THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL 5 of the word of God upon which we feed. “My word,” says Christ, “is spirit and it is life.” As we eat natural bread so we eat the word and as we assimilate the natural bread into the flesh and bone, so the word is as- similated into our being and thus we eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ. Thus he dwells in us and makes his abode with us. And says John, This is the witness that “he is in us and we in him.” Thus he comes in the flesh (our flesh) and this gives us true fellowship with both the Father and the Son and also with each other. This offering to God of the meat offer- ing also taught our duty to God with the importance of honoring Him with the first fruit of the ground which all belongs to Him, and He gives it to us daily to sustain life. This is taught by the priest offering on the altar a handful of the flour, thus mixed, or by offering a cake after it is baked or fried into bread. The first thing for us is to honor God as the giver of all food upon which we live day by day. “Lord, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” This bread was to be made without leaven. Said Christ, “Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” He then explained it as their false doctrines. All lessons regarding sound doc- trine in the Bible were taught from the meat offerings given by Moses. “And this is the law of the meat offering: The sons of Aaron shall offer it before the lord, before the altar. “And he shall take of it his handful, of the flour of the meat offering, and of the oil thereof, and all the frankincense which is upon the meat offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a sweet savour, even the memorial of it, unto the Lord. And the remainder thereof shall Aaron and his sons eat: with unleavened bread shall it be eaten in the holy place; in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation they shall eat it. “It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it unto them for their portion of my offerings made by fire; it is most holy, as is the sin offering, and as the trespass offering. “All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations concerning the offerings of the Lord made by fire: every one that toucheth them shall be holy.”—Lev. 6:14-18. The portion of the meat offering here spoken of was to be eaten by the priests in the holy place, thus teach- ing them the sacredness of the word of God and the importance of their living on it before they could teach others the way of life. They must teach it in purity and they too were to be holy to the Lord. “And Moses said unto Aaron and to his sons, Boil the flesh at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation; and there eat it with the bread that is in the basket of consecrations, as I commanded, saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat it. “And that which remaineth of the flesh and of the bread shall ye burn with fire. “And ye shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation in seven days, until the days of your consecra- tion be at an end: for seven days shall he consecrate you. “As he hath done this day, so the Lord hath commanded to do, to make an atonement for you. - Therefore shall ye abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation day and night seven days, and keep the charge of the Lord, that ye die not; for so I am commanded. “So Aaron and his sons did all things which the Lord com- manded by the hand of Moses.”—Lev. 8:31-36. In the above it is stated that the bread of the meat offering was the bread of consecration when eaten by the priest. Which was also true of the flesh of the - peace offering. The requirement to remain in the temple for seven days taught that the true bread (Christ) would be seven thousand years in the redemp- tion of the world, and that his work was a life work. He must be wholly consecrated to God in His ministry, during which time they would be fed by God. And also they were required to eat of His sound doctrine while in the sacred work to which they had been called. May the Lord teach His servants now this important lesson that nothing but sound doctrine and a consecrated life of ‘sacrifice will be acceptable to Him who calls us. The last scripture applied directly to the setting apart of the priests to the work of their calling. A FATAL BLUNDER. By IL C. Sultz God’s people were told that if they would keep the Sabbath holy, Jerusalem would stand forever, but if not the city would be destroyed. Jer. 17:21-27. They dis- regarded the warning, profaned the Sabbath, which was their fatal blunder and Jerusalem was destroyed. The above scripture was quoted in the International S. S. Quarterly for third quarter 1917, with the com- ment that because God was particular then in regard to the observance of His Sabbath, so we should be parti- cular in regard to keeping Sunday, this is great logic and another fatal blunder, and will result in the de- struction of all that make it. Such a comparison shows either ignorance or dishonesty. The word Sabbath day in the scripture always refers to the seventh day and never to the first. For disobedience to God’s law Israel served the King of Babylon 70 years, “To fulfill the word of the Lord spoken by Jermiah until the land had enjoyed her Sab- baths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept Sabbath to full three score and ten years.” II Chr. 36:21. By this we see that the Jews remained in captivity long enough for the land to make up her lost and broken Sabbaths. As the seventh day was the Sabbath, only six could be made up in one week. 52x6—312 number of Sab- baths made up in one year. 312x70-21,840 number of Sabbaths made up in 70 years. 21,840 divided by 52 equal 420 number of years they had broken the Sabbath in the land. As the land could not rest on the weekly Sabbath, the Lord instituted a Sabbath for the land every seventh year. As the people were to acknowledge the Lord as the creator of heaven and earth'by observing the weekly Sabbath which He instituted at creation, so the land was to enjoy the blessings of rest in acknowledgment of its creator every seventh year. These broken yearly Sab- baths were made up in exactly the same time as the weekly Sabbaths. The desolation of Jerusalem for seventy years is simply a type of the desolation of the earth during the seventh thousandth years when all the lost and broken Sabbaths since creation will be made up. The righteous in heaven and the wicked dead. I Thess. 4:13-17; Rev. 20:6, 5. This is no doubt why this period, beginning with the time of trouble and continueing through the millenium, is called in prophecy the “Gread day of the Lord’s, a day of darkness, a day of gloominess, a day of desolation, a day of thick clouds, even very dark and no light in it.” Amos 5:20; Zeph. 1:14, 15. The wicked are destroyed by the brightness of his coming, IT Thess. 1:7-9; 2:8, and live not till the thous- and years are finished. "Rev. 20:5. During this time the earth is desolate. Jer. 4:23-28. The above scrip- ture definitely describes the earth during the millen- ium. The chronology of the Bible carries the age of the world down to six thousand years and stops. This in connection with the signs of the last days, gives us positive proof that the world will come to an end six thousand years from creation, no sooner, no later, But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. II Pet. 3:8. In verse ten it says the day of the Lord will come upon the wicked as a thief in the night and the elements will melt with fervent heat and the earth shall burn up. In the above scripture Peter is speaking of the great Sabbath of earth when all the lost and broken Sabbaths since creation will be made up. Satan bound on earth and the wicked, dead, will be compelled to observe that institu-