10 THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY. of independence and glory among the nations of the earth, Anil the sound of this new nation has gone into oll the world. It has reached the toiling millions of rope; and they are swarming to our shores to share its blessings. It has gone to the islands of the vo; and they have sent their living contributions, It hs reached the Orient, and opened, as with a pass- wora, the gates of nations long barred against inter- cours “th other powers; and China and Japan, turning 1o.m their beaten track of forty centuries, are looking with wonder at the prodigy ariving across the Pacific to the east of them, and catching some of the iLypulse which this growing power is imparting to the nations of the carth. Precisely on~ hundred ~1d seven years ago, with three millions of people, the United States became an independent government. It has now a popula- tion of over fifty millions of people, and a territory of three and a half millions of :--uare miles, Russia alone exceeds this nation in these particulars, having thirty millions more of people, and four millions more square miles of territory. Of all other nations on the globe whose laws are framed by legislative bodies elected by the people, Brazil, which has the largest territory, has not quite thre> millions of square miles; and France, the most populous, has not by many millions so great a number of inhabit- ants as our country. So that in point of territory and population combined, it will be seen that the United States now stands at the head of the self-gov- erning powers of the earth. Occupying a position altogether unique, this gov- ernment excites equally the astonishment and the ad- miration of all beholders. The main features of its history are such as have had no parallel since the distinction of nations existed among men. PROBABILITIES CONSIDERED. 1 1. No nation ever acquired