aletcome &dor. "'Chen tber that feared the JLorb simile often one to another.'" VOL. IV. MT. VERNON, OHIO, APRIL 45, -1900. NO. 42 Welrontr Pioitor ISSUED SEMI-MONTHLY BY THE OHIO S. D. A. CONFERENCE, MT. VERNON, OHIO. PRICE: 25 CENTS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered at the Mt. Vernon Postoffice. VICTORY. Tho' the clouds may darkly lower, We shall see; Tho' we feel temptation's power, It shall be That the clouds shall clear away, And the sun, with charming ray, Shall illume the darkest day That can dawn. For He will not leave His own, To despair; Each temptation overcome, Leadeth where We may added strength obtain, We may greater victories gain, Until justified, we claim Perfect Iove. Then "all fear shall be cast out," Joy divine ! Then with rapture we may shout, "Jesus mine !" And we'll sing a chorus grand, When a firm united band We:shall dwell at His right handl c---= Evermore. 0 gir3 DORA, GRANT. THE CLEVELAND MISSION. A letter received from Brother J. I. Cassell, who has recently been appointed assistant super- intendent of the Helping Hand Mission and is at his home, ar- ranging his business so as to con- nect with the Mission, stated that the date of his coming could not be given, and that it might be sometime before he could re- turn to his work here. I had consented to remain until April 3, but as it is now necessary for me to leave, and Brother Miller, the chaplain, intends to with- draw, it was decided to present the situation to the church for such action as they might think proper to take. A special meet- ing was called after the regular services, Sabbath, March 31, and Brother Thomas R. Rusk was appointed to act as assistant superintendent, until the return of Brother Cassell, or until fur- ther action by the church. All drafts, checks and postal orders should be made payable to him until further notice. The Mission has been remark- ably prosperous in every way for the last three months, and the business done, and cash receipts have been heavier than ever known before, the month of March alone being nearly three times the volume of the general records. Spiritually, the work accomplished seemed to be of a deeper and more lasting charac- ter, the men being eager to know more of the truth. Dr. Herr's health talks have been of special value, and appreciated by all. During the bitter blizzards, it became necessary to house all who applied for aid. Not only the Poo beds, but the chapel floors were filled nightly. In this way 2,935 men were pro- vided for outside of the dor- mitories. These men not only paid the small charge for the privilege, but their purchases at the lunch counter consisted fully one-sixth of the total receipts for penny lunches. The courage of the workers was never better, their faith nev- er stronger and the blessings of the Lord never more fully real- ized. I am thankful for the privilege of having had some connection with the work here. W. S. CHAPMAN. "HE SENT HIS WORD AND HEALED THEM." The 16th of March I was re- quested to visit Sister Gallion of Kilbuck to give medical counsel and assistance. The trouble was diffuse multiple abscesses, and it was difficult to reach. So far as human help was c'oncern- ed, it seemed that the only cure was to spend several weeks at the hospital, and so our treat- ment rooms at Cleveland were recommended. But it was hard for the mother to leave her children, and the father had his hands full to keep the wolf from the door and provide daily food for the large family. They were commended to God and His healing power. After returning to my field of labor, I received word that the sister, after spending much of the night in thinking over the woman who had "suffered many things of many physicians," and without recovery, and who made the touch of faith on the "hem of His garment," the next morning after morning wor- ship, was enabled to claim God's healing, and arose and went about her daily duties. And April 3, her husband writes that she is still rejoicing in the Lord, and doing all her work. Having seen this sister suffer- ing the most intense agony at times, confined to her bed with no hopes of an early recovery, I rejoice with her and her family that she has thus been led to trust in the saving health of God. May we learn to trust Him more. ALBERT CAREY. 2 THE WELCOME VISITOR. Russell S. S 4 05 Reedsville 50 Springfield Spencer a- 00 i6 58 Toledo 18 67 Wheelersburg I 75 West Mansfield 1 00 Washington C. H 2 45 Youngstown 20 $179 07 TITHE REPORT FOR MARCH. FIRST-DAY OFFERINGS FOR QUARTER ENDING MARCH 3i, 1900. Alliance $ I 52 Akron. 3 40 Bowling Green 5 94 Bellville 5 68 Broughton I 50 Bloomington 15o Coshocton I 42 Conneaut 3 62 Camden oo Chagrin Falls 12 00 Cincinnati: / 7.32 Cleveland 9 49 Columbus 16 83 Clyde 88 Dayton 7 8o East Liverpool I oo Findlay I 25 Geneva 6 6o Hamler 5 00 Hicksville 25 Lima I 50 LaGrange .7 25 Laura 4 98 Mt. Vernon 6 24 New Antioch.... i 64 Nashville 2 85 Newark 8 05 New Antioch i oo Portage River 2 36 FOREIGN MISSIONS, JAN. it TO MARCH 3i, 1900. Corsica 2 43 Lima 190 Mendon I 00 Walnut Grove 66 Wadsworth 35 6 34 tif A WORLD-WIDE QUESTION. The Sabbath question is fast becoming world-wide. It faces one in the individual life of every Christian, in ecclesiastical cir- cles, in legislative halls, in courts of justice. Men can not cry it down. It is pre-eminently a Bible question. Here we find the origin and purpose of the Sabbath set forth in clear lines. We find it in no other book. A study of the question is, from every view-point, at all times profitable. In order to meet this need, the Signs of the Times will present the question during the present volume in two series of articles, in different aspects. The first series will begin March 28, under the general head "The Origin of Evil and the Change of the Sabbath." The individu- al articles will be nineteen in number. The following will show the wide scope of the series, and how emphatically the Sab- bath question touches other vital questions : The Purpose of God, Why Sin Was Permitted, The Father of Lies, The Mystery of Godliness, The Fall of Satan, One-third of the Angels Join Lucifer in Rebellion, Sun-Worship and Paganism, The "Day of the Sun," The Sabbath the Sign of God's Covenant of Grace, The Institution of the Sabbath, Did Christ Change the Sab- bath ? Remarkable Prophecies, A Striking Fulfilment. Source of Papal Authority, "The Times" Changed, How the Papacy was Formed,. The New Religion, The Ancient Apostasy a Type of the Falling Away of the Church, The Third Angel's Message. The other series will be shorter, the articles fewer in number, and more independent of each other. We will an- nounce them as soon as they are in hand. On the Sabbath ques- tion alone, the Signs will give its subscribers, if the matter were placed in book form, more worth than the paper costs for a year. We appeal to its friends to ex- tend its circulation. Price of Signs, one year, $1 ; six months, 5o cents. Send or- ders to the Ohio Tract Society, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. No. 4, of the RELIGIOUS LIB- ERTY LIBRARY, entitled, "The Present Crisis and Our Duty," is now ready. This is a thirty- six page tract, showing in the briefest manner possible that the United States is in prophecy. It brings the subject right down to date. Its tone is candid, con- siderate, and convincing. It is present truth and ought to have a large circulation. Order through your tract society. Price, 2-1c. Usual discount on quantities of one hundred or more. "Despise not the day of small things." Bowling Green $ 5 00 Chagrin Falls 9 74 Cincinnati ....... 29 17 Cleveland. 90 49 Clyde 22 00 Columbus. 99 27 Conneaut 9 68 Camden 15 88 Dayton 88 46 Findlay 4 76 Green Spring 5 65 Locust Point . 15 00 LaGrange 15 00 Marion 19 37 Mt. Vernon 25 92 Nashville 38 66 Springfield 36 63 Sinking Springs 5 00 Troy 4 24 Van Wert 12 69 Scattered Sabbath Keepers. 29 70 Total • $ 582 31 A. A. LAUDER, Treas. THE WELCOME VISITOR. 3 meet. He has wonderful bless- ings hanging over our heads, and all we need to do to receive these blessings is to "ask and re- ceive," according to the prom- ise. We have felt the need of the Lord in our work ; at times we have thought that we could not do the work that we had to do. Then is the time that we have asked the Lord to help us, and truly, we have found Him to be "a very present help in time of need." This school is one of the Lord's own planting, and He is willing 'to bless in every undertaking. May the school be filled with students the com- ing year. 2,..\ cane y (6;5- 77- C Uernon AcatiemQ. TAUGHT OF GOD. When I entered the Academy With purpose firm and true, To do with zeal- and energy The work I had to do, I did not find bare theory, Rigid rules and birchen rod, But a simple promise written, "They shall all be taught of God." I will teach thee and instruct thee, in the way which thou shalt go. Take My hand, I will conduct thee Where the living waters flow. Follow Me, and be thou perfect, Tread the path that Jesus trod ; If you take Me as your teacher, '1 rue, you shall be taught of God. Has that promise been fulfilled to me? And has God my teacher been? Have I been taught true principles? Has my heart been cleansed from sin? Does He keep me by His power, As on through life I plod? Oh, yes! I answer gladly, Yes, I have been taught of God. I love the dear Academy, With all its blessed lore. I'm thankful that Eternity Has something kept in store. Then shall we meet with others, And with those now 'neath the sod. There we shall learn:forever, We shall.all be:taught of God. ROBERT B. THURBER. I haven't words to express my gratitude for the privilege of at- tending school this year. The Lord has not only blessed us in our studies but has also given us great spiritual blessings. Any one who comes here for the pur- pose of receiving good, will never regret the time he has spent at the Academy. Although this is my first year, I hope to return the coming fall, feeling sure I will receive even greater blessings than I have this year. MAYME H. WELLS. I have indeed been very glad for the opportunity of attending the school this winter, and can- not estimate the good I have de- rived from this privilege. I have especially enjoyed the Bible class, and the things I learn there go with me all the time and help me in my daily work. Anyone coming with the intention of complying with the regulations of the school will receive great good. MADGE GIBSON. I have attended school at the Academy for the last three years. Since I have been here I have received very much of the bless- ing of the Lord. We see new beauties in His word each day. We have excellent meetings every Friday evening and the Lord comes near each time we M. MAE KENNEDY. I cannot find words to express the gratitude of my heart for the privilege of attending the school here during this present year. The Lord has blessed me not only in my studies,but spiritually. also. I never enjoyed attending school before as I have since I came here. If it is the Lord's will, I hope to return next. fall when school opens, with the de- termination to study, to "show myself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed," and I know I shall receive more blessings, for we have the promise, "They shall be all taught of God, and "The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it." NELLIE D. GIBSON. Words will not express my gratitude for the privilege of at- tending a school where the fear of the Lord is held up before the students as the beginning of wisdom ; where the instructors are men and women who love and fear God, and every state- ment made by man is compared with the word to see if it be truth and light. The training in the home life is invaluable, and if 4 THE WELCOME VISITOR. rightly received and esteemed, will fit one for contact with the world as nothing else can do. While deprived of the society of friends at home, we have the love, tender watch-care, and wise counsel of a mother who always has time for her girls. The most blessed hour of the week is that one devoted to pray- er and praise on Friday evening. This is the time when we seem especially shut in with the Lord to receive great blessings from Him, and strength for coming conflicts. Here we can begin that true Christian education which will not cease through endless ages. NELLIE B. UNDERWOOD. To those who are interested in Mt. Vernon Academy, I would like to say, truly this is a school of God's own planting. It is just the school for all who desire to obtain a true education, and to receive a preparation for the Master's use. I can say I will always look with the greatest pleasure upon the few months which I have spent in this school. I have received much good, and have enjoyed the many privileges offered here. I am sure that all who come, de- siring to prepare themselves for the Lord's work will receive that for which they came. LESTER CHRISTMAN. Since coming to Mt. Vernon Academy, I have received a wonderful amount of good in many ways. I have received good not only from my class work, but in a spiritual sense also. No doubt anyone avail- ing himself of the opportunity of attending this school will never regret it, and will be sure to feel the influence of the quiet work- ings of the Holy Spirit among the students. ELLA MAE DAVIS. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Doubtless 'most of the readers of the VISITOR are not aware of the fact that the Sanitarium Med- ical Missionary Training School has a ' correspondence depart- ment connected with it, and sends out weekly lessons to a class of students who are not able to leave their home and other duties in order to take a regular course at one of our Sanitariums. This work has been carried on now about, one year with very encouragihg results. We ex- pect to organize a new class in April, and would like to hear at once from those who desire to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity. The tuition fee is $3.00, which barely covers the actual cost of sending out the lessons and correcting the answers sent in by the students. The books required for this work are fur- nished at actual cost - price. This gives an excellent opportu- nity for any one who desires to become intelligent in regard to caring for the sick. A descriptive circular, giving full particulars of the course, will be furnished upon application. Address Correspondent De- partment, MEDICAL MISSIONARY TRAINING SCHOOL, Battle Creek, Mich. Z=( Sister Henry's tract for W. C. T. U., the report of the re- ligious liberty discussion in the W. C. T. U. convention, togeth- er with other matter bearing up- on the same subject, has been reduced to about one-half its former size. This will greatly reduce the expense of circulating this important matter, besides making the tract more readable. It now contains only thirty pages, and the price has been reduced to 2 cents. Usual discounts in lots of one hundred or more. Order through your tract society. NLtf' ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. Myron Gibson of Mt. Vernon, and Miss Mabel Burs- ley of Wakeman, were recently united in marriage. The VIS- ITOR unites with their friends in wishing them happiness. W. S. Ritchie is now in Coro- na, Cal. He writes that he was married Feb. 24, to Miss Lula Joseph. The VISITOR unites with their friends in wishing them a life of happy usefulness. Mrs. Carrie King and daugh- ter Nemma have gone to Oakland, Cal., to connect with the work in the Pacific Press. May the Lord bless all their ef- forts, and make them a blessing to all with whom they come in contact. From a private letter received by Brother Merriam, we learn that I. D. Richardson of India was recently married to Miss Maggie Green, who has been connected with the work there for the past three years as a nurse. May their union be an honor to the cause of God. GOLDEN GEMS. "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me." Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. All the sophistry of Satan is bound up in the one word —wait. —Mrs. E. G. W. "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord." "It is not so much the being ex- empt from faults, as the having overcome them, that is an advan- tage to us." "Happy is the man whom God correcteth. He maketh sore and bindeth up; He woundeth and His hands make whole."