aad / 7 . 2 Ss I UNDAY CLOSING OF THE MIDWINTER EXPOSITION. or Divi i ; ) a Divine, will be violated. Let this be clearly understood by ers. We repeat it: IF THE MIDWINTER EXPOSITION BE OPENED ON Su NDAY, NO LAW, ST NILL BE VIOLATED. » STATE, FEDERAL, OR DIVINE, CALIFORNIA HAS NO SUNDAY LAW, othanday is Simply a holiday, subject to the same exemptions as spent. Corton iy the law does not say how that day shall be day, but the sam i" s of business are not legal if done on that of July, or Admis inds are not legal if transacted on the Fourth working or resting op: But everyone has the privilege of attending chur hor 0! going to hear a lecture or a sermon, of elds ure or theater, of staying at home or going to the ligious books y he groves, of reading the Bible and other re- relieving he on nd poppers, of doing missionary work and man is not made a criminal attending a baseball game. A "a an laudably do on other dnc 8 something on Sunday that the nd this is Shot ns it should be. We do not mean by this that and newennon c urch and theatet and ball game and picnic of indir rs and Bible are alike good, and that it is a matter ence in tha c° as to which men choose. It makes all the differ- choose. But th as to what influences and occupations men and all. It matte ge of choosing is alike sacred to each thousand ad hr not though the baseballer may number one right to compel e churchgoer but one, the baseballer has no game on Sunda or coerce the churchgoer to attend a baseball Side of his hs Y, por to so hedge up his way that it shall, out- that the chur re © baseball or nothing. And it is just as true right to com C goer, though he may number a thousand, has no tend the church or coerce the baseballer or theatergoer to at- shall, outside of his fc, nor so to hedge up his way that it lege ; . rch or nothing. This privi- is alike proms or refusing as to just how the day shall be spent The law of Calif 0 both parties and is equally the right of each. is as law abidi ornia grants it, and he who attends the theater w abiding as he who attends the church. NO FEDERAL JURISDICTION. I . . . nt 1 the hiner Fair be opened, no Federal law will be vio- . at powers the Constitution did not grant to the Fed- 11 SUNDAY CLOSING OF THE MIDWINTER EXPOSITION. 3 government were reserved to the States and the people; d the Constitution expressly forbids the law-making power of this government to legislate in the religious domain. ‘‘Con- ass shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ are the words of the Constitution. California is a free and sovereign State. The Federal government has no more jurisdiction in respect to the closing of the Fair on Sunday in San Francisco than it has in fespect to the politics of the man the people of this State shall oose as governor. It is not, therefore, a violation of national law if the Exposition be opened on Sunday. THE DIVINE LAW OF THE SABBATH. It is not a violation of divine law if the Exposition be opened ‘Sunday. God has set apart but one day as the Sabbath, and ‘that is the seventh day, the day just before the first day of the week. See Mark 16:1; Luke 23:56; 24:1; Matt. 28:1. The “first day of the week” did not come, according to Mark, till ¥ the Sabbath was past.” The next day after the Sabbath was “the first day of the week. The commandment for the Sabbath ‘is given in Ex. 20: 8-11, and is as follows:— “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt ‘thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sab- bath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, “thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy _maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.” This commandment enjoins the seventh day. The following are recognized principles in the interpretation of law:— “In the case of all law, it is Zhe intent of the lawgiver thatis to be enforced.” «When words are plain in a written law, there is an end to all construction; they must be followed.” “When the intent is plain, nothing is left to construction.” Certainly the words of the fourth commandment of the Dec- - alogue are plain. If language means anything, that law means © that the infent of the Lawgiver was that the seventh day should * be the Sabbath, and this God based on reasons which will ap-