E Z E K I E : L CALENDAR (Spring or fall beginning of year?) Re port to Fall of E zekiel Siege City 1 1 - -9 • 10 -- i .^-—12 I ’Tisri" ''Tisri* ! "Tisri’ 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 '9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 U 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 9 lb n 12 i Nisan * * JJisan, -Nisan^, -.Nisan ■ ——- -10- -11------'"' -12- Tyre Fall to fall re gnal ye ar Julian Ezekiel Yea] r Difference Character of Message Reference YEAR y m d in time B.C. 592* 5 4 5 x Visions of God by the river Chebar 1:1,2 L 13 mo. 591 6 6 5 • i Idolatry in Jerusalem (P and K, p. 448) 8:1 - > 11 mo. 590 7 5 10 i Law of God 20:1 [ 17 mo. (29 mo. with Nisan regnal year) ✓589* 9 10 10 < Siege of Jerusalem begins—Ezekiel’s 24:1 z 12 mo wife dies 583 10 10 12 < .Prophecy against Egypt—40 years of 29:1 • 9 mo. desolation (1) 586 11 1 7 ' r - ■ 2 mo. Message against Pharaoh (2) 30:20 \586 11 3 1 . - - - . Message against Pharaoh (3) 31:1 Siege ‘ 33 da. and its / 586 11 4 9 - 1 Zedekiah flees ) pa^es of Jeremiah Jerusalem burnt ) and Kings Messages \ 586 11_ 5 10 | 20 da. /586 11 ? 1 ' Message against Tyre, who rejoices at 26:1 fall of Jerusalem / 586 12 10 5 Report to Ezekiel—5 mo. after fall of 33 • 21 2 mo. city (17 mo. with Nisan regnal year) 586 12 12 1 < !■ 14 da. Message against Pharaoh (4) 32:1 '586 • 12 ’ 12 15 ■Wail against Egypt (5) 32:17 572 25 7 10 Vision of new temple on day of [city 40:1 ( 2.5 y rs. atonement—14 years after fall of 570* 27 1 1 .Fall of Tyre 29:17 > 3.25 yrs. Visions of God repeated (43:1-3) 567 30 4 5 1:1 * Embolismic years. is recorded 1. The date of beginning the siege (9-10-10)Aby Ezekiel (24:1), by Writer of 2 Kings (25:1)} and twice by Jeremiah (39:1 & 52:4,5). Since the same date is used by all three writers, they obviously must have employed the same form of regnal year. Otherwise there would be a year’s difference between Ezekiel and Jeremiah in their summer dates. 2. A fall to fall regnal year gives significance to Ezek.40:l, definitely showing that Ezekiel had the vision of the new temple on the 10th day of the 7th month—the Jewish day of atonement. To Ezekiel, the 7th month was obviously the"beginning of the year,” the same as with Jeremiah and the writer of Kings. The 10th day of this month is the only feast date mentioned in the prophecy. EZEKIEL CALENDAR (Spring or fall beginning of year?) Report to Fall of Ezekiel Siege C3-ty ; _ -4- 12 ! ’Tisri" ''Tisri* * '’T is ri'" ; 10 11 12 X 2 3 4 5 6 7_ 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7_ 8 9 10 11 12 12 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 JJisan^ Nisan^ .Nisan. ! .Nisan 10 — " —11—--"'* Tyre Fall to fall regnal year Julian Ezekiel Year Difference Character of Message Reference YEAR y K $ in time B.C* 592* 5 5x Visions of God by the river Chebar 1:1,2 > 13 mo. 591 6 6 5 4 Idolatry in Jerusalem (P and K, p* 448) 8:1 > 11 mo. 590 7 5 10 4 Law of God 20:1 r 17 mo. (29 mo* with Nisan regnal year) /589* 9 10 10 4- . - Siege of Jerusalem begins—Ezekiel’s / ? 12 mo wife dies 583 10 10 12 4 Prophecy against Egypt—40 years of > 9 mo. desolation (1) 29:1 586 11 1 7 A-- --Message against Pharaoh (2) 30:20 \ c 2 mo. 1586 11 3 1 < Message against Pharaoh (3) 31:1 Siege j <38 da. and its/ 586 j Zedekiah flees ) Dates of Jeremiah Messages! 586 11 5 10 4 Jerusalem burnt ) and Kings | | 20 da. J586 11 ? 1*.. Message against Tyre, who rejoices at 26*1 I fa.ll of Jerusalem [ 586 12 10 5 | Report to Ezekiel—5 mo* after fall of 3g. 21 z 2 mo. city (17 mo. with Nisan regnal year) 586 12 12 14 - - Message against Pharaoh (4) 32:1 \ >14 da. \586 12' 12 15 } Wail against Egypt (5) 32:17 572 25 7 10 •s Vision of new temple on day of [city r 2.5 yrs. atonement—14 years after fall of 570* 27 1 1 4 Fall of Tyre 29:17 >3.25 yrs. 567 30 4 5 '............Visions of God repeated (43:1-3) 1:1 * Embolismic years. is recorded 1. The date of beginning the siege (9-10-10)Aby Ezekiel (24:1), by Writer of 2 Kings (25:1)} and twice by Jeremiah (39:1 & 52:4,5). Since the same date is used by all three writers, they obviously must have employed the same form of regnal year* Otherwise there would be a year’s difference between Ezekiel and Jeremiah in their summer dates* 2* A fall to fall regnal year gives significance to Ezek*40:l, definitely showing that Ezekiel had the vision of the new temple on the 10th day of the 7th month—the Jewish day of atonement. To Ezekiel, the 7th month was obviously the "beginning of the year,” the same as with Jeremiah and the writer of Kings. The 10th day of this month is the only feast date mentioned in the prophecy* B Z E K IB L C A LB HD AR (Spring or fall beginning of year?) 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 B.C. Siege and its Messages Fall to Julian YEAR 592* 591 590 589* 588 586 586 586 586 586 586 586 586 fall re, Ezekiel y m 5 4 6 6 7 5 9 10 10 10 11 1 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 ? 12 10 12 12 12 12 ;nal year Year Difference d in time 5 13 mo. 5 11 mo. 10 17 mo. (29 10 12 mo 12 9 mo. 7 2 mo. 1 38 da. 9 . 10 1 rao- 20 da. 1 5 2 mo. 1 14 da. 15 Character of Message Reference Visions of God by the river Chebar 1:1,2 Idolatry in Jerusalem (P and K, p. 448) 8:1 L w of God 20:1 mo. with Hi san regnal year) Siege of Jerusalem begins--Ezekiel’s wife dies Prophecy against Egypt—40 years of desolation (1) 38 3.25 yrs. 567 30 4 5 J Visions of God repeated (43:1*3) 111 * Embolisaiio years* is recorded 1. The date of beginning the siege (9-10-10)Aty Esokiol (24:1), by Writer of 2 Kings (25:1), and twice by Jeremiah (39:1 & 52:4,5). Since the same date is used by all three writers, they obviously must have employed the same form of regnal year. Otherwise there would be a year's difference between Eseklel and Jeremiah in their summer dates. 2. A fall to fall regnal year gives significance to Etek.40il, definitely showing that Eseklel had the vision of the new temple on the 10th day of the 7th month—the Jewish day of atonement. To Esokiel, the 7th month was obviously the beginning of the year, the same as with Jeremiah and the writer of Kings. The 10th day of this month is the only feast date mentioned In the prophecy.