to become a cog in a machine without will or individuality of his own. Morons, they who are weak-minded, and they who have not the capacity nor the force of char- acter to have and defend individual THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 3 convictions make ideal subjects for such government whether religious or civil. The United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights, wherever it will be implemented will be a bulwark against religious and civil intoler- ance and tyranny. But in the light of history and current events, many are sceptically asking: Will it really protect? Does it truly repre- sent the determination of men to be fair to one another, or is it just an- other set of euphemistic, pious-sound- ing phrases to generate complacency and put us all off our guard? Will it deliver thousands who are in slave camps for no crime other than that they had ideas and convictions that differed from those of their mas- ters? Will it end the religious per- Restoration THE railways of Europe are al- most completely restored and are handling more freight and passengers than before the war. By the war 30,000 bridges were destroyed and 60,000 miles of track disappeared. Most of this has been replaced. Enterprise A SUBMARINE boat, twelve feet long, operated by foot pedals, has been captured by Italian police on Lake Como. It is suspected of run- ning contraband between Switzerland and Italy. Uranium NOT gold, but uranium, is luring prospectors into the Canadian north- west, and Geiger counters rather than washing pans are the essential equip- ment. The government has produced a "guide for uranium and thorium minerals" to instruct them in detect- ing the ore. Termites R. A. ALTSON, British scientist working in Malaya, searching for a method of curbing termites' ap- 4 secution of which millions are vic- tims today? Will it give all, regard- less of religious affiliation equal op- portunity to deliver themselves from economic distress, and to be usefully employed?' Comparatively few, it seems are so optimistic as to expect such re- sults. The declaration is a wonder- ful document; but it cannot change the character of the human heart and it does not command the power which alone can bring about that change. No man-made plan, however noble and exalted it may be, is po- tent to create that brotherhood among men which will usher in uni- versal peace. The Spirit of the Fa- ther of mankind alone when it abides in the heart, is sufficient for this. petite for rubber trees, found that if they were fed on fungus-infected rice bran, an entire colony could be wiped out in forty-eight hours. Worms JOHN SCOTT of Melbourne says that worms can be charmed out of the soil by the vibrations of an or- dinary garden fork. He drives the prongs into the soil their full length and works the handle backward and forward a few times; then the opera- tion is repeated four inches from the first position. If the ground is rich in earth worms they will begin to pop their heads out in about five minutes. Lepers APPROXIMATELY 1,000,000 of the world's 5,000,000 lepers are in India. Bomb MR. SHIMZO HAMAL, war-time ra- tion administrator in Hiroshima, and now mayor, stated recently that the number killed by the atom bomb dropped on the city during the war, was actually twice as great as previ- ously estimated. He said that the number of deaths was between 210,000 and 240,000. Wingless Fowl MR. PETER BAUMAN from the U. S. A., after ten years of experi- menting has succeeded in breeding fowls without wings. He says that wings are not only useless, but that fowls waste energy with them which should be converted into eggs and meat. Freedom ALEXEI PAVLOV, the Russian dele- gate on the social committee of the United Nations objected to the com- mittee's proposed declaration of hu- man rights. The committee proposed that "Everyone has a right to free- dom of thought, conscience and reli- gion." Pavlot recommended that it be changed to: "Everyone must be guaranteed freedom of thought, free- dom to perform religious services subject to the laws of the country concerned, and the requirements of public morality." Oil THE first great pipe lines for Mid- dle East oil, thirty to thirty-one inches in diameter, are to be ready by January, 1951, according to Man- ager M. G. Gamble of the marine de- partment of the Standard Oil Com- pany of New Jersey. The lines will be 1,100 miles long. Glass Boats BOATS made of woven glass fibre impregnated with plastic are to be tried by the U. S. A. army. The boats are of the assault type, powered by outboard motors and large enough to carry a dozen soldiers. They will weigh only three-fourths as much as aluminium boats, and will be stronger. No Worry MRS. CLARA REYNOLDS of White- pines, Tennessee, U. S. A., a victim of sleeping sickness, fell asleep in 1937 and awakened in 1949. When told about the world war, she said: "I had no worries about it at all." Snakes A SHOPKEEPER in Begusarai, searching for a currency note that he had lost, removed the chowki on which he had been sitting and found THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 under it fifty living cobras and 100 snake eggs. The reptiles measured from twelve to thirty inches in length. Pension AN EX-COAL miner in Brussels suf- fered a pension cut when it was dis- covered that he had not worked long enough in Belgium. The shaft in which he had worked for ten years was found to extend under French territory. Mosquitoes THE United Nations has recently declared war on mosquitoes. An all- out effort will be made to eliminate malaria which infected 300,000,000 and brought death to 3,000,000 last year. Honey Bee AUTHORITIES say that when flowers are plentiful a good worker bee pro- duces about a teaspoonful of honey in about six weeks, after which it dies. Population EUROPE comprises about one six- teenth of the world's land area, but is the home of about one quarter of the human race. Versatile New Plastic Cloth MeV., � TO OUR READERS IN CEYLON Persons from Ceylon re- newing subscriptions should send their remittance to The Oriental Watchman Publish- ing House (Ceylon Branch), P. 0. Box 905, Colombo. Money orders from Ceylon to India are subject to long delays. Sending your remit- tances to our Ceylon Branch will insure prompt service. a mould. The liquid plastic is poured over the cloth and spread out evenly. Alternate layers of plastic and cloth are applied until a "sandwich" of the desired thickness has been built up. This is subjected to moderate pressure in the mould, then hardened by immersion in hot water for a few minutes. Types of plastic used previously in making such articles as table tops, electrical insulators and small ma- chine parts required long periods and high temperatures for moulding, the FROM THE EDITOR'S MAIL BAG "I am one of your old sub- scribers to 'HEALTH.' I take keen interest in its articles and be- lieve it to be the most useful jour- nal for educated families through- out the country."—K. G., Delhi. "I am a regular reader of your beautiful magazine, and I am obliged to think that you are ren- dering a great service to our na- tion. I wish you success in your noble task."—M. G. S., Shola- pur. scientists said, with the finished pro- duct comparatively weak and unsuit- able for the large, complicated struc- tures to which the new plastic cloth can be adapted.—US/S. Police WOMEN are being recruited to the police force in Nagpur. They will draw a salary on the scale to which constables are entitled together with other benefits. Hydroponics ALMOST all kinds of food can be grown without soil in troughs or boxes which may be placed on house roofs or in any available space. The plants grow in gravel and sand kept amply moist with water and sprinkled with nutrient chemicals once a week or ten days. In some cities the chemicals can now be pur- chased in convenient tablet form. There is no distinction between chemically grown plants and those grown in natural soil, nor has analysis shown any difference in vita- min content. For a given area the yield by the hydroponic method is up to three or four times that ob- tained by soil cultivation, and the labour is very much less. Egg IN THE National Museum, Mel- bourne, Australia, is an egg which is twelve inches long, nine and a half inches in diameter and forty- four inches in circumference. The egg is that of a Madagascan bird which has been extinct for two cen- turies. "No Smoking" HUNDREDS of "No Smoking" signs in English are to be seen in public places in Japan. The Japanese equivalent which appears with them is translated "Please, we beseech you; tobacco is an annoyance." HOPE FOR ARTHRITIS THREE doctors of the famous American Mayo Clinic have syn- thesized a chemical called cortisone, by which arthritis is controlled. The United States Public Health Service has reported that the specific will be available in abundance before long. "Most cautious" specialists here in arthritis, and other rheumatic dis- orders, are prepared to say, as one (Continued on page 18.) 5 A NEW plastic has been combined with a cloth fabric to make an im- proved plastic cloth. Strong and durable, it can be used to replace wood, steel, and some alloys in the moulding of automobile bodies, boats, aeroplane fuselages, water pipes, furniture, and many other products. Scientists in the United States who created and tested the new material at the Industrial Re- search Institute of the University of Chattanooga, Tennessee, say it is twice as strong as structural steel, pound for pound. Its flexibility, hard- ness and non-absorption of water are also claimed to be important assets. This versatile material is made of a new resin-type plastic reinforced with layers of fortisan fabric. For- tisan is made from cellulose acetate fibres that are stretched and then de- composed to cellulose, which greatly strengthens the fibres. The plastic cloth is prepared by draping a piece of fortisan cloth over THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 What You Should Know About enough alkaline-forming minerals in our foods to outbalance the acid, and so maintain the alkaline reserve in the body that means dynamic health. EVERYONE knows about vitamins and their importance to health and life. Not everyone realizes, how- ever, that the less glamorous food- minerals are just as indispensable, and if their effects are less spectacu- lar, they are nonetheless significant. Indeed, in some respects, food-min- erals appear to do more for us than vitamins. In the first place, the mineral ele- ments present in our food have much to do with determining the sound- ness of the body's structure and fabric. Calcium and phosphorus, for instance, are vital to good bone and tooth structure. Iron, copper, man- ganese, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, bromine, potassium, sulphur, and other minerals are all influential in determining the fitness and funo- tion of organic structures and body cells. lack of iodine, for example, may cause the thyroid gland to react badly, and lead to simple goitre. Too little sulphur may mean predisposi• tion to diabetes, since it is a neces- sary ingredient of the insulin secre tion turned out by the pancreas and which enables the body to cope with sugar. Another way in which food-min- erals vitally influence health, lies in their determination of the acid- alkaline balance in the body. Ideally, it is desirable that the balance should be maintained at or near alkalinity, but for us to be able to do this, it is necessary to know which are the acid-forming and which are the al- kaline-forming minerals and what are their chief food sources. ACID- AND ALKALINE-FORMING MINERALS THE CASE AGAINST REFINED FOODS Almost all foods contain some minerals. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that much below-par health is due to the insufficiency or absence of one or more food minerals in everyday diet. The chief reason is that many staple foods lend them- selves readily to refining and pro- cessing, with the result that the min- eral content is depleted if not en- tirely removed. The methods of flour-milling are notoriously devitalizing in this re- spect. Even in the case of flour of eighty per cent extraction or more, vital minerals are removed in the first operation of milling. Sugar is another common de- vitalized food. White sugar is for all practical nutritional purposes, de- void of minerals. Other foods lacking in minerals include arrowroot, pearled barley, lard, refined cooking fats, white rice, and margarine which has only min- eral values one-fifth those of milk. A preponderance of refined or de- natured foods in the diet, easily leads to a mineral deficiency that means ill-health. FOOD MINERALS S. B. WHITEHEAD, D.Sc. PROTECTORS OF HEALTH A second function of food-min- erals is health-protection, since they enter into the composition and activ- ity of so many of the fluids and in- ternal secretions of the body. The blood itself is dependent upon a steady and well-balanced supply of minerals from our food for its own composition and ability to do its work in nurturing, servicing, and policing the body as a whole. Al- most everybody knows that iron is vital to rich red blood. But many other minerals are equally important in its formation. In a similar way food-minerals, by their kind and quality, affect other fluids of the body. The chemi- cal composition of such diverse fluids as gastric juices and tears are determined by food-minerals. Ob- viously, in the case of certain secre tions this influence has significant of • fects upon health. The wonderful hormone secretions of the endocrine gland:- are largely compounded from food-minerals. A 6 Briefly the important acid-forming minerals are sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine; while the more impor- tant alkaline-forming minerals are 'potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, and silicon. Broadly the acid-forming minerals predominate in the flesh foods— meats, poultry, and fish. They also hold the balance in eggs and cereal foods. In the past, too much flesh food in a diet already heavily weighted with breadstuffs, cakes, etc. has produced much acidity—a con- dition predisposing to sickness and disease. The alkaline-forming minerals pre- dominate in the plant foods, par- ticularly fruits and vegetables. It is also significant that milk—the food for the young—is quite strongly al- kaline in its mineral salt content. This does not mean that acid-form- ing minerals are undesirable. We shouldn't remain healthy long with- out sulphur, for it is essential in the building blocks (amino acids) that construct every one of the myriad body cells. Nevertheless, we must get SOIL AND MINERAL DEFICIENCY Mineral deficiencies can arise from other causes also. For one thing the mineral content of foods varies according to the soils in which they are grown. Apparently, only one vitamin (B) is significantly influ- enced by soil conditions in which foods are grown, but almost every food-mineral reflects the soil's min- eral nature and fertility in foods. We cannot get iron-rich cabbage out of an iron-starved soil. Sometimes whole areas are af- fected by some specific mineral defi- ciency in the soil. For instance, Switzerland on the Continent, and Derbyshire and the Midland coun- ties in England, are notorious goitre areas. Soils in these areas are defi- cient in iodine, due to their remote- ness from the sea and its salt-laden breezes. Near the coasts iodine is deposited on the soil when salt is blown over- land from the sea, and iodine in the (Continued on page 8.) THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVRATRER 1149 I A DIPHTHERIA is still one of the greatest known killers of chil- dren, even though we seem to have it under control. Indeed, it can be almost perfectly controlled with the proper co-operation of the public. But, it is like a poisonous snake. It is safe as long as it is confined and under constant control in its pit or cage. But once it escapes, it is as dangerous as though it had never been controlled. Within the memory of the writer diphtheria was a constant danger to childhood, spreading through all communities at any time of the year, most common, however, in the colder seasons and where population was dense. Diphtheria may attack any age, but children from one to ten years are most frequently attacked and the most severely damaged. Until 1894, when we commenced to control it by the use of antitoxin, it was no uncommon thing to lose several children in one family. In one case observed all seven children of one family died from this infec- tion. This illustrates what diphtheria can do when uncontrolled. Fortu- nately this rarely happens now and the disease may be, and has been, completely eliminated from many localities for years. Such control does not happen except by hall work and a never ceasing watch � dis- cover a stray case at the earliest pos- sible moment. Diphtheria spreads mostly by con- tact with someone carrying the germs. A person who is sick with the disease is comparatively easy to control. But one trouble is that many people in apparently perfect health may carry live and virulent germC in their throats and be entirely un- affected by them, while at the same, time they may be very poisonous t others. These people and ones who have recently recovered, but who have not yet rid themselves of the germs in their throats, are called "carriers," and they are the real menace in the spread of diphtheria. The germs of diphtheria do not often spread to any part of the body except the throat. But they produce an exceedingly powerful poison which passes to all parts of the body and causes the serious symptoms. One of the first symptoms is the forma- A KILLER of CHILDREN COLONEL G. A. SKINNER, Medical Corps., U. S. Army TIM ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 7 Even after recovery, the patient must be kept very quiet in bed until the doctor is certain the heart is free from damage. tion of a membrane in the throat which sometimes prevents swallow- ing or breathing. If treatment is not very prompt, the patient dies of suf- focation. Formerly we used to put a tube in the throat or even cut into the windpipe to allow breathing and to save life. This occasionally hap- pens yet, but should never be neces- sary under present knowledge. Often these measures fail. A fever is usually present, and the child is very sick. If time per- mits, doctors now take a little secre- tion from the throat and send it to the laboratory to make sure it is diphtheria. But if the case is serious, the antitoxin is given at once with- out waiting for the laboratory report to come through. By 1894 doctors began to find enough antitoxin for diphtheria available to use in nearly all cases. But often people did not realize the danger, and doctors got to them too late. It is very important to get the antitoxin to work early to neutralize the poison of the germs and prevent the formation of more. When given early (within a few hours of the at- tack), improvement usually is prompt, and the rapid recovery is almost miraculous. But this does not end the care, for the poison dam- ages the heart. Even after the patient seems to have recovered, the heart 8 may give out and death follow. Hence it is now generally the rule to keep patients very quiet in bed un- til the doctor is certain that the heart has not been damaged. The curative antitoxin is wonder- ful, but treatment by preventive measures is still more marvellous. This consists of giving toxoid by hypodermic needle, usually in three small doses, spaced three weeks apart. This innoculation will protect all children. It is now generally re- commended that babies be immunized at about six months as it takes some time for the immunity to develop. Then the child is usually tested when he starts to kindergarten or school by the Schick test. A tiny amount of material is injected into the skin and the effect indicates whether or not the protection is still active. If not, a "boosting" dose of toxoid may be given to bring it up again. The protection usually lasts a long time, but varies with individuals; hence the need of this test at intervals, but particularly when starting to school, or if diphtheria is present in the community. By community co-operation diph- theria may be banished completely and kept out. It is very important that babies and young children be protected, as they are the most sus- ceptible, and carriers may appear at any time in rapidly shifting popu- lations. At the first sign of a sore throat in childhood, competent medical ad- vice should be sought, and labora- tory tests made at once. In serious cases the antitoxin should be given as soon as a specimen has been ob- tained from the throat, for it may not be safe to wait for the laboratory report. As mentioned, early treat- ment rarely fails, whereas later treat- ment is only partially successful since the damage may have been done, and antitoxin even cannot undo such poisoning. Sometimes there is a slight re- action to the toxoid, though this is now quite rare and is quickly con- trolled if it does occur. But the pro- tection is worth many times the chances of such a slight upset. One celebrated observer and writer says: "Every community now has the power to determine its own diph- theria rate. The method (protection by toxoid) is practical, effective, and cheap and ranks with vaccination against smallpox as an established prophylactic."—Milton J. Rosenau, M. D., Preventive Medicine and Hy- giene, 6th edition, p. 68. FOOD MINERALS (Continued from page 6) salt serves to enrich the food crops and animals reared on the soil. Nutritional authorities are now convinced, however that there are complex inter-relationships between food-minerals. Rather than take spe- cific quantities of any one of them, it is better to ensure a proper bal- ance of all as a whole. For this reason, it is more desirable to get our minerals in the form of food, than in the form of inorganic salts or chemical preparations. In practice, much of the mineral deficiency is linked with vitamin deficiency, for the two groups of food elements are generally found in association within the same foods. Broadly, therefore, to prevent a min- eral deficiency arising, we need to stress fruits—fresh and dried, vege- tables—leafy greens, as well as roots, milk, eggs, and dairy produce, whole wheat bread, whole-cereal products, and nuts in the daily dietary. If these foods in suitable propor- tion and balance form up to ninety per cent of our menu, we shall be getting what we need for healthful nutrition, and the remainder can consist of what we want. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 WHOEVER it was that started the half-truth that "beauty is only skin-deep," did a dis-service to both men and women—chiefly the latter—but laid the foundation of many a fabulous fortune. I say this dictum is a half-truth because it is true to the extent that millions of people these days get their beauty out of pots, tubes, and sifters contain- ing the products of manufacturers who make fantastic sums out of the desire of these millions to be beautiful. Another well-known half-truth was conceived by Lew Wallace, the American writer, who said: "Beauty is altogether in the eye of the be- holder." We admit that what is beautiful to one person may not im- press another the same way. A young woman with plain, homely features, just "ordinary" hair, and with lit- tle interest in personal adornment, may, in the eyes of one young man be positively beautiful, while his friends may have opposite views. In some cases, superficial beauty may be absent, but the fundamental beauty may nevertheless be evident. What happens is, of course, that true beauty looks out from the soul- depths of such a young lady, and it is recognized by the man who is cherishing as an ideal such a beauty as this. It is something that is much more than merely physical, and much more profound than "skin- deep." Victor Hugo is said to have re- marked: "It is God who made woman beautiful: it is the devil who made her pretty." Here again is a thought- provoking statement. Of course, we cannot concede that the devil is re- sponsible for genuine human pret- tiness, for with many this is an he- reditary thing. It is a fact, however, that to be pretty or good-looking, is not necessarily to be beautiful. Many A. C. VINE a woman is skilful in applying the so-called "beauty-aids;" extraordi- narily skilful surgeons can make facial transformations by removing "crowsfeet," wrinkles, blemishes, and double chins; the contours of the body can be cleverly altered in va- rious ways. All of which provide a superficial beauty that is at best but skin-deep—the kind of beauty which may be worn by a person who is far from beautiful in character, and who is fundamentally not even physically lovely. It is difficult to define beauty. But it will be conceded that however ex- cellent the quality may be of that beauty which is only skin-deep, de- signed, and sometimes acquired as it is, merely to make a physical ap- peal, it will cease to be beautiful in the eyes and heart of the beholder if and when anything happens to cause his love for the "beauty" to die. Now real beauty "stays with us throughout the years," and is some- thing that concerns the whole man I or woman), body, soul, and mind. Lovely features, clear, healthy com- plexion, and a good figure and car- riage, are all very desirable and should be cultivated. But primarily attention should be given to the de- velopment of a noble mind, and a dignified, tranquil spirit. These are essential to genuine loveliness. God is the Author of all real beauty, and an enlightened, right relationship with Him will bring a spiritual beauty which will impress all who come in contact with it. It will bring a dignity and quality of character which will inspire confidence and admiration. For the cultivation of the mind some excellent advice is given to the would-be beautiful by one of the world's greatest characters. The apostle Paul says, "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are hon- est, whatsoever things are just, what- soever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise think on these things." All will admit the soundness of this advice. The human mind is nat- urally receptive, and all should take care that it receives only those things that will yield grace and beauty in action and expression. On the most well-formed features are often writ- ten in large characters the expres- sion of impure, dishonest, scandal- mongering thoughts. The wrinkle of worry, the scowl of annoyance, the covetous leer, may be found on many an otherwise handsome face. On the other hand, beauty of thought and character make the plainest of faces beautiful. So we say, cultivate the mind. Read the best books, be very "choosy" about the radio programmes you hear, and practise the foregoing advice of the apostle. These are essential steps to- ward genuine beauty. And what is physiological beauty- culture? There is much that all can do to achieve physical excellence. But it must be a dealing with fun- damentals rather than expensive ex- periments on the surface, which are quite often physiologically unsound. To attempt to achieve beauty by covering up the pale, sallow com- plexion with creams, rouges, pow- ders, and lipstick is foolishness. To apply such cosmetics to a healthy skin is vanity. We recently overheard some con- versation among three young ladies in a bus queue. One said to another (Continued on page 18) THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 9 Care for Your Body' THE variety and importance of the services which your skin gives you can hardly fail to impress you strongly; and the care which it needs should appeal to you as emi- nently worth your serious thought. Proper skin care includes both the internal influences that can be brought to bear on it for its benefit and what should be done for it from the outside. In the first place, your skin, as much as does any other organ or tis- sue, depends on an ample supply of blood to keep it in good condition and efficient operation. Vigorous physical exercise is a valuable aid to the circulation of the blood throughout the body, including the skin. A brief cold bath or shower, followed by a brisk rub with a coarse towel is one of the best ways to stimulate circulation of the skin. Unless the weather is extremely hot day after day, so that the reaction following a cold bath leads to pro- fuse sweating, or unless circum- stances are such that proper reaction is impossible and chilling cannot be prevented, such a bath or shower every morning soon after rising is an ideal to be sought. If measures to maintain a good skin circulation are neglected, it is bound to suffer. The shrinking of its blood-vessels makes it grow gradually thinner, gives it a glazed appearance, and reduces its efficiency in almost every way. This shrinking, especially in the skin of the ex- tremities, quite commonly occurs as people grow older, but may largely be prevented, at least so far as the hands are concerned, by avoiding the use of tobacco and by washing the hands frequently in warm water fol- lowed by a dash of cold. The reason why tobacco is harmful in this con- nection is that it causes the small arteries in the skin, most noticeably those in the hands, to contract markedly. On the other hand, chronic dilation of such blood-ves- sels, which most often affects only limited areas of skin, also decreases its efficiency as an organ; and when this dilation comes in the form of a "rum blossom," as it often does, the appearance is bad, too. The most effective preventive measure for this latter condition is obvious—let liquor alone. Proper nutrition is necessary for the normal activity of your skin. While the nourishment is carried by your blood, it is provided by the food which you eat. But there is no special diet that affects your skin alone. What nourishes your whole body also nourishes your skin. This fact gives you an added reason for learning what comprises a well- balanced diet and for choosing your diet in harmony with what you learn. As to "skin foods" to rub or smear on your skin surface, you can expect little from them. Your skin is not nourished this way. An improper diet often shows its ill effects on the skin as early as in any other part, of the body. This is also true of insufficient sleep. In fact, any habit or practice that is bad for the general health is bad for the skin. Cuts or other injuries deep enough to affect the true skin are repaired by the growth of scar tis- sue. This tissue is not as efficient in any way as is normal skin. Besides, it looks bad, especially if it is of the overgrown type called keloid. It is surely worth while, then, to use due care in avoiding all severe in- juries to your skin. To do its work well, your skin sur- face should be kept reasonably soft and pliable. Surface care requires the use of mild soaps always, some- times some simple cream or lotion preferably one containing glycerine, and protection from rubbing, from excessive heat or cold, from dry air, and from too much or too strong sunlight. If sufficient care is taken to prevent undue pressure and frequent rubbing, corns or calluses will prob- ably never be formed. Protection from 'the other dangers may call for gloves at certain seasons, and does call for suitable clothing at all times. Sunlight on the skin surface, at least on parts of it, is beneficial ; but the value of a full coat of tan, which is considered so desirable by many, is somewhat over-rated; and the pro- cess of developing it may be harm- ful if it proceeds too rapidly. If you do heavy manual labour out of doors, you are likely to have a tough skin, which is not necessarily a disadvantage, because you can in- crease its flexibility and elasticity by means of warm baths and simple lotions. Prolonged exposure to a moderate degree of cold, heat, or wind will cause your skin to become somewhat thicker, tougher, and per- haps darker in colour; but this will not make it less efficient in any way except slightly less so as an organ of touch, though its appearance may not please you as well as it did be- fore the change occurred. Whether or not you should avoid such ex- posure, therefore, depends chiefly on how particular you are about your looks. If your work is sedentary, and if you spend much time indoors, you may have a sufficiently flexible and elastic skin; but if you will expose it to the air and sunshine for at least a few minutes a day, you can in- crease its toughness, which means increasing its resistance to injury and making it a more efficient protection to underlying structures. You will find massage in the form of gentle pinching, kneading, and rubbing defi- 10 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 7overing � H. 0. SWARTOUT, M.D. nitely helpful, especially to the skin of your face and neck, but mainly so because it improves the circula- tion. Those who use rouge and allied substances on the skin do so pri- marily in the hope of improving their looks, though many observers cannot help but think that the "im- provement" too often works in re- verse. The users rarely claim that the practice benefits the skin, but they often refuse to believe that it is harm- ful. As a matter of act, some of the substances so used are somewhat ir- ritating, and others tend to clog the outlets of the glands of the skin. If you want as healthy skin as pos- sible, you will do well to avoid such cosmetics. The glands of your skin must come in for their share of attention, if you are to give it good care. Oil glands occasionally become more active than normal. This is an un- desirable condition; but it does not seriously harm the skin, except in looks. The tendency can be decreased somewhat by keeping the fats and oils low in the diet, and the excess oil can be cleaned off the surface with soap and warm water. On the other hand, oil glands may become less active than normal, making the skin dry and harsh, an even more undesirable condition than an oily skin. Dry skin may be due to a slug- gish thyroid gland, and if you are constantly troubled with such a con- dition you should have a basal metabolism test and a physical ex- amination to see whether or not some preparation of thyroid needs to be taken to compensate for what your thyroid gland is failing to do. Crack- ing or chapping of your skin, as well as ordinary dryness from any cause, may be benefited by using lotions or creams; but simple lotions containing a little glycerine, and the ordinary rosewater cold cream stocked in most chemists, are usually about as ef- fective as highly advertised prepa- rations smelling perhaps a little bet- ter but costing more. Both the sweat and the oil dry on the surface of your skin, little by little forming a more or less gummy layer that, if not frequently removed, makes it more difficult for your glands to pour out their secre- tions. This accumulation of wastes also tends to become rancid and of- fensive to the smell. If the wastes are more than usually oily, they col- lect dirt, and the mixture of oil and dirt may completely clog some of the oil gland ducts, forming black- heads. It is largely for these reasons that warm baths are needed, but other effects than cleanliness should be sought, and both the type and fre- quency of baths are matters of im- portance. For cleanliness, warm water and mild soap are best. Warm baths should be taken often enough to prevent the accumulation of dry residue from the secretions of oil and sweat glands, but too frequent warm or hot baths damage the gen- eral texture of the skin and weaken the whole body. In warm or hot weather, one warm bath a day is about right, and it is best taken at the end of the day. There are few places or seasons in which a warm bath is not needed at least as often as once a week. With both hair and nails, as well as with the skin proper, growth and, to a great extent, texture and ap- pearance, depend on the amount and the quality of the blood brought to the cells which form the tissues or structure in question. Obvious] v then, diet, exercise, and baths all have an important part to play. So does any pressure that might impede skin circulation. For instance, tight hatbands reduce the circulation in the scalp and impair the nourishment of the hair. An impoverished diet, almost any acute illness with fever, and disordered action of certain glands, may cause your nails to be brittle or more or less malformed, or abnormal in appearance, and may also cause your hair to fall or to be harsh and lustreless. If you come from a family that has many bald-headed persons in it, your hair will probably become thinner as you grow older; but fall- ing hair does not seriously decrease the efficiency of the skin from which it falls. There is not much that you or anyone else can do to prevent baldness, so worry about it is of lit- tle use. Shampoos, lotions, and oils ap- plied to the hair have little or no influence on its true texture or con- dition unless they also result in im- provement of the circulation in the Aso' scalp. Since they are often applied with more or less massaging, and since some of the preparations used are somewhat irritating in nature, it often happens that the scalp circula- tion is stimulated because of their use. Since each of your hair follicles is normally provided with an oil gland, the oil from which adheres to the hair shaft, giving softness and lustre to your hair, hair oil might be considered a rational remedy for harsh and lustreless hair. If, how- ever, the natural oil is not markedly deficient in quantity, daily brushing of the hair to spread this oil thor- oughly makes it unnecessary to ap- ply any other oil, except perhaps a trace immediately after a soapy shampoo has removed all of the natural oil. Washing the hair serves two pur- poses! One is cleanliness of the hair and scalp. The other is stimula- (Continued on page 20) THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � .11 There's no such thing IT IS often a great 'surprise to parents when their first child changes suddenly from a sweet, help- less innocent to a small imp bent on chaos and destruction. Actually, when these changes appear, parents should be glad, for they are signs of a growing intellect. The child has become aware that there is much for as a were counters of wonderful things I had never seen, all a foot above my head, I would want to climb; if there were drawers and cupboards full of unknown treasures I would want to open them and delve into their contents. However, the mischief a young child can do is undeniably distress- ing and dangerous. How can we keep busy little youngsters from get- ting beyond reasonable bounds? One of the first ways is the approach shown me in the mitten counter in- cident. Whenever a child shows in- terest in something out of reach or closed to him, show it to him if pos- sible. Take him on your lap and let BAD BABY him to learn about, to experiment with, a :al he is going about doing it in the only way he can. Curiosity is, after all, the main road toward enlightenment. If a child is not curious, one should suspect dull- wittedness. I remember with considerable chagrin an incident which happened when my daughter was about two. We were in a store where there was a rather unsteady aisle counter of mittens and gloves. Small Mary kept trying to climb up over the edge, and I told her quite crossly to come away from it. Another customer, kinder and more understanding, lifted Mary so she could see the dis- play, and let her finger a pair of bright red mittens. It was such a simple thing that I doubt that the woman gave it another thought, but whenever I see tiny children getting into annoying mischief from sheer curiosity, I think of Mary and the mittens. I realized then that if there him examine the contents of your sewing machine drawer, the coloured spools of thread, the paper pins which make you say "Ouch!" when they prick your finger. Then tell him, even though he seems too young to understand, that the drawer is Mamma's, just as the box of toys in the corner is his. Let him handle Daddy's hammer and screw driver briefly in your presence, emphasizing as he does so that these tools are Daddy's. David, a two-year-old who visits me, likes to play with an orange juicer which I seldom use. He can turn the handle and has become skil- ful in fitting the two rods into their slots. There is a glass pitcher for the juicer which I always removed and placed back in the low cupboard. After a few times, David went to the cupboard, took the pitcher from under the juicer and placed it back on the shelf before taking out his plaything. It shows that even a MARION WALDEN (A Mother Who Writes From Experience) 12 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 The baby learns through his senses, so help him to find good ways to touch, taste, and smell. young child can learn quickly what he may or may not have. Besides curiosity, there is another urge, or set of urges, which leads children into what we call mischief, because unguided it does so much damage. This is the interest in using materials. It is such a wonderful feeling to take some substance and make or do something with it. It is a creative feeling. Very young children cannot handle many tools, and the materials which can be manipulated with the hands are the most satisfying. They love the fluid or semi-fluid materials. Wise parents will provide these. If Bobby has his own box of sand, he may be less tempted to scoop out dirt from Mamma's potted fern. A pan of water in the back yard on a warm day may satisfy his yearn- ing to experiment with liquid. A ball of cheap cotton yarn is fascinating, and can be replaced when it becomes too tangled. Most mothers can offer many simple sug- gestions for harmless amusement with common materials. There is one rule which it is wise to follow, even though the parent is busy or in a hurry. That is, try not to prohibit an activity without sug- gesting some other in its place. Don't say "Stop banging the piano," but rather, "Come play with these clothespins." Not, "Keep out of that cupboard," but "That cupboard is Mamma's. Here is,the cupboard for your things." Incidentally, I have found it very helpful to have several shelves, drawers or closets about the house where a few of the child's posses- sions are kept. It makes more of the house seem to be his, and fewer places forbidden. It will often tax your ingenuity to provide an alter- native for every undesirable activity in which your child engages but it is worth the effort. A small child must do one of two things, keep on until forcibly stopped, or start some- thing else. If you think up the new activity, it will be a suitable one; if he does, it is quite apt to be more mischief. So in the long run it saves time and damage for Mother to be ingenious in suggesting some harm- less occupations. A child who is intelligent often wants to increase his knowledge not only by seeing objects, but also by other sensory effects. The tiny baby first tastes. When he is a little older, he feels things with his fingers, hears the noises they make when moved, and sometimes he even likes to smell them. Where it is possible, often only under supervision, let him investi- gate all the aspects of an object in which he is interested. This may keep him from private experimenta- tion which might lead to disaster. Let him run his hand down Mamma's necklace, pat the puppy's neck, feel Mamma's face powder, touch his food if he wants to. There are bound to be some mis- haps in every family, but there will be fewer of them and less unhappi- ness if a child is not snatched away from his activity and left with a feel- ing of frustration. Remember that a child learns through his senses, so it is not "bad- ness" for him to want to touch and taste and smell, but merely his way of developing understanding and skill.—Parents' Magazine. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 13 ON MARCH 4, 1938, Dr. Ray- mond Pearl, of Johns Hopkins University, published his paper "To- bacco Smoking and Longevity" in Science magazine. Despite his high international standing and that of the institution in which he worked, so completely was his astounding statis- tical study, with the momentous facts which it contained ignored by both the medical and the lay press that very few people heard of it. Even after some of its contents had been disclosed by Gene Tunney in special articles, and in books by this writer some time later, probably less than five per cent of the people of America ever heard of Dr. Pearl or his work. Dr. Pearl's study was based on the lives of about two thousand each of non-smokers, moderate smokers, and heavy smokers. As a result of this study, he prepared a graph and a In presenting the foregoing figures, based on those of Dr. Pearl, I am assuming that his work was accurate and reliable. I have continued to search medical and scientific literature carefully since the publi- cation of Dr. Pearl's paper, ten years ago, and I have failed to find that any research institution or medi- cal scientist has attempted to chal- lenge his statements in any way. Mor- tality rates of moderate smokers are not discussed here, because moderate smokers are not common. Dr. Pearl did not offer any sug- gestion as to how tobacco caused the early deaths of so many smokers, and it is the purpose of this discus- sion to show that a very large part of them lose their lives as a result of the toxic action of nicotine upon- the coronary arteries of the heart. Although some may deny that this can be the case, it is corroborated ;0-r .0(1 HEART'S APP Some Facts About Tobacco and Coronory Heart table covering these lives between the ages of thirty and seventy, and showing the mortalities of the three groups in five-year periods. Thus, it is possible to observe at what ages the effects of smoking on mortality rates are most pronounced. If, according to Dr. Pearl's figures —which are computed on a basis of 100,000 lives in each class—we take 100,000 each of nonsmokers and heavy smokers at the age of thirty, we find that we may expect that in twenty years 18,840 of the non- smokers and 37,301 of the heavy smokers will have died—a ratio of about two smokers to one non-smoker. 14 by facts which have been presented during the past twenty years by prominent medical research workers in hospitals and research institutions, and whose undisputed and indis- putable findings have been published in reliable medical journals. Someone is sure to ask, Why, then, do doctors smoke? Doctors, like other men, learned to smoke, and became tobacco addicts early in life, and because of the nature of their work, smoke harder than most other groups. As a class, physicians are extremely heavy smokers, and at least one third of them are dying of coronary disease of the heart, so that FRANK LEIGHTON WOOD, this malady has been called "doc- tor's disease." They call themselves scientists, yet one cannot help won- dering why they persist in unscientific experimentation on themselves, or in allowing others to use such potent poison as nicotine. Apparently when the habit is formed, the ability for rational thinking on this question is tremendously hampered. In any discussion of this kind we should consider briefly the anatomy of the heart. The heart is a great pump consisting of four large com- THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 of the small terminal blood vessels which supply the parts with warm blood. By observing the small retinal arteries of the eye, which are visible through the pupil, Mayo Clinic doc- tors found that these small arteries contracted markedly under similar tests. Here are the clinical proofs in a disease whose symptoms, course, termination, and tissue changes are practically parallel to those of coro- nary disease, and whose course can be observed by the naked eye. I refer to Buerger's disease of the extremi- ties. Here damage occurs to the small blood vessels, particularly of the lower limbs and feet, ending in gan- grene. The knife-like pain in the legs, with cramps so severe that the man with Buerger's disease must stop walking, is comparable to the pain and cramps about the heart that the individual suffers who has coronary disease. In both instances it is due to the lack of an adequate blood sup- ply, because the blood vessels are narrowed. Doctors Silbert and Samuels, of New York, studied 350 cases of this disease, and reported their findings in the Journal of the American Medkcal Association. The observations of these men were identical in nature and included the following: All these cases were in heavy smokers. If diagnosed early and all forms of tobacco forbidden, they had a chance of recovery or of being greatly improved; if after they had begun to mend they again be- gan to smoke, they relapsed, and the disease continued to progress. As objective proofs that nicotine contracts the coronary arteries, the following well-known facts are pre- sented. Every athletic director, as well as most confirmed smokers, knows that smoking shortens the wind. Obviously, it does this through a lessening of 'the blood supply to the heart muscle. Experimentally it has been shown that the smoking of one cigarette markedly contracts ter- minal blood vessels. The experience of athletes shows that in regular smokers this effect is not transitory but continuous, for if these athletes abstain from smoking for a day or more they are still short of wind. This means that their arteries, con- tracted by smoking, do not return to normal as they should between smokes. Is it surprising that when this narrowing has persisted for nent in many people, and the be- � (Continued from page 22) it becomes years � c ronic and perma- ginnings of coronary disease have been established? If the skeptical wish to have even more convincing proof concerning the role of tobacco in coronary dis- ease, attention is called to the clini- cal research work of Doctors Eng- lish, Willius, and Berkson, of the Mayo Clinic. After an exhaustive study of this problem, these doctors published their conclusions under the title "Tobacco and Coronary Dis- ease." After a learned discussion of their clinical studies of this disease, they declared that the incidence of coronary disease was six times greater in heavy smokers than in non- smokers. Now let us compare coronary dis- ease chronologically with the other great killers of recent years. Not long ago tuberculosis was the most dreaded of , these. After an intensive anti-tuberculosis campaign over many years, pneumonia succeeded to the doubtful honour of being the great- est killer, but the discovery and use of the sulfonamides and penicillin soon changed that. Then cancer took the lead, and, incidentally, a great increase in the number of cancers in the nose, throat, and lungs in recent years has been a factor in that "lead." This is the area bathed by tobacco smoke. Now great institutions are bending every effort to conquer this killer, while heart disease, is likely to be neglected, because those who should be authorities have buried their hea d s in the sands of ignorance concerning tobacco and coronary disease. They continue to declare that they do not know how to combat it—do not know what causes it. Why is it that the menace of heart disease—principally coronary dis- ease—has become so great in such a short period of time? Before World War I it was not so common as now, even though we admit that it was often incorrectly diagnosed. But how about Buerger's disease, the diag- nosis of which is not so difficult, and the symptoms of which so closely parallel those of coronary disease? Many doctors had never seen a case of this disease prior to World War I. The answer to these questions is this: The great, greedy tobacco com- panies (some of whose gift stock- holders are said to be prominent medical men), realizing that our mil- lions of soldier boys would be lone- some and worried, seized the oppor- tunity to make cigarette drug slaves partments, and composed, for the most part, of muscle tissue, but with a strong fibrous framework for the attachment of this muscle tissue. It has a fibrous, impermeable lining which does not permit the heart mus- cle to obtain any oxygen or nutri- tion from the blood which is being pumped through it. This necessary food and oxygen are supplied by the- coronary arteries of the heart. These arteries may be seen on the exterior surface of the heart of an ox and other animals. The small ter- minal branches of the arteries pene- trate the muscle tissue. It is the purpose of this discus- sion to present experimental and ob- jective proof that smoking causes definite narrowing of the small ter- minal arteries in various parts of the body, including the coronary ar- teries. Since 1927, or before that time, various medical groups, including the Life Extension Institute, as re- ported by Prof. Irving Fisher, one of the founders of that organization; Wright and Moffat, of the New York Postgraduate School; Maddock and Coller, of the University of Michi- gan; and others have been making hundreds of tests upon smokers and non-smokers to determine the effect produced by the smoking of one cigarette upon the skin temperatures ▪ in the tips of the fingers and toes. In every instance the temperature dropped markedly, the average being more than five degrees. This drop in • temperature is due to a narrowing THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 15 DENTIST Good teeth promote health, comfort, and success. So teach the child early how to care for his teeth properly. YOU and your D TIST Walter McFall, D.D.S. THE mouth is the gateway to the body, and in a very large part the largest contributing entrance to our bodies for the dreaded diseases, infections, and maladies we seem to fall heir to in our present-day mode of living. Often the condition of the mouth may be taken as an index to the health of the whole body. Good breeding and real character are fre- quently reflected by the dental con- ditions observed. No other part of our body draws the natural attention on meeting that a well-kept mouth with beautiful, healthy teeth sup- ported by rose-pink youthful gums draws. Good teeth not only promote health, comfort, and success but can also play a part in determining dis- position, attitudes, and character. We cannot think of health divi- dends for the future without con- sidering the attention and care given the teeth and mouth. The proper care and common-sense attention given to boys and girls today will go far to- ward assuring healthy, active, use- ful men and women of tomorrow. Too often the layman and unin- formed parent has misunderstood the importance of the child's first teeth, which unfortunately have been called temporary teeth. True it is that these twenty temporary teeth, which begin their formation six to seven months before the baby is born, being dependent entirely upon the diet and condition of the mother during this pre-natal stage of life, last and serve only until the child reaches his eleventh or twelfth birthday; but the name temporary teeth is used only because it de- scribes a relative term of time. The function and condition of these twenty temporary teeth are all im- portant, for they are needed in na- ture's plan at life's most critical age—from babyhood to adolescence. This is the age of greatest trial and growth and development. The nerv- ous and digestive systems are grow- ing and enlarging, and any extra work thrust upon them causes serious upsets and retardations. At this age, from two and a half years until twelve, when the temporary teeth aid in jaw development, mastication, di- gestion, and the facial expression, we also have the greatest attacks from infectious and contagious diseases; bad health habits are permanently formed if guidance and proper care and encouragement are withheld. The blame and responsibility for most bad teeth and resultant ill-health in children can be charged primarily to parents, in their indifference and neglect in training or giving early attention to the child. The reason the 16 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 Visit your dentist early and regularly, and then follow his advice and directions faithfully. UPPER ARCH ".* LOWER LRPER 17 other organs of the body last so much longer than the teeth is not that the teeth and mouth are neglected but that the other organs of the body can and do repair and rebuild them- selves, whereas there is no natural provision for the repair of the teeth and their supporting structure, the gums. Once a cavity or hole appears in a tooth, it progressively gets worse until an abscess, infection, or loss of the tooth results, unless the tooth be given early and systematic care and attention. Dentistry can and does make marvellous restorations to re- place the lost parts of the mouth and teeth, but how much better to prevent this appalling toll of dis- ease, infection, and ill-health by early and regular care and attention to the teeth and mouths of children. The startling researches in medi- cine and dentistry in the last half century are more than offset by the continued neglect and indifference relative to the teeth and health. Life has been added in one respect, only to be made more miserable in an- other. There is no cure-all, or spe- cific, for good teeth in children or adults; but without fear of success- ful contradiction, the dental profes- sion has proved and knows that in- telligent attention to the diet of the expectant mother and the wise con- trol of an adequately balanced diet and eating habits in the child always materially aid the child to have well- formed teeth and jaws, which assure a fair start in life to build upon for future health. Going to the dentist regularly and early in life is not only helpful but actually ensures the health, comfort, and usefulness of the mouth and teeth in childhood. This matter of home care is not just "something else to do"; it is a neces- sity to good health in our present mode of living. Going to the dentist is similar to going to church—the preacher tells one how to get to heaven, but the process of getting to heaven remains with the individ- ual ; so it is with going to the den- tist early and regularly—the success of the dental care depends in large part on the patient and his faithful consideration to the directions and counsel of his dentist. Please under- stand that the mouth is a certain part of the body; it is often treated as a hat or a dish or a rock; it cannot and does not care for or re- pair itself; it must have constant care, attention, and preventive meas- ures given to it; and because it is a part of the human body, it often re- flects what is happening to, and in, the body, and as often plainly shows the well-informed physician what the mouth and teeth are doing to the health of the body. When God sends a baby to your home, certainly you should show your appreciation by cherishing and caring for that child. If we are to build lasting health dividends for the future, we must start early in the mouths of our children, for surely we have learned that the mouth and teeth in a large measure control and aid the health of the child. Will you not give your child the chance he deserves of being healthy, happy, and useful in the body, mind, and soul; protect his health now, and as- sure him health dividends for the future? rim,, DENTITION THE TWENTY n.touous on OMIT TEETH LOWER ARCH Fnoi Motor 1 le ID menthe C‘ognif � i2 if morn Ii ro If m.olf. -440 THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 The illustrations to the left show the upper and lower baby teeth, and those below, the permanent teeth. SECOND D-NTMON TNE MATT TWO CTIOWIEHT MTH SKIN DEEP (Continued from page 9) in a shocked voice: "Do you know you haven't put on your lipstick?" There followed some agitation and a hurried application of the scarlet gash, presumably for the reason that without it there was a sense of nakedness! What has happened to us, that this false idea of beauty should become so general? It is just as true physically as it is mentally, that the beauty which evokes deepest appreciation is the result of an inward perfection. The really healthy body is the best foun- dation for all beauty-culture. Cos- metics generally are not a beauty aid, though they may for a time ap- parently achieve what their user in- tends they should. They are mostly quite superfluous. It may be argued that too much time and effort are necessary for the acquirement of wholesome, natural, physiological beauty. Not at all. No more time than is generally de- voted to the application of the garish paints, enamels, mascaras, and ar- tificial pastel shades to the face, hands and feet, to unnatural "hairdos," and even to the altering of bodily symmetry. Time spent in co-operation with nature in simple, healthful processes which call for far less art, produce a beauty that is real. Here are a few hints: For beauty of facial expression, develop "purity of heart, love for others, pity for the poor and unfor- tunate, and simple-hearted joyous- ness." There is a curious lack of re- pose on so many faces today. Relax. Take just three to five minutes off in the middle of each day to lie down flat on the back, quite limp, with eyes closed, and relaxing all strain. This will greatly aid in per- manently removing wrinkles. Go to bed early at night—not later than half-past nine, or ten o'clock. Late hours and fashionable dissipa- tions destroy health by causing a functional sluggishness. This spoils the complexion and frays the nerves. For symmetry there is no need to expend large sums on so-called de- velopers, improvers, and reducers. A little early morning exercise will take care of it for you in a much more dignified and fundamentally healthful way. We cannot give de- tails of various helpful exercises here, but the simple actions we have in mind are well known. Pay atten- tion to deep, abdominal breathing. Never exercise when tired, or to the point of exhaustion, but secure a sense of pleasurable "stretching" of muscles in trunk and limbs. This will distribute fat, develop correct contours, and give a sense of gen- eral well-being. Be fair with yourself in the mat- ter of diet. Eschew tea and coffee, pickles and sauces, greasy foods and any items that you find indigestible. Use whole wheat bread, and have fresh fruit and green vegetables as plentifully as possible. If you are a sedentary worker, eat at each meal only small amounts of wholesome foods in a balanced diet. This, combined with the exer- cises referred to, will lay the foun- dation of a glowing complexion, scintillating eyes, and attractive ex- pression which can never be found in a chemist's shop, or merely in the art of even the most skilful "beauty doctor." The world is in need of more beauty in humankind; the kind of beauty that softens and ennobles. Do not seek beauty for your own ends, but rather with a view to serving and uplifting mankind. We recom- mend that you adopt for your whole self—body, mind, and spirit—the motto of our home town. Pulchritudo et salubritas (Beauty and Health). HOPE FOR ARTHRITIS (Continued from page 5) of them did, that 'this is the most wonderful medical news of our time. The most ancient disease of man seems to be definitely under control.' "There has been no more genu- inely dramatic modern medical dem- onstration than that put on this spring by Doctors Philip Hench, Lewis Sarett. and Edward Kendall when before an astonished audience of international specialists a dose of 100 milligrams of cortisone was injected into patients long crippled by arthritis and on the same after- noon they literally got up from their beds and danced. Enormous Odds "THE joy of this discovery, promptly reported back to many na- tional medical societies, was, how- ever, tempered by the knowledge that the odds against a general or even a privileged use of cortisone were enormous. It is derived from a tiny supply of acid secreted in the bile of oxen. The drug is no permanent cure but a miraculous relief that must be given every day. Yet to satisfy one patient, for one day, it would take all the cortisone that forty head of cattle could ever pro- vide. Moreover, the process of syn- thesizing it requires nearly forty ex- tremely complicated chemical stages. Consequently all the cortisone that could be got from this source was strictly rationed for clinical research and there seemed no prospect that it could be put on sale for general treatment for many years; if ever. "But now comes the news that a tropical vine, a specie of strophantus known as strophantus sarmentosus, has been found to yield 12,000 times more acid and that it is much closer to the chemical structure of cortisone than a similar weight of ox bile. A single ton of seed of sarmentosus will produce as much cortisone as would come from the whole lifetime of 12,500 tons of cattle, enough to keep one arthritis victim relieved for a year. Expedition Proposed "THE United States Public Health Service has been nervous about an- nouncing this discovery on which the Swiss have also been working be- fore now, because it was doubtful for a time whether sarmentosus could be grown anywhere but in a narrow area of Equatorial Africa whence came samples tested in this country. "The Public Health Service is to send an expedition there this year. But it is already known that the plant grows abundantly in Liberia and can be planted in various tropi- cal possessions of the United States. "There was some lively talk at Lake Success where the announce- ment caused enthusiasts for President Truman's 'Point Four' to see great possibilities for the economic pros- perity of the East Indies, the Philip. pines, Venezuela, and huge depressed tracts of Africa."—Times of India. NOTICE The date when this maga- zine is posted to subscribers is plainly indicated on the wrapper. If an undue period elapses before receipt, please complain at your local post office. No,••••••., � 18 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NovEmuut 1949 The Puppy That Helped Nancy VIOLET CHAMBERLAIN NANCY was usually careful and she had not left her doll Lolita on the seat more than a few mo- ments. But when she came back, it was gone! "It couldn't have just disap- peared," Nancy said, her lip trem- bling as she tried not to cry. "Maybe I took it into the house with me." So back she ran into the kitchen, but the sleeping doll was not there. It was not in the hammock under the leafy elm. It was not on the porch or anywhere around the seat where Nancy knew she had left it. Where could Lolita be lying? Nancy searched and searched. She looked all about the front of the house but she could not find her only doll. Lolita was lost! "I'm sure I don't know what could have happened to her," sobbed Nancy, who knew it would be a long time before she would get another doll. "What will I play with now?" Nancy asked herself, for Nancy had few toys, and the farmhouse where she lived was some distance from the next farm. And anyway she did not know the new folks who lived there. Bravely, she wiped her eyes, and blinked back the tears. Just at that moment she heard a short "Woof!" Around the corner of the house dashed a furry ball of a puppy. He stopped in front of Nancy and cocked his saucy head to look at her. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 He looked so comical, Nancy laughed right out loud. "Where did you come from?" she asked as she petted the fuzzy brown and white puppy. The dog half tumbled over his big feet as he came closer, whin- ing a little. "Did you come to stay? Oh, may- be you're hungry!" Nancy guessed, and picking the puppy up in her arms, she carried him back into the porch just as her mother hung up the telephone receiver and came out- side. "Why, Bob and Mary, the Watson children on the next farm, just called saying they had lost their dog. That must be the puppy," said Nancy's mother. Nancy nodded slowly. She had begun to hope that she might keep the puppy for her own now that Lolita was lost. But she knew she must return the little dog, for its owners would miss him as she missed Lolita. "I'll take him back to the next farm," Nancy said, trying to be happy that she could safely return the puppy. But it was hard to re- member that when she came back she would have nothing to play with now that her doll was lost. What fun it was to skip through the field with the fuzzy puppy! For a little while Nancy laughed and played as the brown and white dog scampered at her heels or ran ahead of her as she neared the Watson farmhouse. The two children, Bob and Mary, were waiting as Nancy and the dog came into the garden. They hurried forward to greet the lost puppy. Mary said, "Thank you ever so much for returning Fuzzy!" "Yes, we'd be lost without him for a playmate," added Bob. And then, as Nancy turned to go homeward, her heart was heavy with loneliness. She had taken but a few 19 Lgives all that others promise. Buy this pure green soap today and you'll go on enjoying—to the last wafer—the freshness of its fragrant lather: a tonic for even babies' skin—sooth- ing, cleansing, beautifying. 6 annas 10. NATIONAL SOAP OF UNEQUALLED V41 f.- � (!.. • Some of the other renowned e:( Sow *VW 4g3.‘LaJa Skodm 3E4 Shoving Round idsoPkint1,044 paronteed 100% pure—free from animal fat GODREJ SOAPS, LTD. Bombay—Calcutta—Madras—Cochin Delhi—Hyderabad (Dn.)—Ahmedabad steps, when Mary called to her. "Please don't go yet, Nancy," she begged. "Let us take you home." -Take me home?" asked Nancy, wonderingly. How could two chil- dren her age take her home? Mary and Bob did not reply at once. Mary laughed and said, "If you'll wait a bit, Bob will be back and we'll all go home with you. So Nancy sat down on the bench with Mary and the two little girls got acquainted. It did not seem long at all when they heard a clippity- clop. There was Bob, proudly sit- ting in a pretty red cart drawn by a dainty, dappled Shetland pony. "All aboard for Nancy's house!" he called and in scampered Fuzzy, on to the seat beside the driver. Nancy had so much fun on the drive, she nearly forgot that soon she would be all alone again, and there would be no Lolita to play with. The dappled pony stopped near Nancy's house and as she climbed out of the cart, Fuzzy, the puppy, bounded down too. Away he ran, yippity-yip, around the house, and when he came from the back garden, he ran right in front of Nancy. She stopped to catch her breath as Fuzzy dropped something at her feet. "Lolita!" cried Nancy. "My lost dolly!" While she was hugging the dolly to her, out tumbled the whole story of the lost doll. Bob and Mary laughed with Nancy as Bob scolded Fuzzy good-naturedly. For it was the puppy that had taken the doll and hidden it in the back garden. "Oh, don't scold Fuzzy," begged Nancy, petting the little creature. "If it hadn't been for the puppy, I wouldn't have known you and Mary." And Mary replied, "And if you hadn't been willing to return our lost puppy safely, we would all have missed the fun we're going to have together." Every one was happy. The lost had been found and not only that, Nancy had found some new friends. She could share Lolita with them! YOUR BODY'S COVERING (Continued from page I I ) tion of scalp circulation. This may come from massage or from the ef- fect of the water itself. There is no set rule as to the time of washing the hair. It should be washed often enough to keep it and the scalp clean. Unless you work in unusually dirty or dusty surroundings, this will seldom need to be more often than once a week, and may properly be less often than that in many cases. It is a good plan to use a little vinegar or lemon juice in the first rinse water. If your hair is exceed- ingly dry, after washing and drying it, rub a little of the following mix- ture into your scalp and then brush your hair thoroughly: chloral hy- drate, 1 part; castor oil, 1 part; and water, 20 parts. Not much needs to be said about the care of your nails. While nails sometimes need expert attention, most of the money spent for mani- cures and other beauty shop work on them is wasted, so far as health of the nails and their normal service are concerned. If you must work with your hands, your nails should be kept trimmed fairly short. In any case, the skin covering their roots should be kept pushed back if it shows a tendency to adhere to them and grow down toward the ends of the fingers. Any tendency to be brit- tle or to crack should lead to a care- ful study of the causes and to cor- rection of it if possible; but mean- while, to relieve brittleness tem- porarily, apply petroleum jelly lib- erally to your nails every night and bandage the ends of your fingers loosely until morning. With what you have read in this article to help you understand how to care for the surface of your skin and its appendages, and how to keep all of its parts well nourished and working normally, it only remains for you to do what you know how to do in order to get good service from your body's covering under any ordinary circumstances. Good skin care takes a little time and thought, but it does not cost much money. By putting into practice what you have learned about skin care, you can with little expense reap substantial benefits. 20 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 THE FACTS ABOUT FRESHER BREATH L1STERINE Tooth Paste In scientific tests, more than 80% of cases of simple bad breath were overcome—not for minutes but for hours—with a single brushing of LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE! EXCLUSIVE LUSTERFOAM ACTION AND NEW MINTY FLAVOUR I Buy New LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE today. Enjoy exhilarating freshness ... keep your breath fresh longer with exclusive Lusterfoam Action! and N THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER l449 RECIPES EDUCATION AND NUTRITION B ECAUSE of ignorance in the matter of foods, malnutrition prevails everywhere. Even people of means have children who look puny because they are undernourished and show that they do not eat a balanced diet. Our country is rich in different kinds of foods but people in different parts have become accustomed to eat certain foods and they think they can eat nothing else. Thus in South India, Travancore and Ceylon, rice is the staple and the most desired food. Millet (ragi), maize, jowar and other grains are eaten by many who cannot obtain rice and often these look better fed and are stronger than those who eat a super-abundance of fine rice. Sweet potatoes, tapioca, and other root vegetables are also very nourishing foods considered fit only for the poor. Why? In the north of India and in Pakistan where more wheat is eaten people are definitely stronger than in the south, but even here nutrition can be greatly improved. Too much wheat may cause high blood pressure and other ailments. Two, or at the most three, ordinary chappaties daily is enough breadstuff (or as many slices of bread). With this, generous amounts of green leafy vege- tables, curds, pulses, and groundnuts, with a reasonable amount of fat makes a balanced diet. Roots like potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, tapioca and others should have a large place in the diet and nuts are a most excellent pro- tein food as also are soya beans. Fruit is a most valuable food, and every day some fruit should be eaten, especially the citrus fruits. Every kind of fruit contains valuable vitamins and minerals, elements essential to health and growth. This is also true of the many herbs and gourds which abound in our country. Below is a school lunch recipe as used in some schools and endorsed by the Ministry of Foods for the Government of India: SCHOOL LUNCH Three lbs. wheat; 2 lbs. green gram; 2 lbs. jaggery; 2 ground coconuts. If the whole wheat is used it Mould be cleaned and soaked overnight in a generous amount of water as should also the gram. If the wheat meal is used it may be slowly sprinkled into boiling water (a generous amount), and the gram cooked separately. The two should then be mixed and the coconut and jaggery added. The whole should be reheated and then served. This serves twenty-five children for lunch. If a banana or a guava is eaten with this it will be a good lunch for a small child. Children of the intermediate age would need a larger amount. BEAN SOUP One cup shelled butter beans, dry; 4 cups water; 1 chopped onion; 1 table- spoonful butter or fat; 1 cup milk; salt to taste. Soak the beans overnight. In the morning slip off the skins and put them to boil in four cups of water. Add the onion and cover the dekshi tightly. When finished cooking, the beans should be mashed in the remaining liquid. Add milk and salt. This soup will serve four. BAKED TOMATOES Four medium size tomatoes; 2 eggs 2 tablespoonfuls minced herbs; 2 table spoonfuls minced onion; 2 tablespoon- fuls butter or fat. Plunge the tomatoes in boiling water, remove at once and take off the skins. Cut off the top and scoop out the centres. Put the onion and butter in a skillet and fry. When a light brown add the scooped-out centres of the tomatoes and the raw eggs. Stir and cook slowly for a few minutes with the herbs. Now fill the tomato shells. Place in a baking dish and bake for ten minutes in a hot oven. Serves four. VEGETABLE SOUFFL Three cups vegetables cooked and pureed; 3 eggs (if small four); 72 cup cream; salt to taste. Vegetables such as potatoes, green peas and carrots are good for this dish. If carrots are used put them into boil- ing water after they have been washed and chopped into pieces. After boiling for ten minutes add the peas and chopped potatoes and boil until all are done. Very little water should remain if any. Put all through a sieve, then beat the egg whites until they are stiff. Put the yolks into the mixture with the cream and salt and mix thoroughly, lastly fold in the beaten egg whites and place the mixture in a well-oiled baking dish. Bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes. This recipe may be varied by adding chopped parsley or other favourite herbs. Serve as soon as puffed. It serves four. GREEN GRAM DELIGHT One cup green gram; % coconut; 1 minced onion; 2 tablespoonfuls fat; 2 tomatoes minced; salt to taste. Soak the gram and boil it until tender. Put the fat in a skillet and when hot add the onion and saute to a light brown. Add the tomatoes and cook, also the coconut. When well heated add this to the gram and serve. Serves four. PUMPKIN FLOWER CRISPS Four large pumpkin flowers; fat for deep frying; batter made with 6 table- spoonfuls milk, one egg and 2 table- spoonfuls flour; salt to taste Wash pumpkin flowers and divide them. Dry them before dipping into the batter. Drop in deep fat or fry like pancakes, turning on both sides. Spinach leaves may be done the same way. Also thin slices of bringal, slices of cooked potatoes, carrots or other vegetables may be treated like this. OKRA (Ladies' Fingers) WITH CURDS Quarter lb. okra; 1 cup curds, thick; 1 tablespoonful minced onion; 1 table- spoonful chopped capsicum; 1 table- spoonful minced parsley or green coriander; salt to taste; 1 tablespoonful fat. Drop the whole okra pods into boiling water and cook for five minutes. Drain and cut in inch-length pieces. Make a sauce of the other ingredients by frying the onion, capsicum and greens for a few minutes. When soft add the curds 21 Home -made anir cutlets ...most tasty when cooked wi" DALDA! Take 5 cupfuls of milk, brine it to boil and squeeze in a few drops of lime. When milk curdles re- move from fire, and allow whey to form. Drain off whey to obtain panir. (Panir can be made in the same way from milk gone sour). Place panir in muslin cloth and hang it up. When panir is almost dry, mix it with green chillies or black pepper, crushed jeera and salt to taste. Flatten mixture by placing a flat weight on it. Remove weight when panir is set and cut into cubes. Fry cubes quickly in hot Dalda in a shallow pan. Serve hot after garnishing with fried onions and sliced limes. Panir cutlets are delicious when curried. WHAT FOODS ARE EASILY DIGESTIBLE? Write for free advice today — or any day! THE DALDA ADVISORY SERVICE P. 0. BOX NO. 353, BOMBAY I OA. DA VANASPATI iztft cl•tkql 44x511C) 4%); and then the okra last. Place in a bak- ing dish and bake in the oven for ten minutes. Serves four. BAKED PLANTAINS Six ripe plantains; 2 tablespoonfuls brown sugar; grated coconut. Peel plantains and cut in half length- wise. In a buttered baking dish place a layer of plantains, sprinkle with a little sugar and again another layer of plantains and sugar. Place in a hot oven and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes. Sprinkle with grated fresh coconut and serve. SWEET POTATO SALAD Four large sweet potatoes; 2 table- spoonfuls chopped onion; 1/2 coconut; 1 sweet capsicum, chopped fine; 1 cup thick curds; juice of one lime; 1 table- spoonful oil or fat; 1 tablespoonful cummin seed; salt to taste. Boil the sweet potatoes and cut them in pieces. Make a sauce of the other ingredients by placing the oil in a skillet. Add the onion, the capsicum, and the seeds; saute until done. Pour over the sweet potatoes then add the curds, lime juice and salt, a little minced green coriander and parsley may be added if desired. Mix all together and serve. Serves four to six persons. HEART'S APPEAL (Continued from page 15) of all of them through alluring ad- vertising campaigns and great gifts of cigarettes presented so nobly by themselves or solicited from loved ones at home. This campaign of advertising and giving was continued in our veterans' hospitals following World War I and all through World War II, and is still going on in our hospitals to the great detriment of the patients, in whom recovery is certainly not hastened by smoking, because it in- jures the heart and lessens the blood supply to the diseased or damaged parts of the body. Because of all this and the added pernicious cam- paign to make addicts of our girls and young (and old) women, the consumption of cigarettes since World War I has been constantly increasing at an enormous rate, and the increase in the incidence of coro- nary disease and Buerger's disease has been progressing in like ratio. A few years after World War I that sinister advertising and giving campaign began to reap its gruesome harvest of death from coronary dis- ease. Why was Dr. Pearl's work not heralded everywhere? Why were not people warned about the very thing that would shorten their lives? Per- haps a partial explanation for this is found in the attitude of the press, 22 as explained by a famous college professor, Dr. Thomas Nixon Carver, who said: "There was a time when the church and the school were the most effective agencies for changing tastes, habits, and standards of con- duct. Modern advertising now rivals them. Unfortunately, modern adver- tising is always on the side of the money-maker. If the money-maker is running a socially harmful business, advertising is a bad thing; and the more skilful he is, the worse it is." The tobacco companies and their greedy stockholders, along with sponsors from stage, screen, and so- ciety, should be proud of the in- creasingly large harvests they are gathering each year with their poisonous sickle of death. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 BABY FOOD Good teeth . sound limbs . . . steady progress • . . he's gaining on his Glaxo feeds . . . safe, natural milk of guaranteed purity. 4fr- " WHEN SPOON FEEDS BEGIN " In due course baby will want something more solid. Then i.e none better and more suteessful than FAREX 3-cereal food. Begin ' solids ' very gradually by giving tiny spoonfuls of FAREX witb warm milk and sugar added—no cooking required. BEGIN WITH FAREX — Baby's First Solid Food Associates in India H. J. FOSTER é CO.. LTD. Bombay • Camaro ya � • Asadrw DOCTOR SAYS 1. This question and answer service is free only to regular subscribers. 2. No attempt will be made to treat disease nor to take the place of a regular physician in caring for individual cases. 3. All questions must be addressed to the Doctor Says. Correspondence personally with the doctor is not available through this service. 4. Questions to which personal answers are desired must be accompanied by addressed and stamped envelopes. Answers cannot be expected under one month: 5. Make questions short and to the point. Type them or write them very clearly. 6. Questions and answers will be published •nly if they are of such a nature as to be of general interest and without objection, but no names will be published. Address "The Doctor Says," Oriental Watchman and Herald of Health, P. 0. Box 35, Poona 1. SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS: Ques.—"For two months I have been wearing glasses for short-sightedness but I dislike to wear them. Is there any medicine or any physical exercise by which I can have normal vision?" Ans.—"Short-sightedness," is usually corrected with glasses. Occasionally short-sightedness is caused by some systemic disease and treatment of the disease improves the short-sightedness. However, the eye specialist to whom you go to have your eyes tested can advise you concerning this. Do not spend money for any set of exercises or patent eye drops or wonder drugs which cure it (according to the vendors of these things). They will not only be a waste of money but may damage your eyes as well. PREGNANCY AND OBILDBIRTH: Ques.—"I am twenty-seven years of age and am expecting my first child. Is it true that complications in childbirth are more likely to occur when a woman has her first child at a later age? What exercises should I do which will make childbirth easier, and also is there any- thing I can do to have a painless child- THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 birth? Please recommend some good book which will be helpful to me at this time." Ans.—While it is true that there is a slight increase in complications of pregnancy occurring after the mother has reached thirty, it is nothing to be feared. Many women in these modern days do not have their first child until well past that age. The thing to do is to be examined by a good obstetrician before pregnancy is started and visit him or her regularly during pregnancy. Concerning exercise for expectant moth- • 23 The Skin is a natural barrier Fortunately Nature has pro- vided us with barriers against the constant menace of infec- tion. The skin is the most important of these, but it is only effective so long as it remains unbroken. Germs can enter through even the smallest break, so follow the example of your doctor and rely on `Dettol. to prevent infection. KEEP 4 8077LE /N THE NOME ATLANTIS (EAST) LTD. P. 0. BOX NO. 664, CALCUTTA. � A 2 IN KEEP YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFUL Frugtneit's KING-COCOANUT OIL (Contains Vitamin D P PREVENTS DRYNESS AND KEEPS THAT HEALTHY NATURAL BEAUTY INSIST ON FRUGTNEITS KING-COCOANUT OIL (A Han-Mas-Bro Laboratories' Product) �[Regd. 1 Avcallable: Kellners, B. N. Rly., and B. & A. Rly. Refreshment Rooms and all leading Chemists' Stores, and Hairdressers. In case of difficulty, please refer to FRUGTNEIT & CO., 16, Crooked Lane (off Waterloo St.), Calcutta 1. BOMBAY: Wiliteaway Laidlaw & Co. MADRAS: Aryan Drug Stores. 2/RS Iyyah Mudali St, Cliintadripet. POONA: Barnes & Co., East St. CALICUT: T. Hoosain Saheb, Huzur Rd. COLOMBO: J. B. Pinto & Sons, Chatham St., Fort. Re. 1/2 small bottle, and Rs. 4/- lb. bottle, packing and postage extra. erg. One frequently hears of exercises that are supposed to accomplish this or that wonderful miracle, but soon the enthusiasm dies away. Walking is the usual exercise recommended for preg- nant ladies, but with the stipulation that this or any other exercise should not be carried to the point of fatigue. At the first sign of feeling tired one should cease the exercise for that day. The perfect substance to relieve the pains of childbirth is still being sought but in modern medical practice a great deal can be done to relieve the pain and to make labour less trying than it was in the days of our ancestors. You should leave the details of this entirely in the hands of your doctor. The book I would recommend for you is "All About the Baby," by Dr. Belle Wood-Comstock, available from the publishers of this magazine for Rs. 10-8-0 in cloth binding. TONSILLECTOMY FOR ONE WHO IS UNDERWEIGHT: Qses.—"I am a student, twenty-three years of age, and I am very thin. My height is 5' 6" and I weigh only eighty-five pounds. I catch cold very easily and my doctor has in- formed me that I have enlarged tonsils and the wall opposite the tonsils has also been affected in a granular way. The doctor says the tonsils should be removed but also says that for a man who is fully grown the operation is risky. Do you advise an operation and if so where could I have this performed with safety? Is it true that fifty per cent of these operations are reported to be unsuccessful? Is there any chance of one's losing his normal voice as a result ?" Ans.—Your weight according to your height should be between 134-151 pounds, depending upon your frame. I should certainly advise that you have a very careful examination including laboratory tests and a chest X-ray to 24 determine why you are so much under- weight before you undergo the opera- tion. A properly done tonsillectomy does not affect the voice and certainly many more than fifty per cent are successful. I am unacquainted with surgeons in Calcutta. I would suggest you apply at the out-patient department of the Medi- cal School there. The following diet should help you to gain weight: The foods which give the most energy for the amount of food taken are first, the fats—ghee, butter, and the various oils, nuts of all types, then whole grain cereals, dais, potatoes, grams, and car- rots. Bananas, sweet oranges, other vegetables, roots and fruity should not be left out but most of them do not give as much food energy per volume of food as the above-mentioned things. 9 SPERMATORRHEA: Ques.—"H o w can spermatorrhea, or lo,ss of sperm at night be checked? What is the safest method for its permanent removal? Please give me the name of the best medicine for its complete cure." Ans.—There is a great deal of mis- understanding about spermatorrhea and its significance and its effect on one's health. First of all what does the word mean? Strictly it means an excessive flow or loss of sperm but as used in common speech it refers almost entirely to loss of sperm during sleep. After a boy attains puberty and before he marries this is a perfectly normal occurrence. The testicles are constantly making sperm which is stored in the seminal vessicles. If a man is married these storage places are emptied periodically by ejaculation of sperm during sexual intercourse. When, a young man is not married these seminal vessicles are emptied periodically and automatically by nature to make room for the new sperm which is being con- stantly manufactured by the testicles. TRUCK and BUS TYRE all these EXTRA: mean EXMA mileage MASSIVE TREAD gives EXTRA mileage. RIBBED SIDEWALLS give EXTRA protection. REINFORCED CONSTRUCTION gives EXTRA strength. LATEX-BONDED CORD gives EXTRA dependability. NON-SKID PATTERN gives EXTRA grip. 1//efe 43961.0 611111.12.111M111111.1.1.1111111.1.111.11111M , The Publishers of This Magazine Insure Their Motor Cars and Property with: The National EMPLOYERS' Mutual General Insurance Association Limited Head Office for the East: 32, Nicol Road, Ballard Estate, Bombay 1. Telephone: 22823 Telegrams: "AUTONEM" Chief Office for Northern India: 4, Peareylal Buildings, Queens- way, New Delhi Telephone: 7625 Telegrams: "AUTONEM" Chief Office for West Pakistan: 65, The Mall, Lahore. Telephone: 3516 Telegrams: "AUTONEM" This automatic emptying usually occurs at night and is termed night emissions. The condition is not a disease but a normal physiological occurance. It re- quires no treatment and one should not be frightened by any quack's advice or patent medicine maker's advertisement to the effect that one is "losing man- hood" or "losing vital fluids" or any- thing of the sort. Night emissions may occur once in two or three months or as often as three 'times a week depend- ing on circumstances. In any case it is normal and will cease when the young man marries. POOR APPETITE AND VOMITING: Ques.—"My child has a very poor appetite so that I even have to feed him while he is at play. How can I avoid this and make him eat more. He is very thin. What can I do for a child who vomits several times in the night?" • ' Ans. Such vomiting by children is THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 apt to be the result of heavy or late evening meals. The last meal for a child should Abe light such as milk, fruit and possibly a cereal or toast. Vomiting may also accompany a rise of body tempera- ture. Watching the stools for evidence of worms is the only way to determine their presence. Poor appetite at meals is frequently due to taking food be- tween meals. Let the child get hungry without urging food upon him. He will eat when hungry, this is when he needs food. Do not try to make him eat more than he wants. 25 ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" AIDS ACCOUNTANT BALANCE BOOKS "Account closing. stock-taking, audit — they'll drain the life from me. What with hurry, worry and a bad digestion I'll never balance my books in time." '11MMiNftb 00 8::e :re 0: 11:1 dWdehre .PetaresTs zaest::::ientdY oott: e 1r digest o a .'" °f +ha ki!`e a Wu "FRUIT!. '"1.4 EN0.11 morn. sAtr- y . e Your Ings arid : 111 Melt away. es will You always profit by taking ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT" //FRUIT SALT voR GOOD HEALTH Sold in bottles for lasting freshness ENO'S 4FRUIT SAL IS SA FE F iNvEsrmetsrr A Its � much easier to keep abreast of your work if your digestive system is free frozo poisonous wastes. The gen,. tle regulatitig effect of fresh ripe fruit, possessed by ENO'S 'FRUIT SALT.; ensures a clean, health), system. Keep bottle of ENO F �' a "RIT SALT- han U dy a/ways S The words "ENO" and "FRUIT SALT" are Registered Trade Marks, THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN •"s HERALD °, E20==ITI FOR HEACKHOHE AND HAPPINESS Vol. 26, No. 11 � POONA � November 1949 Published Monthly by The Oriental Watchman Publishing House Poona — Bangalore — Colombo — Calcutta — Delhi — Bombay — Karaoiti — Rangoon E. M. Meleen, Editor J. B. Oliver, M.D., Associate Editor Rates: One year Rs. 7-8-0, two years Rs. 14-8-0 in advance. Foreign postage Re. 1-5-0 per annum. Subscriptions are not accepted for less than one year. V. P. P. orders must be accompanied by one-half the amount. V. P. P. charges are in addition to the subsCription. Change of Address: The wrapper contains information necessary for us to locate your sub- scription. Therefore, in requesting change of address, or referring to your subscription, kindly return wrapper or quote reference numbers appearing thereon, and indicate your old as well as your new address. Duplicate copies can- not be supplied without extra charge when intimation of change of address has not been given. Magazines are sent only forpaid subscriptions, so persons receiving "HEALTH" without having subscribed may feel perfectly free to accept it. Non-receipt of Magazines: If your magazines fail to reach you, please inquire at your local post office. If you get no satisfaction there, PLEASE INFORM US. SUBSCRIPTIONS may be sent to our nearest agency: For Madras Presidency, Tra- vancore, and south half of Hyderabad State- 9 Cunningham Road, Bangalore; for United Provinces, East Punjab Delhi, and adjacent states-76, Queensway, New Delhi; for Bihar, Orissa, Bengal, Assam and East Pakistan- 36 Park Street, Calcutta 16; for Ceylon—Box 905, Colombo; for West Pakistan-91 Depot Lines, Karachi 3; for Burma-68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon; for Bombay Presidency-16 Club Road, Byculla, Bombay. Cheques for subscriptions given to our travelling representatives should be crossed and made in favour of the local branch office under whose jurisdiction they are working. When making any complaint about the late receipt of this magazine, please send the wrapper along with the complaint. This will enable the post office to fix responsibility for delayed delivery. Published and printed by L. C. Shepard, at and for the Oriental Watchman Publishing House, Salisbury Park, Poona 1. 17,900-4353-49 NERVOUSNESS: Ques.—"My age is forty years while that of my wife is twenty-five years. She has given birth to six children. About two months after the birth of the third child she had an attack of nerves in which she felt she was dying; she could not move her limbs, she wanted water and started perspiring. When this was over she felt exhausted for two or three days. Since that time she has had .these attacks every few months. They last about ten minutes. This worries her greatly, and 26 Old Address Please change my address from: (Please use block letters) Name --- -- ----------- - -- Street � Town or P. 0. � District � To: Name � 41 Street � 44:C Town or P. 0. � o District � (If possible please send a wrapper) 111111111111Pw' • someone must always be with her. I have had her treated and examined by doctors of the Province and they find no trouble other than that she is slightly anaemic. Will you please give you: opinion ?" Ans.—The condition of your wife is probably a nervous problem resulting front excessive child-bearing. If you or I had nourished from our bodies and given birth to six children by the age of twenty-five years we would doubt- less be in the same state. Your wife must have sex rest and be free from worry over more pregnancies. Correct birth control is strongly indicated in this condition. Love, protection, and consideration will do much for her recovery. Make sure that she is having a well-balanced diet, with ample amounts of milk, cereal, fruit and vegetables. Added vitamins containing A, B complex, C and D with each meal will help in promoting recovery. USE OF DAM CURDS: Ques.— "What is the truth in the popular belief that all pathogenic bacteria are destroyed by the lacto-bacilli found in dahi curds? Do you visualize any harm- ful effects by getting curds or starters for curds from any bazaar dealer in view of the fact that his method of preparation, storage, and handling are filthy ? If so please tell me of a safe source from which I can obtain a starter for curds." Ans.—It was Professor Metchnikoff who first called attention to the value of lactic acid milk as an aid in chang- ing the type of germ organisms in the human intestine. Dr. J. H. Kellogg was one of the earliest advocates of the use of acidophilus, or sour milk, together with lacto-dextrose sugar, as a means of ridding the colon of putrefactive pathogenic organisms and encouraging the growth of B. bifidus and B. acido- philus. This plan of treating intestinal auto-intoxication is still widely em- ployed with real success. Undoubtedly the colon is the breeding ground for many of our chronic ailments. Lactic acid milk—dahi—is a real aid to better health, if at the same time a rational diet regime is followed. By this I mean a diet consisting of milk, curds, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and freshly ground whole cereal. Curds must be taken in sufficient quantity to meet an adequate protein requirement. Milk curds supply the same amino-acid protein builders as animal flesh. Eggs and flesh foods while good sources of protein, do encourage the growth of putrefactive organisms in the intestines. Bazaar curds are usually not desirable because of the insanitary handling and environment. A better way of preparing a starter is to add some lemon juice to a cup of boiled and cooled milk, set aside until thickened and sour. This may then be used as a starter. You will find this somewhat slower in starting growth of the acid organisms, but we have found it satisfactory. ALLERGIC ASTHMA: Ques.—"I ant a chronic asthmatic patient. For the past twenty years all my efforts have ORIENTAL WATCHMAN CIRCULATION FACTS SEVENTEEN thousand five hundred copies of the October is- sue of the "Health" magazine were printed and posted. Note the growing popularity of our service: 1943 � 6,750 1944 � 8,600 1945 � 10,250 1946 � 11,400 1947 � 14,000 1948 � 13,000 1949 January � 13,500 February � 14,000 March � 14,600 April � 15,000 May � 15,125 June � 15,500 July � 15,500 August � 16,000 September � 17,000 October � 17,500 failed to bring relief to my sufferings. Can you give me some advice?" Ans.—You probably have allergic asthma resulting from something in your home or environment to which you are sensitive. This may include animals, dust, weeds, grains, and many other things. The real remedy for this sensitization state has not yet been found. Much study is being given to the problem. However, it is possible to obtain relief from the attacks by taking one of the new anti-histamine drugs. Relief is obtained only while taking the medication. These are not cures, but they are a great blessing in the relief which can be obtained by their use. Your physician will be able to advise which of the following will be best suited to your condition: Benedryl, Pyribenzamin, Hydryllin, Aniesic, or Thephorin. These capsules or tablets need to be taken three or four times daily to maintain relief. Some day, and we hope soon, it may be possible to give a more encouraging reply offering permanent relief. CHRONIC NERVOUS DIARRHOEA: Ques.—"My twenty-eight-year-old bro- ther has been suffering from chronic nervous diarrhoea for the past ten years. His bowels move upon the slightest emotion, hence he is not in a position to attend any functions or do any work outside the home. He has no amoeba or other disease. Please suggest some treat- ment." Ans.—This appears to be a psychoso- matic problem and can best be cared for on that basis. If you have not used Transentine tablets it might be well to give them a trial. INTERNAL SPONTANEOUS COM- BUSTION: Ques.—"What is your opinion of the following phenomenon? The ignition of a body by internal devel- opment of heat without the application of fire is termed spontaneous combus- tion. What about the alleged phenome- non of the human body being reduced to ashes without the direct application of fire? The supposed most famous case of this occurring is that of the Countess Cornelia de Bandi. Would people who drink a great deal be in danger of this fate?" Ans.—Aside from fiction literature 1 know of no such experience as you relate. The case against alcoholic drink- ing rests upon the devastation, moral, physical, and economic which it produces during the life of the addict and not upon any combustion after death. Alco- hol wastes the wages of the worker and impoverishes his family. Alcohol is a promoter of crime and immorality. The words of the ancient wise one are true still: "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not \ ise." THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 97 How can a chap be cheerful if his skin is sore? If your baby cries or frets, he's trying to tell you that something's wrong. Often it's only that his tender skin is sore or irritated— and that s easily put right. Johnson's Baby Powder is so fine and soothing, it makes him feel comfortable at once. Use it after his bath, when you change his nappy, and any time he'c hot or perspiring. Give your baby a treat. Buy him a tin of wonderful, soothini. cooling Johnson's Baby Powder today! Best for Baby—Best For you: 1344powe A 'Johnson & Johnson Product • Sole Distributors • ICI (India) Ltd. Registered No. B-1886 Chemistry has achieved wonders in solving problems of food and nutrition. ORIENTAL WATCHMAN NOVEMBER � SUPPLEMENT � 1949 THE RIDDLE O F NOT SOLVED YET! SCIENCE'S latest announcement will doubtless be hailed with de- light by multitudes in this starvation- threatened world. The artificial production of food in limitless quantities, is the prospect cherished by certain scientists. Production is not yet an accomplished fact, but it is claimed to be a serious possibility. Startling progress in their research has already been made by Dr. Melvin Calvin and Dr. Andrew Benson, both of whom are working for the Atomic Energy Commission in the Univer- sity of California. They are seeking ways whereby the mysterious process of photosynthesis can be duplicated. Upon this marvellous process the whole cycle of life on earth depends, for by it the energy derived from the sun is converted and stored by the plants in the form of the food we eat. The secret of this process has hitherto baffled scientific investiga- tors, but the discovery has recently been made of an effective tool which will enable them to understand the mystery. It is a radio-active by- product known as Carbon 14. Such progress has been made that con- trol over certain photosynthetic operations is already possible. "FARMING THE SEA" It is claimed, for instance, that science knows it to be a "perfectly practical matter" to cause inedible seaweed to produce such basic food elements as fats, proteins, and car- bohydrates. Great Britain, in its de- termination to solve its own acute food problems, has already estab- lished a pilot laboratory in Trinidad to investigate the possibility of thus "farming the sea." R. D. VINE The London Economist, comment- ing on this unravelling of photo- synthetic mysteries by scientists, visualizes the imminent prospect of industrial factories mass-producing "the carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, and fuels the world so badly needs." It is claimed that the green plant would eventually he bv-passed en- tirely. Their process of food produc- tion would be more conveniently and speedily effected by the factory. Sim- ply by the use of sunlight and a few basic chemicals, all our nutritional LIFE needs would be easily and amply supplied. Mass production is not yet possible, but it is firmly believed by some to be no more than four or five years ahead. Without doubt this news will be joyfully seized upon not only by those concerned with the world's food situation, but also by the evolu- tionists who are seeking a scientific explanation of the beginnings of life. The production of basic and essential food substances from inorganic mat- ter is now well-nigh an accomplished fact. Surely we must, therefore, be on the verge of solving the riddle of life itself. The animal creation is composed of animal compounds. The process of their formation has thus far haf- "THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 � 1 Man has succeeded in producing a "mechanical" man, but cannot produce the spark of life which God alone dispenses and controls. Though the latest photosynthetic discoveries undoubtedly represent a tremendous forward step in scientific achievement, the well-established bio- genetic law that life is only derived from some previous living thing, re- mains unshaken. As is affirmed in the Encyclopedia Britannica: "No biological generalization rests on a wider series of observations, or has been subjected to a more care- ful scrutiny, than that every living organism has come into existence from a living portion, or portions of a pre-existing organism." (Italics ours.) Thus the greatest of all problems confronting evolutionists, that of the origin of the so-called first living cell, is, for them, shrouded in un- diminished mystery. In 1915, Charles Schubert in his Textbook of Geology admitted that "on the basis of established facts in biology, it can be said that we know nothing of a positive nature as to the origin of life. It is the greatest of the unsolved problems confronting man." The latest discoveries provide no justification whatever for this state- ment to be modified in any way. Nor is this baffling riddle likely to be solved until the truth of the Bible story of creation and the be- ginnings of terrestrial life is recog- nized and accepted. The earliest life on earth, in accordance with the sci- entific law of biogenesis, actually did spring from pre-existing life—it emanated from the eternal Life-giver Himself. For Luke declares of our first parent, Adam, that he "was the son of God"—in the sense that he was the offspring of God. (Luke 3 :38.) So much for the riddle of mortal life. Scientists, in spite of their stag- gering achievements and capabilities, are unlikely to duplicate that which the great Creator alone is able to perform. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 fled the scientists, but evolutionists provide the theory that it was by the photosynthetic action of sunlight on the simple elements. This idea is clearly affirmed in the doggerel verse which Charles Darwin was taught in his juvenile days, part of which we reproduce: "Hence, without parents, by spontaneous birth, Rise the first specks of animated earth." The discovery of photosynthetic mysteries by the scientists will doubt- less be hailed by many as the pre- liminary—if not the final—Q. E. D. to their vaunted theories of spon- taneous generation. WHERE SCIENTIFIC WIZARDS FAIL Such, however is far from the truth. Even though scientific genius may result in the production out of 2 inorganic substances of such essen- tials as fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and sugars, these things are never- theless dead things. Essential though they are for the sustenance of life, they are in no way vested with life. The creation record in the Bible shows how man's body substance was originally formed from inorganic materials. This in itself was a won- derful thing. But a thing of over- whelmingly greater wonder ensued. The final step was taken without which the form derived from the dust would have been useless. We are told that God, having made man from the "dust of the ground," "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life." Genesis 2:7. This endowment of life upon the dead, organic substance, was the supreme miracle which scientists have never been able to explain. Nor are they yet any nearer the solution of this baffling problem. Even though scientific genius, by harnessing and directing the powers of nature may produce substances similar to the flesh, blood, bones, and muscles of which we are made, the really, vital thing—that of the actual endowment of life—will still be just as far off as ever. Their product would merely be similar to the material composing a corpse. THE LAW OF BIOGENESIS A GREATER RIDDLE But there is a greater riddle con- fronting man than that of life's be- ginnings. It is that of life's revival after death—the problem of immor- tal life. This has ever been the major concern of most thinking people. As the patriarch Job expressed it: "If a man die, shall he live again?" Job 14:14. After all, what doth it profit a man even if the efforts of the "spon- taneous generation" enthusiasts to substantiate their fantastic theories are eventually crowned with suc- cess? (Though such is right outside the sphere of possibility.) It still re- mains that death is our common lot. The "paths of glory"—as also the paths of sin and shame—"lead but to the grave." However life began, we all know how it ends. The cold corruption and barren silence of man's "long home" is the inescapable destiny of us all, should time last. What is the possibility of life's revival? What of that immortality and eternal youth which invariably figure at some time or other in the utopian dreams of every man? That immortality and eternal youth are possibilities, the Christian sincerely affirms. He goes further than this. On the authority of God's Word he declares these things to be an absolute certainty for all who seek them in the right way. The apostle Paul looks forward to the time when our corruptible bodies will be immortalized and when those who have died in the Lord will be revived. He rules out the evolutionary ages theory which suggests a gradual process of immortalization, by declaring the change to take place "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incor- ruptible, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:52. et seq. The "last trump" is but another term for the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ at His second advent. (See also 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17.) The blissful experience of thus being endowed at this time with ever- lasting life, while a possibility for every man, will actually be enjoyed only by those who seek it in the right way. "This life is in His Son," says John, speaking of Jesus Christ. (1 John 5:12.) "Neither is there salvation in any other." Acts 4:12. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord," testi- fies the apostle Paul. (Romans 6:23.) Acceptance of Christ will solve the problem of eternal life—and that is surely the greatest problem of all which confronts the human race. Ac- ceptance implies more than a mere belief in the fact of Christ, however. It implies belief on Him as the Sav- iour who paid for our sins the death penalty which otherwise we would have borne. It means that we confess our sins to Him, and that we grate- fully acknowledge Him as the be- nevolent Forgiver. It means that we accept Him into our hearts by His Spirit, and thereafter "walk even as He walked." 1 John 2:6. THE FIFTH IT WAS past midnight, almost one o'clock in the morning, as we drove from Yakima to Pasco in the great North-West of the United States. Presently, far off on our left. we noticed a strange luminous haze where till now there had been only darkness. Gradually the bluish mist grew and spread till it outlined the intervening hills. What could it be? "Hanford," said our companion. "where the atomic bomb plant is lo- cated." With renewed interest we looked again at the glow in the sky. Imagi- nation suggested that this might be the result of radioactivity emanating from the secret uranium piles. But no; as we drove on we found it was only the reflection in the clouds of the lights of the city of Richland, Where live the thousands of workers who labour in this giant atomic en- ergy undertaking. THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949 66 A. S. MAXWELL Soon the lights came into full view, an amazing sight at such an hour of the night, giving the im- pression that the whole countryside was ablaze. Somebody surely was working late and for some urgent purpose. RADIATION THE FOURTH "R" We were reminded of the words of David E. Lilienthal, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, as he addressed a conference recently in Washington, D. C. "In the cur- riculum of the atomic age," he said, "radiation had become a kind of fourth 'R." In other words, atomic energy is here to stay. With all its limitless possibilities of good and evil, it will remain with us till the end of time. We cannot go back to the comparative safe and carefree days when steam and electricity were our main sources of power. We must adapt ourselves to the atomic age which has already dawned. We must familiarize ourselves with radio- activity as a regular problem. Our children must understand it as they do reading, writing, and arithmetic. "At present," said Lilienthal, "this fiercely dangerous stuff is well locked up. The Clinch River flowing near Oak Ridge is less radioactive than many mineral springs whose water is highly prized for drinking. The 3 God longs to have us turn from the world and come unto Him in repentance. He will abundantly pardon. air outside the Oak Ridge plant is safe too.... The new atomic plants now abuilding will be safeguarded carefully. The pile at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, sixty-five miles east of Manhattan, will operate only when there is enough wind to dilute its radioactive cooling gases below the danger point.... The 'hot' uranium slugs from Brookhaven's pile will be put underground to keep them from mak- ing trouble." "But the time is coming," warned the Atomic Energy Commission, as reported in Time magazine, "when radio-active substances will be com- mon outside such guarded centres. More and more laboratories are using radioisotopes, and the atomic power plants of the future will necessarily contain vast quantities of radio- active material. It will be the duty of health authorities to see that none of the stuff damages the public. "To deal with the wave of future radiation, sanitary engineers should have Geiger counters and know how to use them. They will have to watch carefully all producers and users of radio-active material. They will have to make plumbers wear rubber gloves when cleaniag 'active' drain traps. They must test rivers, water sup- plies, and sewers to make sure that no radio-activity has slipped in." Such are some of the prospects ahead of us in this atomic age, and they may be worse than even this warning suggests. According to David Bradley in No Place to Hide, whose job it was to help guard the Bikini task force against radio- activity, "Dangerous materials may remain which 'are not detectable on the ordinary Geiger counter. As the tell-tale radiation decays away, our sense of security therefrom may be entirely false.... Findings with our Alpha counter ... consistently show that there is a small amount of plutonium spread atom-thin over most of the contaminated areas. "The derelict fleet may go on in- definitely, being pumped out as in- dicated, or towed away to sink. But the radio-activity over their decks and super-structures has settled down to the substances which may continue to be radio-active for hundreds and thousands of years—eternity, for all practical purposes." And what if war should come again, as now seems inevitable? What if a dozen, maybe a hundred, atomic bombs should be exploded over great centres of population? THE FIFTH MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL Truly we need to become familiar with the fourth "R." With such dire possibilities ahead we cannot learn too much concerning radio-activity. Yet there is a fifth "R" that is even more important still. And that is re- pentance. "Repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ," as the apostle Paul put it. (Acts 20:2.) Living in such perilous times—amid events that so clearly betoken the imminent end of the world—nothing is more imperative than that we should think anew of our responsibilities toward our Maker. "Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil." Joel 2:12, 13. This is the call of God to all our hearts in this midnight hour of hu- man history. It is a call to repent. ance, reformation, and reconsecra- tion. It is a call to prepare ourselves to meet Him face to face in the day of judgment. so near at hand. May we hear and heed it now before the opportunity has passed for ever. 4 � THE ORIENTAL WATCHMAN, NOVEMBER 1949