Macmillan By bonnie Macmillan Illustrations by the Author Published and Copyrighted © 1960 by the REVIEW and HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D.C. OFFSET IN U.S.A. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY LIBRARY r HERITAGE ROOM JAMES WHITE LIBRARY ANDREWS UNIVERSITY ItRRIEN SPRINGS, MICHIGAN The Lord Is Long ago in the hills of Judea there lived a shepherd boy. His name was David and he took care of hjs father’s sheep. When the sheep were tired and stopped to rest, he played his harp and sang to them. David thought, “The Lord takes care of me as I take care of the sheep. He is with me all day long. He gives me everything I need.” This is what he meant when he sang, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” This is the story of a little boy whose mother called him Davy. He had some sheep too. This is a story of how it might be if Davy and the Lord Jesus could spend a day together. t>!c 6$ 5 5? 3 .D-5 Mi3 611^53 AVY LOVED his sheep and led them out to feed on the greenest grass he could find. They ate and ate until they were not hungry any more. In the middle of the day when the sun was hot, they found a shady place. The sheep were tired, and the little boy was tired. “Davy,” said Jesus, “let’s rest awhile here on this green grass.” So they rested on the shady hillside. It is nice to rest with the Lord Jesus. When we are tired we can stop and think about Him. We can say a little prayer and feel happier. He always wants the nicest things for us. "He makefh me lie down in gre pastures." AVY ALWAYS took his sheep to some cool place where they could drink good fresh water. It was a warm day. The road was dusty, and the rocky ravines were hard to climb. The sheep were thirsty and so was the little boy. Jesus led them to a good drinking place. The water was calm and still, and it tasted so good. Davy said, “No matter how tired I get or how many hard things there are in a day, the Lord Jesus always brings me to the place of still waters. This is because He is my Good Shepherd, and wants good things for me.” He leadeth me beside the still waters HE SHEEP felt happy and refreshed after their rest in the shade and their drink of cold water. They loved Davy because he took such good care of them. Davy told Jesus how much he loved Him, because He was so good and kind to him. It makes us all happy inside when we pray to the Lord Jesus and thank Him for loving us and doing so much for us. Everything good comes from the Lord. 'He resforeth my soul." EMMANUEj-M1SSIONARY COLLEGE 2JBBAAT /AVID THE shepherd boy always led his sheep along safe trails over the mountains, so they would not stumble or get hurt. He knew all the paths, so he could lead them safely. Little Davy was walking along a trail with Jesus. As they walked along they read out of God’s Book, the Holy Bible. The Lord Jesus helped the little boy to understand what he was reading. Davy learned how to be a better boy, how he could be more like the Lord Jesus. If we read God’s Book and listen to Him whisper to our heart, He will lead us in the path to heaven, because He loves us and wants us to be there with Him. "He leadeth me eousness for his name's the paths of righ sake." HE SHEPHERD boy David had to protect his sheep. Sometimes there were lions or bears or other wild animals. Sometimes there were storms. Dark clouds filled the sky and lightning flashed. The valley was dark and cold. On this day a storm came up too. There was thunder and lightning and the wind blew hard. The road to their home was dark, and the sky was filled with clouds. Davy would have been afraid if he had been alone. But the Lord Jesus was with him, so he was not afraid at all. The Lord Jesus wrapped the little boy in His cloak to keep him safe and warm. Jesus will always take care of us wherever we are. He will wrap us in the cloak of His love so nothing will harm us. 'Yea, fhough I walk through the valle the shadow of death, I will fear no evil thou art with me.” • • 7 F ONE of the sheep wandered away, Davy could reach out his shepherd’s rod, or staff, and bring it back by hooking the crooked end around its neck. When the path was steep the staff helped him to climb. The path led into a beautiful meadow. The storm had passed over, and the sun was shining. Davy was so happy to see the world look bright again. He wanted to run and jump and sing. How he loved the Lord Jesus for bringing him safely through the storm! Jesus let the little boy play with His staff because He loves little children and it pleases Him to make them happy. The Lord Jesus will bring us safely through our troubles too. Whether we are sad or happy, it is a comfort to know that Jesus is with us. 'Thy rod and thy staff they comfort fib EMMANUEL MISSIONARY college library gHOUGH there were lions and bears and other dangers like storms and steep cliffs all around, David always found places where his sheep could get plenty of grass to eat. He thought, “I give food to the sheep. The Lord God in heaven gives food to me.” It was lunchtime. They had walked a long way. Little Davy was hungry. “This stump will make a good table,” said Jesus. He reached into a fold of His robe and brought out sandwiches, apples, and a canteen of lemonade. Just then a rattlesnake glided out from among the rocks. Jesus motioned for the little boy to hold still. He would take care of the enemy. We have enemies too, like sickness or anything that frightens us. We can do like Davy did—let Jesus take care of the enemy while we enjoy the good things He prepares for us. "Thou preparest a table before me presence of mine ene iff I AVID THE shepherd boy carried a flask of olive oil tucked into his belt. When a sheep got cut on a sharp rock or was scratched by thorns he would put some of this soothing oil on the hurt place, and it would soon be all well. David treated all of their hurts because he loved them. Davy’s pet lamb had hurt its head, so he brought it to Jesus. He put some oil on the hurt place, and right away it was better. The Lord Jesus can heal any kind of hurt. He can heal inside hurts as well as outside hurts. He can take away the pain and make us feel well again. He can take away sadness and give us joy and happiness. "Thou anointest my head with oil” 'HEN DAVID, the boy of long ago, was happy he played his harp and sang songs to the Lord. He was so happy he could not keep all the happiness to himself. His music and his songs told everyone that he had more happiness than his heart could hold. Little Davy was so happy when Jesus made his lamb well that he held his pet close in his arms and laughed and cried at the same time. “My cup runneth over” means that we are so full of happiness that it spills over in smiles and laughter and singing. The Lord Jesus makes us so happy that we can’t hold all the happiness He gives us. "My c up runneth over." f /AVID WAS a good boy and when he grew up he was a good man. All of his life he walked with the Lord. He knew that a beautiful home in heaven would be his someday because he loved and obeyed the Lord. He said, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” It was late in the afternoon. Glowing colors were in the sunset sky. The lamb was tired. The little boy was tired, too, after the long hike through the hills. He fell asleep in the arms of Jesus as He carried him home to his mother. The Lord Jesus will walk with us every day of our lives if we ask Him. Then someday He will come and take us to live with Him in His beautiful home in heaven. Then we “will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” " Surely goodness and mercy shall fc me all the days of my life: and I will d in the house of the Lord for