ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. ment in this issue concerning the new rates on the Signs beginning Jan. 1, 1902, and also to the provision made by the publishers to mail all missionary papers for the State and local societies, inasmuch as they are unable to do this without paying regular postage. Do not fail to read carefully this announce- ment so that you may understand thoroughly our present situation with reference to the Sigms, and be ready to enter as earnestly as before, the new plan for distributing the paper through € mails. .. The Signs office, as you have no- ticed agrees to send out all missionary papers for those who take a club of five at the rate of 83 cents for single sub- scriptions which you wish mailed to missionary correspondents, or in other words, they give you the regular club rates on your missionary papers, add- ing the cost of postage, providing you subscribe for a club of five copies to your own address. We believe every church in our Conference can take a club of the Signs, and thus avail them- selves of these low rates offered in mailing their papers for missionary work. Coro. Tract Society. » Our Tracts, It is expected that before long our tracts belonging to the Bible Students’ and Apples of Gold libraries, will be ex- cluded from second-class postage rates, hence we wish to ask all our people to provide themselves now with a liberal supply while they can be mailed at 1 cent per pound. We know not how long we shall be able to send out these tracts at the old rate, so an immediate order from you will doubtless secure the tracts at a lower price than can be promised other- wise. The Religious Liberty and Berean Libraries cannot now be sent at pound rates, and as we have some of the R. L. L. tracts still in stock, we will mail them at the following prices as long as they last: The Legal Sunday................ Is Religious Liberty Imperiled by Sunday Laws?............... . .0I 25 02 The Present Crises and Our Duty... 02} The National Government and Re- 11-410) + EP .01 Primary Principles ........... vee. WOT The Rights of the Minority..... RING) | Christian Citizenship............ . OI Religious Liberty in the XIX Cen- tury..... fet sete erie ara eenas 02 Christ and the Sabbath (Old R. L.L. [EE EEE XEN T YN ELIE IESE BEEN EE * 9» 02 Order at once from. the Colo. Tract Saciety. NOTES AND ITEMS. } Elder Watson is laboring on the West side of the range. He expected to spend last Sabbath at Grand Junction. It has been arranged to club the Signs of the Times with the Good Health maga- zine for $1.75, which is only 25 cents more than the price of the Signs alone. ~The Correspondence School for Nurses, connected with the San. Med. Missionary Training School, will begin a new class at the commencement of the new year. +} The Hygiene church school now has an attendance of nearly one hundred students, including adults which avail themselves of one or more class recita- tions. Are you a subscriber to the Review? If so, you are being well paid each week for the money expended ; and if not, you are a weekly loser of a valuable income. Price, only $1.50 per year. The book “Making Home Happy,” can only be procured in very small orders, hence we call the attention of our agents to the fact that they may not continue to take large orders for this book. Have you ordered the mid-winter num- ber of the Good Health? It will be the January issue, and should have a larger circulation than any previous issue. Order at once from the Colo. Tract So- ciety. Remember that the short course of special training for workers at Union College, begins Jan. 8 and closes March 4, 1902. For particulars address the president, Elder. L. A. Hoopes, College View, Neb. We were surprised as well as pleased last Sabbath to meet Eld. L. A. Spring and wife, who arrived in Denver on Friday, the 6th inst. We are glad to report that they are again enjoying -fairly good health. The Denver church was favored last Sabbath in having Elder Colcord, from Hygiene, with them. He read as his text, Heb. 8:1-2, bringing out many practical and helpful thoughts applicable to the present condition of the world, Bro. Branch writes from Pueblo: “The work is progressing finely here. I have readings for every night in the week gx- cept Saturday night and the people are deeply interested. I rejoice to see how God is blessing the work here.” Remember the date of the week of prayer, Dec. 21-28. Readings for the oc- casion will be sent to all our church elders and isolated Sabbath keepers. We will have extra copies on hand from which we can fill orders, so if there are any unsupplied let them order from this office. The Sentinel of Christian Liberty Vol. 17, No. 1, has come to our table and is filled brim full of live, interesting arti- cles. It was impossible for the publish- ers to mail this number before Nov. 25, and hence is dated December instead of November. Elder Daniells’ article on the first page is timely and should be read by every Seventh Day’ Adventist now. May all be- - come greatly aroused and thus be led to obtain greater blessings during the com- ing season of devotion than they have ever experienced on any previons occa- sion of this kind. Good Holiday Books. ‘* Easy Steps in the Bible Story’ contains beautiful stories which are told in child-like simplicity for the benefit of a child's early edu- cation in Biblical history. Prices: paper. 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents. ** Story of Daniel the Prophet tells the story proper as a series of events in the life of the prophet; and #§ wriften in an easy and attract- ive manner that will interest both old and Young, Price, 75 cents. “Looking Unto Jesus’ is an entirely new and exhaustive concordance on the sanctuary ques- tion, showing the present work of Christ and its meaning to us who are living, Prices: plain, $1.00; gilt, $1.50. “The Gospel Reader,” a companion volume to ** The Gospel Primer,” sets forth the gospel in a clear, direct, interesting manner to meet the needs of smaller children. Prices: board, 50 cents; cloth, 75 cents, “Gospel in Creation is a nicely illustrated work on the relation between God's work in creation and redemption. Prices: board, 25 cents; cloth, 40 cents, “The Great Controversy,” a companion vol- ume to *‘ Patriarchs and Prophets,” presents the most intensely interesting history that has ever been written of the great conflict between Chris- tianity and the powers of darkness. Prices, $2,25, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50. ** Good Form and Christian Etiquette” treats of good manners as related to society rules and gospel work. It tells how to avoid those things which give offense and lessen our influence for good among those before whom we are ‘‘to shine as lights.” Prices: paper, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents. ‘Notice. . When writing to the State office, please re- member to give your FuLL address EACH time you write. It is impossible to remember the many addresses that come from all parts of the State, and in some cases, letters, bills, and bills of lading have been returned to us, and books have remained in the post-office for days just because the parties failed to give their address properly. Place your street number on every letter you write. MRS. BERTIE I,, HERRELL, The Golorado Midland Railway — HAS — The Grandest Scenery in the World. Ute Pass, Hagerman Pass, Hell Gate, Pike’s Peak, Mount Sopris, Mount of the Holy Cross. Most Beautiful Summer Resorts in Colorado Manitou, Cascade Canon, Green Mountain Falls, Woodland Park, Glenwood Springs. The Most Famous Mining Camps : ‘Cripple Creek, Victor, Leadville, Aspen. C. H. SPEERS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, DENVER, COLO,