EASTERN CANADIAN MESNENGER 3 Brother and Sister Nadeas have areved m Montreal and they at onee began work with the Literature. Over 180000 pages of literature have already been ctrealated and a hist of m- berested persons Found, as the resulls who will be given Bible studies, A gentleman land in diifarent towns of the Province has offered the Land free of charge upon which to patel Che whi Ws Worthy French tabernacle and some money to help dvfray expenses. He promised us that Fo would see that we seeure permission from Phe au- thorities to pul up the Tabernnele. The writer recently spoke to thie Montreal Fonglish Church and was ninch vneonragel when the fifty persons then present renewed the conscerartion to the Lord for the fimshimg of the work in this ficld. The Lord has given us i splendid building this erty, and wath the plans on foot by the Conference for a strong elfort this fall and winter in this beege aly, the outlook 1s bright foe a great advance of the work m this metropolis. Catholic heen open to the writer and sore of those precy wo visttod whom we Jeft PAT plitce we were forced to take dinner, at another place the Roman Catholic man embraced me and Kissed we. Several Roman Beonnes have baud not see since we Montreal, gave us a fine reception. In We learned also that 0 Ronan Catholic lady who used to he our neighbor, before lier death expressed the desire to see some of the Puasscbois favoly that She might learn Nir about f ya resurrect ion [RNLRN MEN A Roman hored Catholic with whom we for the last sis wand with whom Elder "Thurber and Brother Cyr have Tahored, will be baptized moa week or fwor when the writer will return to Montreal, Catholics are so pmorant of the have la- LAREN These Rotnan Bible that it tithes time for thee to understand, hut they STH I Flom for light. While at times eorviaithaent an the laborers due to lack of finances and for a tome it seems as if the Held was heft withoot, Tel us remember that the brethren mo claege of the work wre praving and studying how to serve the whole of the ficld to the best advantage, and that the Loved overrules inoall things, and that if swe ht Him finish the work m our own heart, He will open ways and means that we are not aware of to finntsh the work mn the ficlds where we wre, PF find mn Montreal of mquiry that 1 have TERY and many of are seeking Fore of may heconme necessary and all wreonnd so spared never seen before, wid 1 Beliovs that ere dong many booest hearts mo this ficld will aceept this message and with their meats help to finash ap the work, Tao my brethren and sisters in Quehee nnd the astern Canadian Union T would say be of gol courage mothe Lord, And again 1 sav tae of cood courage for we are nearing the cid send he Toying savior wil soon return. I. I 1 Ir assE Rois QUESRENC Thos always wo poeiv:lege foovisit our brethren in Ha castorn part Ol (Jue cand renew our adlegranee too God hatelye Fooaningeed to eall ott a number of chorein «, the (Haws wold ad ote members in Vigles wb Le whiod to hear some [SERALIE Feelesion os 11:1 sans Cast thy brewed upon Fhe Fae od The waters Onarg od for thou shalt find at alter many davs™ The Word, which is the bread of Te is bemg seat tered everywhere, At tunes Can we toll arid faomched hoets are pee ving at, we wonder what the pesalt will hee. Beforehbaaud the untold good if can do® “As thou knowest net what is the way of the spirit ever so than knowest pod God who maketh all” Verse 5, Sowdh Stukely through the mailing of litera- ture, has created an inteeest wt a place called Foster, a fon niles distant, One fanuly T ealled on ix convinesd of the teath, and is convineing others. Another family at Stukely has ae- copied the truth already. Pray for Stukely. At Riviere aux Pins enjoyed my first visit to that company, As 1 walked hy Valeartior camp oon my way around the mountam, my mind took me back to 1914 when I was in the Canadian army, Ab that tine T did not know How thankful the works of the saving power of the cross, wo all shield he for the trath. The NITY STRIRESE Wil s will titled at Riviere any Pris, ood God was present, This eonpany bees boon hissy having hd two new Sabbath keepers added to their number. At Richmond T was surprised to find a dozen members in their Sabbath Sehool, There are Eright avs ahead for Richmond. Brother and Sister Hayward and Sister Brooks are Brother Brooks has taker Tos stand for the trath. May God Bless Bo. At Sutton and IPiteh Bay, T found the hreth Pla previons Sabbath Waiter, I was alsa glad to noel wath Kingston, mo leading out ne the mectings, ren of goood cong, was spent oad