10 THAILAND Mixing Rice and Religion Marvest Ume in THe Yoaren Nak will: IT was TI UnLAIrs whers Pastor AT Dr fear me to hon Jhstc meenngs ne was conducting ace CET no Hog Flower ar ooaren where he ry CEA WOTk Fach mormieq, nso bettors dawn, were downed Gur noe stew Ch Ly ard by the time it was haht, wth Porro? Sickles an hand, we were fallipweeng the villagers along the rail footheer aoe lields an hour or oso TY Feoo harvest bree | discoverad os Cite ob thn Fog Soil ac amiors fon Ther EAE Hardly ayo Daryests lagen, Dean Sell mlone Fip- . ive ll boars snd wiles are reachy to meln v df rnpresst PADDAarently They suc o ee SoD Doras wWarler 5 Son nas o after harvest tne soa pogo bar noe Toro weddings among tee Fares b bueryene Dongs fas wr noa large leat and at pie falc 1s pri laine HAH the CUTTY whine torn fre mood as habit word frigeres 2 TUG I0Y Ovid Quen Paryest, Vere he asbed me to Fv Jane for thie meetings, Muak or os small taps player and a good envangahstiie sermon or hwo ram oul Trips Ca Wid CunOUy 10 See how he I found out in the rice e | settee NMirustry tape © planned Tous thr Held Placing the tape player in hus karen shoulder bag, he turned the played a sermon bent fravy volume up and and rosie while we all Dvir the sheaves of nce Very mad ayer Peard muss and preaching like THE MESSENGER thet Ea id Ifa Ve Pir ti=ed thie apm tunity 10 an Zw Susanne CUitnds Vi lie hl Whtin A ‘ Pod fedidn ilar, Mak red in eet dodo rsd aed TIE Saris Ts Pees terest 0 CHET amiy wih Ths tae: pilav re Tb COT LT SEITEN ERT AT Liat SEITE: LEYS IR FEARS CES IFT SAV IRB POH SR VEE ard Tn ford FRE ERR AIAS NES TREE ETAT CATA BN Ct SERRA SEEN Ir) [ren ali EES FERED SE ATRIA TR CH LF EDR CAPLET LST STIS Tato nt tapes IDLY Gerrans SUE TE anna es nn desaans for Pre Ter rid gre EA NT] | FERS TRAN a TE ST pn Seno th we ope Cooatimtonrats her danny Trg " A HS IR AA : 1} Seca no denon jhe H TES FER HINTS ETAT RTE SRT oT [15 ETERS AT FE yh Pony Shee pra ben [RRA Pol Ty [ERE Let EEE ES NI ATS PES SE FO TRY RET COT Te cob hore are ne Wa Dann LD A A GT FE STE S RAT FAA STS ILENE SUELA NS ST PHATE [Fig ETE aR STEREO TA IETS BEAYS ETS ETE ak te tape iors god rhe ast Lica Tsp LO Ire Poe Naan oastors hve close to Nas Sangre oo aos non oeany for hens ad rear wey The tire: CT batch of Naow PE Crp! SErTONS wera recorded Dy Pastor ar hae Hung at the Topal Center [Eni =F SI AIO HATR I WINE Cassetie Ministry, Miss Say Bav edits chitdren's Sabbath Schoo! less0ns Septem ber-Qatober sled = ! whet e hte TES IE OTE BS PETE [ECR FRTe SE RITA FE) EET i | OE NTO SE A SET STARE TI FEA I ET TO ES SR ot LPR] ERT CR Fe hy Na de i A [EERE i mh 1 i ES i AUB STS SES EER NAS ERR TRIE A 1 TPT fon yal Poy tyre TEENY biting thet Tera - Cees i" "i (RISE Farag ERTS IRTY EI A TEC OL I SS BN ATS RE TRE SERN IRE TL aT BEA CHANEL aie SR FHI SEI TE | tg SE STEER RIA Sa Tho UH EE I IE TE EP a= i : a! Cl Bit a SERRE URN FRY NE ert Ave saa Sad | Per Td + LRN 1 pT fl [| SET I STINE BY PE Te ITEC, ie , IT . Lo fr = Pomp Aa bye rik ar ; TRIER A EY Press nn CAC ce the band Fre, gs ere H il Sorin i { | iv Fea nek [rare das IETIAN EEE Spel fo PE] Foriat ral the Chg adios are oan or bn TDOITATIY bey Teen wen wel! i= LER ER) HE - ATL CER PTT tn play beer amos meh iy: Phas ors one ab thie bees pores turn thie hosons ab he HY for WISI SIREN koprer Al region We shee nib Cassels Momstry wall tadill os ors thie nnl ES! POSE ETON0 has SIFTRRatiide and Penola that a nich harvest will follow — Dennis Fidhaeel!