12 BEING WITH CHRIST. By man’s rebellion against God. Who was the chief agent in promoting this transaction? The devil! What does Jesus call him because of this work? A murderer. John 8:44. If death is the door of Heaven, Satan has acted the part of door-keeper of Heaven, for he has had the power of death. One of the principal proofs that men reach Heaven by dying, is found in our text which is so often quoted: ¢ The spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Does this prove that death ushers men into Heaven ? Please consider before you an- swer. If so, please observe that this text is not descriptive of the case of the righteous only; it is spoken of death as the common Jot of man. Then we get all men into Heaven by dying, whatever may become of them afterward. Can it be true that every wicked man is to enter the gates of the holy city when he dies? Sec Rev. 21:27; 22: 14, 15. But does not this text really teach the entrance of the righteous into Heaven at death? Not un- less it does that of the wicked also; for the text is descriptive of the common portion of mankind. The infirmities of old age are first described, and then the dissolution of man in death. The fact is, Solomon is admonishing the young men to attend to the service of God before these infirmities come on which lead to final dissolution. If it were only one class spoken of, it would be rather the wicked than the righteous, for Solomon would not have a young man grow up to these infirmities and con- sequent dissolution unprepared. It is the unbuilding of the man after the infirm- ities of old age have worn out all his strength, that Solomon “desoribes ; it is not his translation