ULLETIN BOARD B ADVERTISEMENTS GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION, Indianapolis, INC July S150 Two grew trips front the Washimeton, DC area Trp #1 July 1215 Proce includes three mghis” hotel in Indianapolss, thee toll breakfasts, all rave m late-model buses and ali taxes and prangitios, plus Thursday night and all day Friday and Sabbath ar the GE wession Price: $184 cach: double occupamey Top 22 July 12-08 Includes all ofp #1 plas vrs to Amdrews Eannveran and Bade Crech. a stopos erm Detront,aonde through beautitul S. Onno, viewing of Niagara Falls, comboriable hotels and extensive sighitseemny. Price S380 cach double oc- cupancy. For tall details write or cals Bad Peterson, 2500 Ruck Ladae Terr. Adel ph MD 20TES CGO dA MER tev emings prefered 1215 MOVINGT Woe can help! Callthe prodes- smalls at Montana Conference Trans: portation We will move your houschond goods unvwhere in the Umited States or Canada. Prompt, courteous service ab i discounted price. Fora free estimate aid information concerning your mose, phone (SO0H S25 1177 Owned and operated by the Montana Conderence (12150 LOSEWEIGHT PERMANENTLY! Re Wild: woods ivean programs can transtonn duce youn holesterol and diabetes you! Jacuszn, sauna, freatiments, vegelar- wn cookie Classes, educational lectures and urded hikes on mounton tra ls. Spire nual eosiroamient. Call (SO 633 WE Wildwood Litesty le Center and Hospital, Dept Uo Wildwood, GA OTT 1 1) WANTED: woman Aho needs help getting in and out Female tor ive Give lara at bed. There will be some Witting. This pa tient us Parkinson's disease. but a sound mind. Please yuote the salary you expect, your age and your pastor's name and ad dresss Wore toe Ras Rutt, 2853 Jachson- ville Rd, Bethlcheny, PA ISO (1 TOUR SWIETZEREAND, Ausina and Germany with an Adventist group August 29 to September 120 Passion Play peitor- mance, denise on the Rhine and Sabbath in Lucerne: vegetanan meals avmiable Write 10: Sasan Pckson Finbiaow POY Bos 202. Hancocks Badge, N1TOKOIN; ar call POU THU ADISO (avs or thE 035.02 vvenimgs. 4 21 SALUTON ESPERANTISTOJIND Do you of anyone son know speak Bsperanto, the mitematianal Tangoage! An Ohio cou ple is ferrmmg and seeks Adventist pen pals to practice watt [7 vou speak Esperanto and wouht Bhe wo help us earn, please re phy tor Russell, P.O Box 1420 Ashtabula, ON 400s 11h ESCORTED SEVEN-DAY ALASKA CRUISES tor Adventist members and triends. Sad the tamous msde passage and glacier toute all the way te Anchorage tor sone of the most spectacular scenery inthe world. Sail July 22 or August S10 Early hooking and senior citizen discounts are available, For brochures, call Mert Allen of Mount Faber Cruse and Travet at (800) CAUIRARS ENE DISARILITY INCOME PROTEC TION: Representing soverad mugen carne crs ol meome replacement msuranee jot indy duals and roapein the Woashimgton, DC area The Captal Planning Group wall shop tor coverare of sout disabhinn, Bie, heath andor business insurance needs, Fora convenient vonseliation, call Jeff Ar notte ar CHT SOT IMT LOCATED IN THE SUNNY SOUTH: Fours Sma Memonal Hospital, a $0-bed tacthiiy, has openings for a director of fab oratory wud a director of pubhe relations Call Taaale Mann, director of human re sources, GE AN 3TH op send vou resume To 832 W Thigpen, Lakeland, GA I16O3S 43 THE CLASS OF 1940 trom Broadyies Aeademy an Baloo 0 wounded Trhe te to cate the tollowing class members: buon Humban, SMagken Bhntund, Bly nor Exbwee- ner, Alfred Esposeth, Bsther Jones, Opat Kane, Christine Kruger, Melvadan Lovell, Nona Saunders and Gerald Shaner. [yon Anos how to locate any of these people, please contact Sibyl Richards, 66493 Mark wood St, Worthgton, OF 3085 or call THEA) KNN-UNY POSITION OPEN: The biology depart sent on the Andrews Unversity College af Arts and Sciences inves appiianis tor continuous appombnicat tack at the us sistant, assodtitte or bull professor evel The opeming, hegmneng on July Las fora PhD. with ongoing research and publica trons a melecular ology or paleobioioes with evtdenve of, or potential tar exe] bene an teach and osirosy commment to the deals of Seventh-day Adventist Chiostan education, Responsthilities wall i Jude teaching undergraduate wd grad tate cotrses at the MS fevel, aouse re search and pubbication and sreracting closely with the exastimyg faculty strates ere planning Applicants should send curnculum vitae including a hat of pubs heations, a statement of profesaonal ob eviny es ad mannies sind addresses ot three references we Dinvnt Steen, Chuaornian; By ology Search Communities, Andrews Lm versit, Bermen Springs MEU T0d [by EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: C Ascovnates ied hoeal reenters whi spe- crabize an Lang CO career coansching seeks C programmers, Uniyorners and Infor mex bres. Oracle, Erty Relational data bases spect. Phone John Capos for offers po the Washington, DOC area or ma- fon ide ar (20210 343.0821 univ Loon 2020 SET XEST or wre to POL Bon 184200 Washimynon, DO 20605 021 FAN VOU TON FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE with creht acres of property Located on Fars Branch near Chificld, VA Price: $200008), Call (UH STT7-032600 011 Successful computer dating exclusively for SDAs since 1974 ADVENTIST CONTACT P.O. Box 5419 Takoma Park, MD 20912 (301) 589-4440 Moantam Academy chiesmates. Twenty - year tensor weekend contig Apa 2002] and 120 Recent addresses trom everyone are urgently needed. Please wate oe Sandy Whitten Swaneholon RID #3 Bow 170, MWoellshore, PPA THUS] vr cyl TTY TI O72 0h AGAPE MISSION LIBRARY neds vor Bibles boons and wll primed Ad vents materials for overseas mashing do wicet our Dtth apmiversary goal of 2000 Poses shipped trom our church, Please muh wr Gus Fosters Avape Miss 1 hear Akron SDA Church, 633 1 Water: too Rowd Ahson, OH 3336, 0115) ADVENTIST PHYSICIAN IS SEER- ING an assoote tor a booming Linus practice im the beacntul Alleghemy Moun tans of Pen vans, Baocstlent appostu- tay to buehd so thrving practice no rer sett Adverisl Church and ech prade schol Wrpetos Linda Retteer MUD Bus to Mount Jeweitn PA Todor or cath in 14 TISI2UN a STAINED-GLASS WINDOWS: Storm protection. restoration and custome work Adventstow ned and operated: 30 ycars ol eavpeiteinee, Arhites Studios Tne Adbeed Wurster, ead craftsman. Call cfs 7202 DROS op (213) 997273 BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE tor sale guret subdivision of Shenandoah Counts. VA cess bo Nationa! Forest and aonrment sept [JINN] [ands 5 daeres, ath wooded, Flas ac pert. Comvemert io Adventist church, school and deademiy, Call i703 73nd Too tot poe Monday throne Thirds [ and Er ov re me Sunday CCHEE PINES FIELD SCHOOLS OF FEA ANGELISML the non prod nanny program we cach Church nicer spine personal evangelisn, announces de [Hn transi sessions! The field sehool is net up there with the best Bible waning pro srs because we nnn students on te job Jung evangehsie sees.” Aun Hinash, connhipaer THON Ped soheadss Lang 1 Mas 7 Wahi RS Three Angels" SEN Church, Jus “-Moy 170 Kaognes Hal head Cen, NZ Lanc-Diec Fort Dodge, 14 pdark cous evaneehsmie and Auge 10 Dec. 10, Hanmbal, MO) and an application. write te Coordinating, Freld Sehoots of Pangea, Re bo Box For antormstoom ERA Stade, Al ANTS or call C08) NS [RELA Students who look Jorward to a life of serving the Lord in health, pastoral, or educational ministries must Call Toll Free 1(800) 525-9191 [for free information material on Weimar College a division of 0. VV WEIMAR INSTITUTE \ WV PO Box 486, Weimar, CA wns J Come to Falobe Meadow near Historie Redstone He splendin gh om the Rack. and the foamy Fries mouniaen babu sive shone shudant swaldbire, Bloc nab fon rout Tishang, ate tina’ Bed nan eral spines peeping, hokage and boone: why Kchenette apartments Vey af fordable, Call oso 2208006 0120 LIVE AND WORK IN LOVELY TEN. NESSEER: (rane wants wesetice Sotho profrcable aod es pana ble bees. wath without two Bodses on Ba acres, Thee shop budding anescelient well amd arar Jer, Close oo ddboentst cinarch and shoal Printing eaperwnee hoelpiul, but soll tran Business Opportanity, Re J Boy [6 Clevetmd, TN 37301 anlar 472 usd ERY A MINISTRY [OO FORMER MEM. BERS row Dives on Washoe, DO, heme developed by she Capital Man church Mlewse ond namics and antoim tort bee Pastor Capita] Mepeora] Church APSO Chesapeabe STNWOM Gdns, Ee JOON or cady 0 00 A0T 00s (TTS WANTED: Moss bases wal a cnndnen of Fe wears capenieniee yw tune oA nple Naltey Na Sent resin corner bal huhoers hots Hons vane with referers es too Pepaomnned Diepartnuent [ERTES ATOR 13 BAO Andrews Uvei-as 0 Berner Spaz MI GATLINBI RG CONDO FOR RENT: Ten mpmele wolb odosnton nn, Tao bed full batchen. ESTES RO ECR AWELTIN cable TA ail ped ieplace. Sheep Tal oe pa pie and ov cibonds Roan Bork Stresu Has tw pecens teatshaped Jucus se pa Winter tate bee Reta inthe Geet Stoke Mosnons alles IS ds ann [hacommt oo Aiveonres ol bd DO YOU KNOW A TEENAGER who ready want oo atensd an Aventis aod cry ht doesn tant ieee dl the tmton nworiey MW an te able te Cll Harry Janek anid ns 2a FR { HIGH BLOOD \Y PRESSURE? OVER WEIGHT? DIABETES? HIGH CHOLESTEROL? HEART PROBLEMS? let the health professionals at the NEWSTART® Lifestyle Program help you Call Toll Free 1 (800) 525-9191 for a free information packet a division of WEIMAR INSTITUTE PO Box 488 Were, CA 9573 \: VISITOR January 1. 1840 ATTENTION? [ookeyg tor ald 1970 Blue COLORADONMACATTION? Yoo torvou