4 | | PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PACIFIC UNION RECORDER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Dp ee ["N1OXN Dacre C'ONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Mountain 1770. Cal, Subscription Price. Fifty Cents a Year Editorial Committee J. J. Ireland FLA. Cottre li Claude Conard Entered as second-class matter July 6, 1906, at the Post-office at Mountain View, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This issue of the RECORDER was printed on the new job press that has just been building at the installed in the new Pacific Press. A mistake was made in the number of the last issue of our paper. Instead of shoud The er ror occurred in the make-up of the paper being Volume 6, Numher 51, it have read Volume 6, Number 1. at San Jose. Recent word comes trom the Southern California Conference to the effect that Flaer 1. 1. attend the camp-mecting to he held in August 16 to 26. This camp-mecting promises to be nogond one Richardson of Arizona, may Los Anocles and should be well attended by our pic ple in that part otf the field, The headquarters of the North Pacific Union Conference, which live heen lo- since coted the organization of the union conference last spring, at College Place, Wash, are new heine moved to Spokane, Wash, That place is more ceon- trally located for union conference work iN North Dh than lace, The hereafter be pub- cific lished in Spokane, is College Cleaner will North Pacific Union Conference to hold a med- with ther Tacoma, Plans are being made by the eal convention in connection South and 23. teachers’ anstitute at Wash, nected August 22 Those con- with our medical work in the Pacific Union Conference have been in- vited to attend, thus making it a Going convention, The program shows a good, strong list of subjects, with a number cl prirts assigned to physicians and sant farinm workers from this Geld, We trust that the occasion may be a profitable one North Hote In the Deicvjie Gleaner of Julvo 2 owe With interest oo report ML Dart who has roesntiy field of Tabor in Al- ow from older A. returted to his ashe, Floor Davie is located at Vo ay le [ET EE 013 NTE FESR, Pootentkan, and is beng assisted daring FE N . - 1» 3 - J ET : the simmer by Brother RLS Greaves, who has boon in aitendanee oar Aaalia hile vey Te 1. 3 1 it 1 . H-=eoel ob oeven Cyr ve [A . oresnzed, olden members has Loen Oot biottor mt on the winter will he og Alaska toe sSanmmer, as during the warner hart Staios tiie fo work in Than mn af the venr the minds of the people are oeenpied with other things, A postal card vem Nie, Franee, coited lube 200 10006, written by HLH S In hold Vea are holding oo weries of tent ineetin lder DLT. tent . ye ,o . > FR IRN hes erty, Donpdon Twenty aco and raised up ao good church Many, ar the larger part, of its members are How sleeping in Jesus, Mines then a ew ceneratton bias come upon the stage ‘ I HE A ' ) CO Th 40 ERE CY ELE ot eto, Woe are preaching CACTI prohi .. Co] : rye 1 Lo CIO ed Fond, ihe yt Lov ER ol trout ded us for wo dew nients, batoq ord has helped vs to act wisely so thai HOW Dhenee feign, Wee are gid to he a oo . rnviieced to obo on Fiancee, btw I Californie over nonin ax tar as cli and Pratt are concerned, Pray dor ons We live received oo tile folaey brethren of neat cotter out by the Foon oii Sootarion, Loma oeda, Call aoe cra bhlishing of PY Hoi hg plans for the an cotvanceed sehiosl tn conneetion ther This as thie oman sanitariun. senool is to be Kian anda College for Fvancelists, and four courses of strdy ave olereds namely mntiooey meds ical, comprising three vears’ oaork collects s nurses, covering thro PY Years; and Gospel workers”. This school is dee stoned ont for these who desive the beoeiits of a thoroughly couinped sani tariun and the tranive which it ators while securing a better preparation for For information address Prot WLLL (Redhinds)y onl, usefulness mn the Master's cause. further indo Howell, T.oma Engineer. Electrician. Nurses Wanted. - ’ electric; must also have some practi Frrst-cliss encineer ond cit Know ledoe of plumbing, Also nurses and help for domestic de- Good waves and partments, ol permanent engagement, References required, Ad- FHlelena Satitar- tn, Napa Col, Cal, dress, St. Sanitarium, SE Pp ( Ym An Investment bavs the Vegetarian Cafe [Fond stock of provisions nd WilD sedi stock will ES Ba bay il) ¢ash Sioere, without health STOCK. aud Pare Coos, The $2000, without =150 to with or involee {rom Ioxeollont opportunity rer veocrarian cook, This down below cost, as Write at has been put away I must sell within a month. + once for full particulars, (reo, HH. Scott, Prop., [205 Mourth Street, Nan Diego, Cal. ——{ } PR p— Lost, A cole-Teather trunk, canvass covered, with the name Ho WL Cottrell printed on the canvass at one end, Tt was delivered at First and Broadway Station, Gakland, Cal. on the micrning of July 30, that bhe- ing the day thar the annual camp-meet- me of the Conference of The trunk contins at feast i730 worth of our California Seventh-day Adventists closed, best wearing apparel, besides a steamer rue ind other valuable articles, I Found, address the undersigned at Moun- tain View, Cal, HOW. Cottrell, Impertant Notice to “Little Friend" Subscribers If vou ave a subscriber to Gur Little Iricud, blank please fill out the nial it to the Puishishing Commany, following and Pacific Press A poraon of our subscription list was burned, and we need this formation immediately, Pacific Press Publishing Company, Mountain View, Cal, To the Pacibie [ have ot Cur Press Pub, oe hoon Little taking Loo... Fried. My COPIES address as I TY ST TT LS