GRAMS oF PROTEIN 1 slice - - 3 1 slice - 2 tablespoons I glass - 3 tablespoons 3 tablespoons 8 to 11 I - Protose 1 slice - 12 Nuttolene - 1 slice 8 Flesh foods—Chop I 18 Flesh foods—Beef - I slice 21 Flesh foods—Chicken 2 slices - - 18 Keep your proteins down to body requirement at all times, and especially in the summer. Excess protein means more heat production, and it also means useless, unnecessary, and damaging work for the kidneys and liver. You are also much better off without flesh foods. ARTICLE AMOUNT Bread—White - Bread—Whole wheat Cheese—Cottage - Milk - - Beans - - Cereals—Cooked Nuts - - Eggs KEEP THE RADIATOR FULL IN HOT weather the body is cooled through the evaporation of water from its surface. A delicately balanced thermostatic arrangement causes the sweat glands to pour water onto the skin and also to dilate the blood vessels in the skin. Thus heat is abstracted from the blood and we are enabled to endure the temperature of our surroundings. Also, as fluids are removed by perspiration, the reaction of the body tends to become less and less alkaline. This is decidedly unfavorable, leading to a condition commonly known as acidosis. Quite obviously, then, it is essential that the body fluids be replenished. Iced tea and soda fountain drinks do not meet the need. That which offers an artificial sense of relief through stimulation is a poor substitute for good, cool water and delicious fruit juices. The juice of fruit, especially the citrus fruit, offers the added value of alkaline minerals that benefit the body in many ways. Keep the fluids up. The out- put from the kidneys should be upwards of two quarts a day. If you are short of this amount, drink more of nature’s brew. Enjoy an abundance of fresh, cool, crisp, vegetable salads in muggy weather. A raw grated carrot salad seasoned with a bit of lemon, or plain, and served on a crisp lettuce leaf whets the appetite at midday. A fruit salad is equally refreshing; try an apple, orange, and banana cocktail when the temperature is 90° and soggy. Another most palatable and nu- tritous combination is cold cottage cheese served on a slice of canned pineapple. Be careful of coarse vegetable and acid fruits at the same meal. If taken in any quanity they might stir up a sour stomach for you. Itis not a good combination. From your fruits and vegetables you will obtain bulk (necessary to good bowel control), vitamins, mineral salts, a good selection of sugars and starches all done up in appetizing packages for hot weather use. PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Keep your food iced in the summer. There is nothing quite so destructive to appetite as wilted vegetables, lukewarm, ‘‘blinky” milk, and water at summer temperature. Germs incubate beautifully outside an icebox, and it really constitutes a source of danger, especially to the little folks, to try to use food not protected by a low temperature. It is good economy to invest in refrigeration. At least have a burlap-covered box arranged to allow for evaporation from a drip-drenched covering. Some- way, arrange to keep your food cool and clean. An ever-present dietetic sin is overeating. Always an evil, it is even more harmful in sedentary weather. Quantities of sugar in ice cream and sodas are devoured by us in our frantic effort to keep cool. Instead, we are stoking with live fuel food and putting on fat. Furthermore, in this same effort to refrigerate ourselves we are most likely guilty of another error in eating between meals. It was not ordained that food should trickle down our gullets continuously; our stomachs were planned to receive food at stated intervals, and their periods of labor were restricted to the requirements of normal nutrition. We ordinarily do not need so much food in the summer because less is usually needed for labor, and certainly much less is required for heat. Unless you are underweight, do not allow yourself to fatten up during the summer; slow down on your intake. In eating iced dishes, take time. Sip your iced drinks. Do not chill the stomach by speed in eating or drinking. Most of us need to slow up in our rate of eating in order to enjoy it and to properly pre- pare it for the stomach. At all times if we would chew our food more, we would eat less. Iced foods or drinks should have the chill taken off by a suf- ficient sojourn in the mouth. Care in feeding the body is your biggest and most effective measure in health getting and in health keeping, summer, spring, or winter. Your summer will be a better one if you use the right fuel for the wonderful machine God has placed at our disposal. ® © o Hero Worship (Continued from page 19) are as they are, enough has been preserved, or is discernable today about us, to cause one to know that the world’s acclamation of its heroes is often a false estimate. The records of the greatest of those heroes, when weighed with the scales of eternal justice, are often such as would not cause one to wish for those records opposite his name in the day of final judgment. Thus it is about time to rewrite our list of heroes, for very few of those whom history has deigned to honor will stand the light of investigation. Let it not be thought, though, that the world has not had its true heroes. Every age has produced them; though unknown, their names are written in heaven. THE, WATCHMAN MAGAZINE