Fon all the Fn CHEER SOMEBODY TODAY ‘By MRS. VARNER J. JOHNS The greatest of all joys in this world is the happiness of making others happy. Surely this is the mission of every Christian. Such an experience reacts upon ourselves. How true is the saying: “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” Did you ever stand en the street corner in a large city, waiting to meet a friend, and study the faces of those who pass by? Some were sad, few were glad; some were hard and cruel in expression, others looked sick, as though thev ‘would never pass that way another day. If you have been with Jesus, you can bring a ray of sunshine from the Light, that dispels all darkness and despair. The smile, the words spoken, the tone of voice, the facial expression, and even our verv presence can bring cheer and lift a load from another. Here is a quotation from that mar- velous little book Steps to Christ (pocket ed.), page 120: “By our un- conscious influence others may be en- couraged and strengthened, or thev may be discouraged, and repelled from Christ.” 1 think of a woman I once knew, a member of the same church to which I belonged, who told we. that she loved to sit in church where she could see the happy and jovous face of a certain sister—it brought courage to her soul. The wise man tells of the value of cheerfulness (see Prov. 17:22; Prov. 15:13). Ow words spoken in due season can be as honeycomb; sweet to the soul. and health ito the bones (Prov. 15:23, 26; 16:24). A certain woman was said to radiate health. Upon one oceasion when she was call- ing upon a: sick friend who wanted nothing to do with her. religion, the patient introduced her to her doctor as the “sunshine lady”. “The religion of Jesus Christ gives peace ‘ike a river . . ... If does not restrain cheerfulness, nor cloud the. sunny, smiling face.” — Ybid., p: 121 There are just two sides of life 6 the dark and troubled side and the bright and sunny side. Upon which side do you choose to dwell? Are vou walking in darkness, misrepre- senting your Saviour and your reli- gion, or are vou on the sunny side, scattering sunshine? “Christians whe gather up gloom and sadness to their souls, and murmer and complain, are giving to others a false representation of God and the Christian life. They “p Word That's Kind’ If 1 shall speak a word that's kind, Upon life's weary road, Or help the wayworn traveler To carry part his load, Or could | smooth a fevered brow Bent low with care and pain, I'm sure my life, as 1 go on, Shall not have been in vain. —Margaret La Gourgue give the impression that God is “not pleased to have His children happy.” _ Ibid, p. 116. I once heard a Yittle verse that ran something like this: “If you talk about vour troubles And tell them oer and der, The world will think you-like ‘em And proceed to give you more.” If we dwell upon the sunny side, there we will find Jesus, the light of the world. Even amid trials and per- plexities we can still abide in the light of His love, in His divine pre- sence. 1 once had a ‘very sweet neighbor who was very ill. He: face was alwavs wreathed with smiles in spite of her pain. She ever dwelt in the light and love of her Saviour. All who came to cheer her left that sick- room cheered themselves, with a brighter hove and courage to face the future. Sometimes I wonder whether those with the greatest troubles aren’t those with the lergest faith and bright- est hope. Spurgeon once said, “He who climbs above the cares of this world. and turns his face to. his God has found the svnny side of life.” © A discouraged soul not only casts a shadow ‘across the pathway of others but also shuts out the light of heaven from his own soul. Are you living a self-centered life or are you living for others and for your Saviour? Have vou cver noticed the sun- flower, how it faces the sun? It actu- ally follows the sun, until at the close of the dav it faces the west. In less than an hour after sunrise it has turn- ed eastward, again to repeat its dailv course. The sun puts the blush. in the rose and paints with delicate hues the tiniest of the flowers of the field. Likewise, . the Sun of Righteousness will send His rays of light to make our lives beautiful and fragrant with deeds of ove and sympathy. Our hope is in Christ—His life, His death, ‘and resurrection. There is no hope ‘outside of Him. His res- urrection, a chicf cornerstone in the Christian faith, gives us confidence that if we ‘die, we shall live again. Jesus will come to break the bands of the tomb and ‘take His children home with Him. What a glad reunion that will be when our loved ones come from their dusty beds and we all meet together with Jesus in the clouds at His second coxing (1 Thess. 4:13—18; I Cor. 15:51—55). That hope. brings us comfort and cheer, which cannot Le taken from us. “Rich and abundant are the prom- ises made to those who are watch- ful of opportunities to bring joy and blessing into +he lives of others.” — Prophets and Kings, p. 327. Friend, what is your life? Have vou taken time to look up todav and by faith behold Jesus, vour Friend? Are you bringing hope and cheer to . vour downegst neighbors and friends? Have you taken time to look about vou to find someone worse off than vourself? Have you taken time to prav to ddy and to study Gods Word? Only as we look to Jesus, keepingiour eves fixed on Him. can we:succeed. We have in our possession that balm which, administered in love and sympathy, will heal the brokenhearted and bring: hope and courage and: life eternal. . Are we sharing that jov-and love with those who are- dwelling: in darkness? — Review & Herald MESSENGER