September-October THE MESSENGER Lon Find it hard to “SHARE YOUR FAITH"? Then read on ... Mixing Racing with Religion! For many Seventh-day Advenis Chnsnans, shanng one's faith often comes under quite comtonable can: drone 35 sitting, standing or per Faaps even walking with talking to them of things eternal. Aut to 23-vear-old Bruce Dews- and an SDA Canada, nt birry, a vegetanan from Toronto. came the hard way He was one of 1 AAD cantestants - ' Pa . . - [ = -£ RN SE a me s = 3 * i Li .om - 4 | vv - ~~ Seen here are only some of the 1,640 runners in the Hidden Valley Marathon, 85%, of whom were nan Adventists othe irughest raee of tis hte i strenuous 6 me Hidden Arata Worse thie Valley rie ats third VEIT and Allaciig participants rover ain ower North Ameanca. This on long distance race first heckoned WO runners, besules countless by tan ders rats beauttu but rugoed ancd-valley ror ae Fabio stonmss of the runners precedes the praver tor the safety and Startins pun and at the race's cons Cluson, a asghcds vegatanan din sirved. Life and Health ard Other health Diiarature 15 made avasl- Able besides the launching of 200 Temperance balloons, each good for a year's sabscnplion to 8 nauon RL Ee Hereastoourcg for tne recent. Gradua'y puling away from the TEE wiamaen of all mer and young eck and neck runners, nrotessions, Bruce found mse wlll J PEP oc Corel ES dn year 5 Wanner ral Haza- mth, a captains on the Ua Manne Corps the captain had previously wien 1h 3917 not only to er race ing searching 2 hours Bruoe Detter that Marites determineg tre, hut ASC 12 use this golaen opporturity. S50 as thoy ralentigssly pounded the track together, puffing hard ar the Cronous physical strain on each, our young hero was happy to QUESTIONS Concerning ving and wonderful love Did he win Of sure! Way ah ADEWET MANY SCA banets, God's healthful that ace? ead of Winning the merathon, Bruce Dewsberry not only witnessed for the truth while racing. bur alsa on the plane returning to Canade when questioned about his X-inch tall champion’s trophy. ners in A Stupardouns 2 Hatz hours Suutes But what was mare important te Bruce and tg thie marathon sponsors: Newbury Park Advenust Church, Academy and the Southern Caiformia Conference, can be ewpressed in young Dews- Contact! At 35,000 feet Eiohiteen manths ago. Stephen Linowas thing between Hong Kona and Japarownen thaee tnendly look Ng strangers on the same thigh ag roacted him and asked dination ete Adventist oe I Tokyo, Japan 1H just Bapperod thas Stephen ved on the same raad and Frivm deft Steptien, Grace. Brent and Bran Ly with Pastor TK. Pang, formerly of YMAH and the VOP, Ite Hop WEE brang a heptu young man, Mrs. WwW Wire Acrieri a Fron sence Pastur ard ny Dr WW Fooerth retiring 1 trig, to share bus tas altar cleaning Jap- RNIVEY AtESE CUSTOMS happened” ciel Ao ne une Say aN G - wl LAY a 5 Don't you believe Lie Cust happens’ whan eal Its ab part at His reencdlous phar, worked out 10 the ranutest dent, precson-tmed Wa frocton of 3 socond to win frecivas souls for His Koangdom, Tras mee tye da YS fr ound © Soenhen bien ouane aoauanted with Advermam and with fis mews found More . . . on Page 12 herry's words it was the best rave | have been (go The course (Ss Tash I hope to return next vizar 1 know the Lard reached many people that Suritay. Only tre will how rich the harvest will be — JWE as gleaned from May 18, 78 Canadian A. Messenger and the May 2h, '/8 Review story by Theda Kuester reves)