News Notes Brother Faulkner, head deacon of the Tulsa church, writes that the Tulsa church is making some exten- sive repairs and improvements on the house of God. We are happy to see so many of our brethren through the state repairing their old buildings and getting them in shape, so that they will have a respectable place in which to worship God. We hope that all of our churches will take note of this, and let us remember the definite statements, both .in the word of God and in the Spirit of prophecy, regard- ing the importance of keeping the house of worship in respectable re- pair. T. S. Copeland brought a” good re- port from Wewoka. The Wewoka brethren are taking down the old church school building and are going to build a new school room. Definite plans are on foot for a church school there this year. We also have an encouraging word from Addington, telling us that good progress is being made on the church and church school buildings. Elder Pound was laid up with a carbuncle for a few days, but Brother J. A. Deapen, the chairman of the building committee, with the assistance of the brethren of the church, is going for- ward in a very commendable manner. Brother Claude Hughes stopped in the office with his two children on his way to Weatherford to get his wife at the hospital, where she has under- gone a successful major operation. Brother Hughes tells us that the enemy is being stirred up by the meet- ings that he has been holding in the Wynnewood neighborhood. A gentle- man challenged him to a debate the other night. However, a number of the people came to Brother Hughes after the meeting, and told him that the majority of the congregation were with him and for him not to become discouraged. At a recent visit with the Hitch- cock church, J. J. Reiswig called on Brother Abraham Loewen, who has been ill for some months. Many of the older members of the conference will remember Brother Loewen, as he used to be a worker in the earlier days of the conference. He is fail- ing fast. We ask an interest in God’s people in his behalf, and also for his wife, who is also very feeble. This prolonged illness is throwing an extra burden upon her. THE RECORD Be TEXAS CONFERENCE G. F. Bichman, President J. O. Hanson, Secretary 112 St. Louis Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. K ofpvn New President in Texas IN THE past week’s issue of the RECORD you will remember I made a statement regarding my call to the East Pennsylvania Conference and that I had accepted the call. At the time when 1 issued this statement, how- ever, my successor had not yet been chosen. The committee met in the president’s office yesterday, at which time my resignation was accepted and a new president chosen. I am sure that the entire working force and entire constituency will be pleased to learn that Elder J. D. Smith, pastor of the Fort Worth church, was unanimously chosen as the president of the Texas Conference. Brother Smith knows the field quite well and at the same time is a new man in the field. Since he has had experience on executive committees, in departmental work, and as pastor and evangelist, we believe he will be very capable of filling this position. I wish to again thank the workers and the constituency for the loyal support they have given me during my administration, and I also wish to solicit your support for Brother Smith. As we leave here we do it with the thought in mind that we are leaving many friends in Texas, and. we do earnestly pray that the Lord will continue to bless and prosper the work in the Texas Conference. G. F. EICHMAN. A Plea for United Endeavor IT IS with a feeling of great humility and with a need of help from the Lord, that I take up the responsibility of finishing out the un- expired term of Elder Eichman as president of the Texas Conference. It is with regret that we see Elder and Mrs. Eichman and their son, Harold, leave this field, but I feel sure that every one who knew them in this field joins in wishing them happiness and success in their new field of labor. My greatest desire is to please God and serve my brethren throughout the conference acceptably. I shall do my best in every way to discharge my duties properly. May we all work together harmoni- ously for the one great end of doing the work of the Lord well, and doing all that lies within our power to see the work finished quickly. There are great possibilities in this field, and if we all pull together toward the one end of developing those possibilities. and if we will humbly place our lives upon the altar for service, we shall see even greater things than we have ever seen before. May the Lord help us to this end, and may we all pray constantly for the success of the work. " Elsewhere in this issue of THE RECORD will appear the announcement of our regional meetings, that are to be substituted for the campmeeting. We trust that everyone will notice the date and the place of the meeting which will be closest to him, and plan definitely on attending. Though the + meeting will be short, we are promised good help from the General Confer- ence and Union Conference, and there will doubtless be a blessing in store for every one that will attend. J. D. SMITH. "po Dates for Regional Meetings IN LAST week's issue of THE RECORD there appeared over the name of G. F. Eichman and under the head- .ing “Regional Meetings” an announce- ment relative to our -plans at that time for these meetings. When our committee met last week to give fur- ther study to this, it seemed to be the general opinion of the members that few would be willing to drive such great distances for only a week-end meeting. Therefore, the committee thought best to increase the number of these meetings, and it was voted to hold regional meetings at the follow- ing places at the times indicated. Keene, August 27 to 81. Jefferson, August 27 to 31. Houston, August 28 to 30. San Antonio, white, September 3 to 6. Mercedes, September 3 to 6. San Antonio, colored, September 3 to 6. San Antonio, Spanish, Sep- tember 3 to 6. - As has been announced, we will have good strong General Confer- ence help, as well as help from the Union Conference and the secretaries of the local conference. As many of our local workers as can attend these meetings without disrupting their evangelistic efforts will likewise be in attendance.