OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE REVELATION 13 3. By what church of Asia was the next, or fifth, period of the history represented? Rev. 3:1, first part. Note 2 4. How is this church addressed? Verse 1. 5. Would the Lord have His people rest satisfied in partial reformation? Verse 2. 6. What is the exhortation and warning? Verse 3. Note 3. 7. To what sad state had trust in high profession brought the church of Sardis? Verse 4. 8. Toward what event does the promise to the over- comer point in the Sardis stage of the church? Verse 5. Note 4. 9. What is still the call? Verse 6. 10. What name expresses the special characteristic of the next, or sixth, stage of the church? Verse 7. Note 5. 11. How is the speaker here described? Verse 7. Note 6. 12. What had He done for the church? Verse &. Note 7. 13. What assurance is given the advent believers? Verse 10. 14. What 1s the hope held forth and the exhortation? Verse 11. 15. What is the ever-ringing call to every man? Verse 13. 16. What influence has the genuine advent hope upon the life? 1 John 3:3. “Pray ye therefore the Lovd of the harvest thal He will send Sorth laborers into His harvest.”