tar o v o B "ELE COPY Vo TOR PALIDIIR YALLEY SANTPARION #at 05 Moadey tha ettentien of our Drethres wis c1TAD to the AfTaies of “he Taradise Velley seniteriun, Thay lockei over the lani Mt tha Wildings, end 4w She spreveuanta that wers being Fade, Al were #uryrised to find Dnat 0 Euah T boon done during the mmmer 4 prepering the buslding far sem- Panoy, end with ekl hescts Gay ansered 1980 coseel SuBsevLINg Diturs Pluns end work, ARevien of v Stperiemes uring the epring ef 1908 the oxvamsion of sevaral of sur brathren ulied %o the Puredtes Valley senitarius buslétss, @ieh uas sTesves for & santborion by Krs. bary i Fotts about beenty Jeors ege, APtor befng used for & feu menthe, 1% ay 1ala far mey yoors, a1 wes then offred for sale ey taenty thousand Lollers, WiSh amocuragenent that 1} odght be purchesed FoF £1fteen thonsant doltare cash. 1n Suptecber, 1908, after tna Laa sngelos sAup-rasting, W apant o Wask 10 5en Dlegs, esd Tiefted serercd places thot wers offersd us for sazitartm ork. In the bullding offersd us by re. Bottu, 1t sesnst fo s we foumd sbout 11 Shot we cowld Mk ore wes 3 well-ceustrusted, thres-story baillisg of =1 TAfky rocws, wish Lrosd Tavenies, ataniin: Wen o Pleessat Tise of grousd, omeslocking & bamitiful valley. Uomy of ths Souns wre lewse and alyy, wid tuere 56 & atatlosary amsble esl-boul S meat of the Dodrona, Bealdes L min BILA1ng therw 16 & good wtodis, and elee ¢ #iz-Teen avttags, whtch oan bs Titted up for halpere, T property le ccsventeatly Mocated, bain; less than sevsn miles frum Sen Dieso, uaf whout 4 aile Tree the Natsonal City post-ofCice, Tuare ars Granty aevee of 1w, 00U SBe-Bekt Of thiy had auow been Flated o fru1d $raes, bt during the lovg Arought thet hie sowitry has ufered, s11 ton $1ows 1108 sxeest the orumwantal feus et aurbbesy aroud Do Tredios Yelley suefsertin - 2 = e bus1dtngs, Gnd Bbout seventy oLirs-toes on Lis tervases. Foan w6 Jacrued Eiut Lhe oxaars of tho ZEFty had baoosa 80 dis- | aouruged on secoumt o the KRGy Yeere of ATGUED UMAC thay weme offectng 1V 2o welve sDousand doliare, T seld to o bithrua, 7T Believe that the lort au kept thle sleas Tor tay ok hat i 4121 epan he wy FOT us 1 secury Lt ‘ ¥ wever sam 2 butlding effered for sals 1bst %ae DetAT wiopted TeF MITATE work. XF tola glace wece fizad up, it maild look fuat iske pleces vuat heve baen anomn o 1y the 2020, * 4 yoax bufore, AUcht Tad been given pa that our pecyle S southern 0eMfomnia maat watoh or operlunities to purchasa Auch propartias, asd 1t avinsd pLata o 7e nd to those who werm i de Skt the GRPOSEWST of Se- aurins thia lace wap = fuIfilent Gf iba ausouregamml given us, usd mtliehet 0 the “Twsttanies for the Gk, Tol. VIL, In tha folloming wesds: = "ha soun 4 pomitle mrfteriums oro o be ceteXiisbed i éifferent Pleoes n soutbem Califorate, 1ot n begimatsg e ads tn sevarnl pleces, If Devstbio, lat Land Do pusebased o6 whloh Tuiléings sre slrealy srested. Then, 16 proserity of e mrk dssents, 1e% SprOpTiate swlergusnt ba Tade. . . In southara Califermis thess are may propestiss for sia o whdah hutidtuss mitable fur naxstarlon wrk nve sLroedy ereated. Sase of thees pro;ariies hould bo purchased, aad amdiosl Barinary work be cax7iad fER G senatdle, Tatioal Tinas, Swveral mmll sanitori wre to be ssiasLiswd ku soutbers dream sbare S the hope of Fisdlng Gulifernie Tor the Baefiv of the W titule Beslth, Tastrustion hes bows pivan ae SIxt sow 13 ouF @pparumity 1o Teash tho tavaiide Sloaking to tra neslth rescrts of ewster Califomnie.” In Dovambar we learuad that thia yloos could be Furabsssd for sleves thoussna doilare, 4nd 1 spsourssed Dr, Whitelosk to take STePA o 66T 1% But our londing brothren fa the Southars Golifornia Gouferunce wre nob rusdy o couparste i tha setver, oul TOLMAG Wea done. In the mamar of 1903 th proparty wis Gffared to us for aigh thewsand e1lars, =at sgetn we foud Shat our brothran wer Tot 1o & poaision to nets T Pudtes Valay Senitertun