THE EDUCATIONAL MESSENGER 3 College View [latters Church Directory Rrpeas —R. FF. Andrews, Pastor; PoE. Ber thel-en, M. F. Ell Lis, CR : LO mT oe K 3:0 R.A Jenkins, DESL 4: J. Grisham, Dist 50 1 Byington, Dist, 8: J. FL Hamilton. 11s. 7. DeacosNgesks — Mr J FL Kirk, Inst 1, Past, 20 Mr=o Altee Fart, Pest 30 Mra Fo A. Jenkins, dst. 4. Mrs Flisn Var! esen, Dist. 50 Mrs. Emil Nelsen, Dist, 60 Mary George, Disy. 7. CLERE AND LinuatiaN Mrs Lithoe Coline, —_— -— Sabbath-school Directory Croaci HL MD mpegy. Gonemsl superinten tendont: Nooo Bunun, secretary Senior Dis vidion: ld . vl hn aees Soith, Ser. Yoaraitte = Priv is on: , : ingion., tie Jobin, NEE 1 ee Cision: | Flore A 1, See Primur: Divicion: Mess Glement, Sop Wine nie lun Sec Windersarsens Mrs HA Emerson, Sapte Mea 1M Frenchy, Ne Contra r. but koeddooe, Soren Padith Sih cli Glen reeoroes sean Aves Lewis Sern ATH E [Vel dasletiigt Adam =etiids Aunt ooh BF Wes Ann imme Sees Marie SCANDINAVIAN, - AL Swedberg, Supt Neds [Ie SOT At VDE Uae nae No San ARCM. Emme Pact Sie, Lami Peat, A= Amin Jensen, See Directory of Young People’ $s Society of Tlissionary Volunteers TET steven Trrenadenn ss Toil don on, see, loins lender wong piers devise Forivk-on, Lowder sonne sane od Lone MO dah Leader groans divin SE A I ATR MU enka Pre. -— a Appointments eNoTE. ADD riers dn regard saa bhrodnT nents soca ld be retinal tne Doternosbelns Pubs Asa Baga? Ware loeN Th rsdiy Pore tiie BLE A VL SN Hamad aid hu INTE] Tsoi, [ICN Chitepee leery Dp do senprdimey pen Ce Pret stent rien peed, I'am [CR AU PEI OU LAE § BES STR I FATS SRE Jose Nel esas ar 2d re aL. an the vei San dn Sec pas MEET SG ath Goa pe ML Ve Aanditorem, GradMas Proeacnosa, PHa0 sat Chie. Yoox Proves MeEpveses, at dn to ow inthe Ancditoram. Pay rie Mevtino of the empion ees of the [01- tortie nal publish ine Lessin, Tony 4 wm Supoigy CoLLEGE Carron boop arp=gs, Toon, a ML, Aon. Aun, Wedoema aned Friday Noite Wor sls Pv ieian of Medora i AT rw Ge, post DE weer Menino the Tree [EHS TEE gb hr aeErtiia Wootten Mate Shiv ANT te cre ToT, vos Prodan Lio ~camn drnavinn raed i wa bone lov oes Alesiomney Maar. ine MAME mT STO DREN SRT ERISA SEE FE A SATE AT RE PEE ENT AI I RE I ERS day ar the ud Coders betes a dL igs SCANDINAS TA Missions HERE NE SEER SH Sabbath sewndit es per oh 21] SoaNpiNavias Sorier Sect, 41. wm A EEF Fa Sean preavian Prev Mestre, Tole v0 sp Prt div. Cesena as Mis