Vol. 37 April, 1950 No. 4 N THE business of missions, prayer comes first, When Jesus looked upon the whitened harvest fields, He might have called immediately for laborers, or organiza- tion, or money. Fach plays an important part in the missionary enterprise. But more important is the release of divine power through prayer, so Jesus put prayer fore- most in the business of missions: “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest.” In the business of prayer, missions come first. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He said, “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name. . . .” That cagec and LsAtons By T.L. Oswald was the reverent approach. Then what? “Thy kingdom come.” That means missions, Daily bread follows. So today God admonishes us to lift up our eyes and behold the whitened fields, for they are ready for the harvest. Fach day the members of the family of God should pray for divine power to direct the lives of those that proclaim the message in all lands. We are facing an unparalleled oppor- tunity for the spreading of the third angels message in many foreign lands. Japan's doors have swung wide open to the spread of the gospel. There is such a turning to Christianity that every church is crowded; many churches refrain from making an- nouncements of services so that the scanty space may not be entirely occupied by inquirers, thus depriving the members of needed spiritual help. To an unbelievable degree, the Japanese have opened their hearts to receive the love of our Saviour. It is the hour of destiny for the Japanese people. They need Christ as never before, A new day is dawning in southern Asia. There is an interest in the Bible such as our old-time workers have never seen. Now is the hour to proclaim with power the message in India. Australasia is appealing. Whole island populations have turned to the message of a risen and soon-coming Saviour, They have been lifted from the lowest degrada- tion of spiritism to be valiant witnesses for Christ. On New Guinea alone we need two thousand teachers to gather the soul- harvest. To the west of New Guinea lies Indonesia—Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and the Celebes—to mention only the larger island fields. God has gone before us and prepared the way. What will be our response? (Please turn to page 2)