i0 THE GOSPEL BY JOHN. 3. ‘“REPROVE” is translated from a word which includes the meaning of the words “convince” and *“‘ convict.” The work of the Comforter relates to sin, righteousness, and judgment. He convicts us of sin and cleanses us irom it. He convinces of Christ’s righteousness and brings it to us. He convinces us of a future judgment and prepares us for it. He convicts the world of sin “because they believe not on Me.” That is, with- out faith in Christ, condemnation still rests upon them. “Of righteousness, because I go to My Father, and ve see Me no more.” That is, as the Saviour was going away, the Comforter would manifest, or reveal, God’s righteousness, teach its princi- ples, and implant them in the hearts of men. Verses 12-15. “Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.” That is, as Satan, the prince of this world, was judged or cast out (see John 12:31; Rev. 12:7-13), at the close of the Sav- iour’s work on earth, so the Comforter would convince and convict the world of a final judgment, when all must stand be- fore the judgment-seat of Christ. 4. “HE will show you things to come.” Thus our Lord clearly taught His people that the Holy Spirit would move upon the hearts of His servants in this dispensation and reveal tothem future events, as well as in ancient times; in other words, that the gift of prophecy would be exercised in the Christian church. See Acts 2:38, 39; Rom. 12:6; 1 Cor. 12:1, 7-10, 28; Eph. 4111-13. 5. By comparing verse 16 with John 14: 1-3, it is evident that Jesus is referring to his going to heaven to prepare a place for His people. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS. I. WHY did none of them ask Christ, ‘“Whither goest Thou’ ?" 2. What work upon the heart does the Spirit of God perform? See 2 Cor 3: 3; Heb. 8: 10. 3. How was the ‘‘ prince of this world” judged? 4. How does the Spirit of God show us things to come? 5. Are there any other parties to the partnership mentioned in verse 15° : SABBATH SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS THIS QUARTER