ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. world for a witness to all nations and THEN shall the end come.” Not until “then” will the end come. Not till the last nation of earth ‘has had this gospel preached init “fora witness” shall the end come. But as soon as the last nation has had this gospel preached init “for a witness,” “THEN,” not one thousand years later, not one hundred years later, not ten years later,—but “THEN SHALL THE END COME!" Then we shall see the close of probation and the falling plagues and the coming of the Lord. Then shall we, if true tu the work of the Lord, take that long desired journey from this sad world to that place of eternal light and joy, the capital of the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. In 2 Peter 3:12, we read (using the margin) “Looking for and HASTENING THE coMING of the day of God.” This is in accord with Matt. 24:14. It shows that upon us'depends in this last generation the bringing of the end and the realization of all our hopes. We have been told the same by the servant of the Lord. Sister White has told us that she has seen that if. we had been faithful in giving this message to the world we should have been in the King- - dom years ago. - How sad it is that we have had to endure the trials and suffer- ings and perplexities of this old world years longer than necessary. God is saying to us as He said to His people of old when they were.on their journey from Egypt tothe earthly Canaan, “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough.” Itis time for us to arise and take our journey rapidly toward the bet- ter land. It is time for us to throw all our energies into the task of finishing this work, Conte, brethren and sisters, let us all'take a new start, fet us all lift together. At the Midsummer Offering occasion let us give for the hastening ot the mes- sage to the nations across the sea. The doors are wide open now, If we are faithful in sending the workers Ged will make their efforts so fruitful that soon the last nation will have had the gospel preached in it for a witness, and,—bless- ed promise,—“THEN SHALL THE END coMe,” Then shall we go home to the tree of life, then shall we enter the gates into 1he city, then shall we be reunited with loved ones, and then shall we be with our Master, and see Him as ‘He is, Then shall we return with rejoicing unto Zion with everlasting joy upon our heads, and sorrow and sighing shall flee Come, let us hasten the coming H. M. J. RICHARDS. away. of that blest dav. Matt. 24:14. Blanca There are from forty to one hundred and twenty-five at the tent each evening to hear the message. A few seem to be interested to know the Truth. . Last Sunday night we presented the Sabbath in the life of Christ. After the service several men expressed them- selves as being pleased to hear our rea- sons for observing the seventh day as the Sabbath, and that they had- decided that we have very good reasons for Sab- bath observance, Brethren pray for the work here, J. S. Rouse JouN TURNER, June 21, 1911. Hygiene Friday, June 23, I left Denver to visit the churches at Hygiene, both the English and German. Sabbath morning the English and German brethren as- sembled in a union meeting for the cele- - bration of the ordinances. It was de- cided to call the roli of the names of the members of each church, the members present responding with a testimony of theirexperiences during the past qurater. Brother Specht, church, translated into English the testi: monies of the German brethren and sisters. | enjoyed these services very much. A good spirit. was present. In the afterncon a young people's meeting was held, and at the close of this service five young penple expressed a desire to follow their Lord in baptism, A meeting was held far the candidates at which a number of the older hrethren and sisters were present, including the parents of those desiring baptism. A study on the importance and meaning of baptism was given, and the candidates were examined as’ to their. Christian ex- - perience and preparation for the baptism. Arrangements were made to hold the haptism service ‘Sunday, July 2. It is encourageing to see the young people in our churches taking their stand with this message, dedicating their lives to its ad- vancement, [trust that the officers in all of our churches are carrying a deep burden forthe vouth and children that they shall ynite their lives with this grand advent message, The evening after the Sal.bath a busi- ness meeting -was: held by both the English and tire German churches. One special item for consideration by the Arerman brethren was the matter of a church school for the coming year. ‘voted on the suspended list, elder of the German tries we have seen in a long time. draw-back to this country is scarcity of were straightened out. They took hold of this matter ih earnest, and pledged almost money enough to carry the school. The special question under consideration in the English church was the adjustment of their church records. A spirit of harmony and brotherly feeling prevailed as the records were gone over and examined, Several names were dropped from the record and a number of others were pending further investigation before final action shoald be taken, We all feel sad when a brother or sister turns away from this blessed message and goes to the world, and we should do everything in our power to call them back. But when every means to restore them is exhausted it is our duty to take action and keep our hooks with a clear record. .I enjoyed my visit very much with the Hygiene hrethren, They have a beauti- fut country, I wish that our brethren who live in the crowded cities could ar- range to locate with a good church like Hygiene. Here they would be away from the evil influences of city life, and could also enjoy the privileges of a gocd church school. C. R. KiTE, On the Scouting Line It has heen some time since I sent anything for publication in the ECHOES. But althongh I have not written anything myself, I have "surely. enjoyed the arti- cles written by my brethren, and which makes our little paper SO interesting to us all, Since my last report [ have had the privilege of baptizing six dear souls three at La Junta, two at Trinidad, and one in Pueblo. In the latter part of ‘May 1 was re- quested to visit Baca county in the south. east corner of the state. Leaving Lamar a ride of nearly forty miles by wagon brought us to Two Buttes, where a num- her of our brethren have lately taken homesteads in one of the prettiest conn- The water. The brethren are engagedin dry land farming, depending entirely on rain- fall for their moisture, We had several good meetings with them, and also visited with Brother Gant at Blaine, eighteen miles further south, It was the desire of the brethren at Two Buttes to organize a church, but condi- tions were such that I did not think it advisable until some misunderstandings On this account